Update: Rooftop Suicide!
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 1:47 am
Again I would like to thank you all for the nice comments rooftops got
Since no-one found/reported any bugs, I decided to release the update that I made to the map yesterday. The only thing that has changed is the addition of a trigger_hurt at the ground of the map, which will kill everyone that manages to get down there alive. When someone touches the ground a three second timer will start, and when it completes, the trigger_hurt will be activated for 0.01 seconds killing everyone on the ground.
Other than this addition and a clip brush or two, the map is exactly the same. The only time you should notice the trigger_hurt is when/if you drop to the ground before "Action" on TP.
Get the new version at http://www.abo.fi/~cbjorkel/aq2/rooftops.html and overwrite all files.
Again I would like to thank you all for the nice comments rooftops got
Since no-one found/reported any bugs, I decided to release the update that I made to the map yesterday. The only thing that has changed is the addition of a trigger_hurt at the ground of the map, which will kill everyone that manages to get down there alive. When someone touches the ground a three second timer will start, and when it completes, the trigger_hurt will be activated for 0.01 seconds killing everyone on the ground.
Other than this addition and a clip brush or two, the map is exactly the same. The only time you should notice the trigger_hurt is when/if you drop to the ground before "Action" on TP.
Get the new version at http://www.abo.fi/~cbjorkel/aq2/rooftops.html and overwrite all files.