Update: Rooftop Suicide!

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Update: Rooftop Suicide!

Post by NRGizeR »


Again I would like to thank you all for the nice comments rooftops got :)

Since no-one found/reported any bugs, I decided to release the update that I made to the map yesterday. The only thing that has changed is the addition of a trigger_hurt at the ground of the map, which will kill everyone that manages to get down there alive. When someone touches the ground a three second timer will start, and when it completes, the trigger_hurt will be activated for 0.01 seconds killing everyone on the ground.

Other than this addition and a clip brush or two, the map is exactly the same. The only time you should notice the trigger_hurt is when/if you drop to the ground before "Action" on TP.

Get the new version at http://www.abo.fi/~cbjorkel/aq2/rooftops.html and overwrite all files.

Thanks, :P
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Post by Masa^ »

Pretty good solution for that groundproblem.
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Post by angra »

good, i realy like this map, havent tryd it in teamplay but dm was realy funny :bday:
}i{ angra - #clan.illusion
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Post by Stric »

skybox is still too low if you look form the highest building. Throw knife upwards any you`ll see how fast disappears :?
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Post by NRGizeR »

Uncle- wrote:skybox is still too low if you look form the highest building. Throw knife upwards any you`ll see how fast disappears :?
yeah... but that is only really relevant if you try to throw a knife behind the "changing rooms" on the pool roof, but I'm not sure that you could even hit anyone standing there anyway, because of the angle. The other roofs you can reach fine with knives even though the sky is as low as it is. Does anyone else feel that this is a problem? I mean there would be no point in throwing your knife straight up anyway :D (no flame intended)

The reason many mappers to want to have as low a sky as possible is related to how the Q2 engine determines what to draw, and in general, higher sky "roof" means more polys drawn on the screen at any given time.

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