minchiano babbles at length

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minchiano babbles at length

Post by minchiano »

A memory hit me in the back of the head walking home yesterday (read saturday) morning. (For the peeps who remember) When Mats had Aj-aj he ran a server doing one on one with a queue. That would be fun to see somewhere. Hell if I remember what the gameplay was called though... ohh and if such a server should pop up magically somewhere I strongly suggest weaponstuffing 'cause otherwise it'll just be another one of them autoheavens with a jimdandy rotation that goes teamjungle-cliff2-cloud for about a week until I get really pissed off and go do a Unabomber on your asses. But seriously if there's room for one of these thingamabob servers it'd be helluvaphun! And what the flying fuck is wrong with the rotations nowadays? Look at the bottom of this page people: http://www.lahtela.com/aq2suomi/maps/ It says 247 fucken maps. Wouldn't it be about time with a rotation change? And then I'm talking my regular servers, TnX, Pelitutka 1 + 2, Boomtown 1 + 2, Death Angels, eDome and whatever I missed. On some there are actual serveradmins that play :shocker: and thus have rcon so they'll change to non-rot maps on their own whim or when farts like me cry enough but on the rest... at least TnX and Boomtown needs a facelift in my opinion. BT's maplist is fucken huge which is a good good thing indeed but it still needs a new rot. And TnX... remove cliff2 from that one all together or I'll be forced to kill someone! (watch out Tirrox!!) And have I said this before? Aint there any coder or some such that can add a script (hust for test) that stuffs a weapon/item every round so the players get to use ALL the weaps in AQ2 and making it near impossible to face more than two M4's in a round. I think that's a pretty darn good idea myself. Now it's not that I don't dislike the M4 in any way no no nonono... yes but there are just too many of them in a good game of AQ nowadays which fucks up the general gameplay for all me :lol: So whaddayasay dear coder? I'll buy you a Guinness! And why isn't map other in the rotations anywhere? Or is it and I've missed it? Naaaw, that's impossible! Can't be. Nope. O_o Bah. Screw you all and see you on a server in the future. Tomorrow (read monday) somewhere between 17.00-21.00 prechance? I've heard rumors Tyldis' back up. Or was it Sumpen? Whatever. GOOD NIGHT!

And don't try this at home now kiddos. It takes a pro.

Ohh noes! Only thing I'm good at's whining!!! Doh!

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Post by emu »

tbh i didn't bother reading all of it, but i got some glimps of it. Its your random "OMG ALL USE m4 FFS CLIFF" whine :) let me tell you this. Alot of players like cliff2 alot. I like it because its one of the few map that is still played the action quake2 way, rush rush. not the campy ass maps like tj etc.

Most players when playing public wants to have fun, right ? so why try and limit the use of weapons ? If a guy wants to play with m4 because he finds that the most fun, let him ?
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Post by minchiano »

But we all know you're a bore now don't we emu? :P
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