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Post by Sovnig »

Well, otherwise... We could also plainly use your idea n99, since mine would require an entire tournament with lasting clans which is something we dont see oftenly in aq2 these days.
But how about just using your system with a Gold- Silver- and Bronze-Holder? Then you'd be able to challenge three different clans (making your waiting-time 1/3 hopefully? :D ), and you'd also be able to aim for a lesser prestige if a battle for the Gold would be useless since the Holder is too strong for your clan? :D
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Post by sajh »

Sovnig wrote:Well, otherwise... We could also plainly use your idea n99, since mine would require an entire tournament with lasting clans which is something we dont see oftenly in aq2 these days.
But how about just using your system with a Gold- Silver- and Bronze-Holder? Then you'd be able to challenge three different clans (making your waiting-time 1/3 hopefully? :D ), and you'd also be able to aim for a lesser prestige if a battle for the Gold would be useless since the Holder is too strong for your clan? :D
Could a clan hold more than one title at a time?
whine...<br />
"på kvällarna förvandlas den spenslige solidas till....... STÅL-TIRRE!" - minch<br />
"i hoped i cud get a chance in iN when i saw even solidas cud do it " - Snigge/2fast4j00<br />
"iN minus sajh would be a nice clan and way better, but i would never ever stand playing with such an annoying player, lucky me that i didnt get a try in iN" - Romo
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Post by emu »

why would you want to challange the 2 and 3 title holder ? "hey lets challange someone, we dont wanna be best, lets try to be second or third best"

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Post by n99 »

Lol emu.. - He's right tho; having multiple leagues makes the meta-game decisions that much harder, since you have to adjucate each clan sepately - and the waiting times shouldnt be a problem for clans, they will have enough regular cw's, eaql matches (and maybe even foc, naql and cott games)... But yeah, the concept still needs polishing.
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Post by Sovnig »

Is there an ignore-function on this forum? Sux when newbs waste 10 secs of your life with un-intelligent posts

edit: well ok n99.. have it your way :D
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Post by n99 »

Excuse me?!
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Post by n99 »

Okay, even though the actual format of this 'thing' is undecided yet, and it probably won't start until november I want representatives of clans to 'initiate a prelimenary commitment'. Sounds a bit heavy, but I lacked the terminology to say it differently. In other words (!), state your name, the name of the clan you are representing, and that clan's irc channel below. All this so I, and my yet-to-be-announced co-workers, can decide on a format actually based on the estimate number of clans that will join.

Right now, I want to retain the once-every-two-weeks schedule, which means that up to 25 clans can join (a 50-week trophy season), so everyone will have a shot at the trophy. Unfortunately, with all the good things this forum has done for me, personally (just ask den), it is still only used by the minority of aq2 players. Worse, only a handful (figure of speech) of the registered users of this forum are actually part of this forum's 'community. Hopefully, with the launch of the website, the changes to the workings of the forum itself and with time, this will chance. So spread the word. Twenty-five clans is alot, and I don't expect to get them all right here, but let's see where we end up. So, please gentlemen, even though it's still far away, I would appreciate your commitment to this event by signing below...
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Post by arild »

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Post by n99 »

Oh jazzie, I know you have copyright on this, but can I award some MP points to the person who comes up with a fitting name for the virtual award of this challenger tournament?

I might have to delete this, but I hope mister J agrees, so here goes:
15 mp-points to however finds the most beautiful, most suitable, and most appreciated solution (by me) for the question above.
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Post by alekchi »

Its slovenian and means something, yes.
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Post by Stric »

It doesn`t :tsk:
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Post by n99 »

Fine, this thread is old, but work is under way. Hopefully (with alot of writing and a little help from my friends) a basic, yet informative website will be available for the public. This project now has a title: 'Rise to the Top'. You can contact me using email or pray to find me on our Quakenet channel: #aq2.rttt.
Gore Vidal: "To succeed is not enough. Others must fail."
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