Friendly Fire - a good or a bad thing?

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Post by Sovnig »

You can also shoot 30 bullets thru a mate into the stomach of an enemy without hurting your mate, that's perfectly normal but doesnt make much sense either :D
Nades only makes the game faster methinks, which can only be a good thing? ... Ofcourse you shouldnt have too many nades, maybe just one would do the trick :D
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Post by Den »

Nades are fun :)

A league with ff enabled should be nice too
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Post by grover »

Yeah, a league where it's optional would be cool.
Like when you say "tgren 1", you can say ff is on!
Would be fair & fun too.
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Post by anesthes1a »

I think there would be a tons of teamkills if there was friendly fire on. Dno why :)
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Post by nemesis »

I think FF is +. It settles down somewhat mindless spraying. Or something.
And FF has always been ON in RK's homemap. :sleep:
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Post by alekchi »

It really sucks on public servers but on cw's its fun afterall. :oh:
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Post by splh »

FF sucks balls O_o
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Post by mxr »

I rather do nothing else than agree with alekchi :shocker:
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Post by Wex »

Absolutely good thing.

People need to watch better what to shoot at ;D
Ofc. there's also the negative side, when somebody (called NOOB!!111 :D) shoots you and says "FU!!!11 YOU WERE ON MY WAY!111" :D

Well. I think it's good. I personally would like FF on in cws etc.
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Post by disse »

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Post by Moose »

FF is definately a good thing... atleast it suits my playing style and it makes the game a bit more interesting. We've had some intense discussion in the aq2finland forum whether FF should be removed from eDome public server or not but as long as it's up to me FF stays there :m00:
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Post by DeCoder »

FF is the only thing that keeps us from being sucked into an eternal abyss of M4 mayhem.
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Post by Sabbe »

FF is a good thing. It adds some realism to a game which is mostly unrealistic.

It also makes the game slightly more challenging, which is a good thing in a game this old.

I do think that grenades+ff don't mix, but I've always hated grenades anyway. I never use grenades.
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Post by tyldis »

I was under the impression that most people hated FF, but reading this was great. To me FF makes the game a bit more balanced and avoids some headless play.
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Post by Caracol »

In Chile always was FF on. When i saw some european demos i realize that here is different... and, yes, the game is completely different.

In publics some times were problems (like a group of 5 guys who enters to the servers, kill 2 teammates and then reconnect... continuously, until the admins ban them and the ones who were behind the fake nicks). One time, one of my clanmates was on a public server (like 2 or 3 in the morning) playing a 1on1 with one of his friends (there were no duel servers, and there was a public server with some people, but not full), and suddenly a guy entered and, after some gently question from my friend, the guy didn't go out of the server (he was on his right, sure, but he could have been a little kind and go to the other server). So, my clanmate, start to team-kill him... Finally, this argue went to the forum, and my clanmate was banned from the 3 first games of the league, and the other guy now is a pussy (for a lot of people)... but, sure, the rules are the rules, and many people was on favor of my friend.

In cw's I think it's really interesting, because of the m4'ers and the snipers. With TS (Team Speak) sometimes happened in some duels that the sniper told the m4'er that was trying to kill the other guy: "Move, i got the shot!" or something. And then the m4'er hides, and the sniper got the enemy. And, yes, it's more "realistic" (in the context of aq2).

But, here... if you want to change it for a league or something. It must be a very complicated stuff. Because every clan has get used to FF off. Weel, it's obvious.

Personally, I preffer FF on. More strategic, realistic, and -of course- fun (mistaking, in a league or cw, a skin it's awful... but an experience to remember).

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