#clantav - Terror Ad Vincit recruiting

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#clantav - Terror Ad Vincit recruiting

Post by TheHunter »

Hi, we're forming a new aq2 squad for one of portugal's oldest multigaming clans and we are seeking experienced players. As for now, we constitute a total of 3 members that play since around 99, me (from POR), norse (FIN) and Grizzly (ICE).

If anyone would be interested to make a tryout, please feel free to drop by our channel and pvt with any of us 3. :)
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Post by Jazzie »

One portugese, one finnish, and one icelandic. I predict this clan to be a beating. good luck.
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Post by zombien »

Hmm..with such spread of members, the ping will suck :( GL HF though
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Post by TheHunter »

Wrong it is to underestimate opponents based on ping alone, norse has good pings, grizzly has 80-90 to boomtown, I have an average of 80 - 100 to some northern europe servers depending on time of day. In urban terror it should be the same but see who's been owning urt scene for the past few years, pt clans, period. Not saying that we're gonna own everything, of course not, just saying ping isn't everything, and the objective of this new squad is also to recruit members with good pings, so we can add experience with good connections among our members.
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Post by zombien »

Of course ping dosen't mean EVERYTHING, but if you have 80-100 and playing vs. people with 15-30 it will have an impact on the game. But hey..it ain't all about winning, but having fun so it's cool with new clans ;)
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Post by kaaos »

I hope you haven't inherited the behaviour of some Portuguese Urban Terror clans into yours.
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Post by TheHunter »

And I hope people would stop making generalizations...
Btw zombien, it has impact, but doesn't mean it is impossible to give a good fight and as I said, we're also seeking members with good connections.
Anyway, we are here to stay, have fun and try to give our best.
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Post by Ultiex »

gl boys
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