aq2install: about config

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aq2install: about config

Post by Rallu »

Here is current version new aq2install config.
Any suggestions?

Code: Select all

//		Aq2 Config files
//  Feel free to change settings whatever
//  you like. Works like "bind [button] [command]"
//  Find more info & ask questions:
// /
//  Credits: Blue vex & Rallu

unbindall			//removes all previous settings

//Player settings

set skin "male/grunt" 		//Your deathmatch skin 
set name "Aq2inst_player" 	//Your in-game name 
set crosshair 1 		//Crosshair on/off 

//Mouse settings

set freelook 1 			//Mouse look on/off 
set sensitivity 7 		//Mouse sensitivity
set m_filter "1"		//Smooths mouse
set m_pitch "0.022"		//mouse pitch, use "-0.022" to get invert mouse
set m_xpfix "1"			//windows XP mouse acceleration fix

//Movement and attack

bind w +forward			//Move forward button 
bind s +back 			//Move backwards button 
bind a +moveleft 		//Strafe left button 
bind d +moveright 		//Strafe right button 
bind shift +movedown 		//Crouch button 
bind mouse2 +moveup 		//Jump button 
bind mouse1 +attack 		//Shoot button 

//Action Quake2 commands

bind q "weapon" 				//Button to change firing mode on weapons with 
bind g "use m26 fragmentation grenade" 		//Button to select grenades 
bind f "use special" 				//Button to select unique weapon with 
bind z "drop weapon;wpdrop" 			//Button to drop your weapon with 
bind x "drop item" 				//Button to drop your item with 
bind r "bandage"				//Button to bandage with 
bind e "reload"					//Button to reload with 
bind space "opendoor" 				//Button to open doors with - use button

//Standard use

bind 3 "use blaster" 				//Selects pistol 
bind 4 "use a 2nd pistol" 			//Selects akimbo pistols 
bind 5 "use throwing combat knife" 		//Selects the combat knife 
bind y messagemode 				//Talk to everyone 
bind t messagemode2 				//Talk to teammates-only 
bind f1 "cmd help" 				//Shows scores 
bind tab inven 					//Brings up the inventory 
bind pgup invprev 				//Selects the previous inventory item 
bind pgdn invnext 				//Selects the next inventory item 
bind enter invuse 				//Uses the current selected inventory item 
bind escape togglemenu 				//Brings up the Quake2 menu 

//Sniper script made for AQ2: TNG

alias 1x "lens 1;sensitivity 7;echo [1x] Sensitivity 7;bind mwheelup 2x;bind mwheeldown alrd1x" 
alias 2x "lens 2;sensitivity 5;echo [2x] Sensitivity 5;bind mwheelup 4x;bind mwheeldown quick1x" 
alias 4x "lens 4;sensitivity 3;echo [4x] Sensitivity 3;bind mwheelup 6x;bind mwheeldown quick1x" 
alias 6x "lens 6;sensitivity 1;echo [6x] Sensitivity 1;bind mwheelup 1x;bind mwheeldown quick1x" 
alias quick1x "lens 1;sensitivity 7;echo [QUICKLY] Zooming to 1x;bind mwheelup 2x;bind mwheeldown alrd1x" 
alias alrd1x "lens 1;sensitivity 7;echo [ALREADY] 1x zoom" 
alias wpdrop "sensitivity 7;echo [SNIPER] Adjusted;bind mwheelup 2x;bind mwheeldown alrd1x" 

bind mwheelup 2x 			//Button to zoom in with sniper rifle 
bind mwheeldown alrd1x 			//Button to zoom out with sniper rifle 

//Misc stuff

bind f2 exec autoexec.cfg 	//Button for re-executing your autoexec 
set cl_run 1 			//Always run on/off 

//Video settings

set vid_ref gl					//
set gl_driver "opengl32"			//Enables OpenGL. Replace "opengl32" with "3dfx" to enable voodoo cards. If this wont work it loads software.
set gl_mode "6"					//resolution 1 = "320x200", 2 = "400x300", 3 = "512x386", 4 = "640x480", 5 = "800x600", etc
set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"	//Texture blending mode. try GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR for higher detail
set gl_polyblend 0 				//Turns flashing on screen when hit on/off 
set gl_modulate 3 				//The brightness of textures - OpenGL max 3 & 3Dfx max 1.5
set gl_shadows 1 				//Shadows beneeth players 
set intensity 2 				//The brightness of the OpenGL display. 
set cl_maxfps 90 				//Max frames per second
set gl_screenshot_quality "85"			//Screenshotjpg quality
set skydistance   "5000"			//Skybox size
set gl_stainmaps  "0"				//Stainmaps efects (blood).
set gl_waterwaves "3"				//Waterwave effect
set gl_replacewal "1"				//Enable highresolution textures.
set gl_replacepcx "1"				//This try to replace all pcx pics with highrolution ones.
set gl_shadows    "2"				//Shadows, 0 disable, 1 originals, 2 enchanced.
set gl_dynamic    "2"				//Dynamic lights, 0 disable, 1 originals, 2 enchanced.
set gl_fontshadow "1"				//Shadows to all texts
set gl_decals	  "1"				//Bullet hole decals
set gl_decal_time "30"				//How long decals stays

//sound settings

set s_wavonly "0"
set cd_nocd "1"
set cl_stereo_separation "0.4"
set s_khz "22"
set s_primary "0" 
set s_mixahead ".14"
set in_mouse "1"
set in_joystick "0"

//Winamp settings
bind rightarrow winampnext	//Play next track
bind leftarrow winampprev	//Play previous track
bind uparrow winampvolup	//Increase volume by 1%
bind downarrow winampvoldown	//Decrease volume by 1%
bind INS winampstop		//Stop
bind HOME winampshuffle		//Toggle suffle
bind DEL winamppause		//Pause
bind END winampplay		//Play
set cl_winampmessages "1"	//Show winamp msg's (track changing).
set cl_winamp_dir "c:/winamp"	//Winampdir

//Netplay settigns

set cl_predict "1"		//prediction code. Should be enabled always.
set rate 10000			//amount of data sent to server. 1-25000. for adsl 9000-150000
alias graph_on "set netgraph 1;set cl_shownet 1;echo Graph ON...;wait;bind F2 graph_off"
alias graph_off "set netgraph 0;set cl_shownet 0;echo Graph OFF...;wait;bind F2 graph_on"
bind F2 graph_on				//show netgraph

//Multiplayer menu servers (max 8)

set adr0 ""
set adr1 ""
set adr2 ""
set adr3 ""
set adr4 ""
set adr5 ""

//Other servers
//write to console for example "edomeclan1" to join eDome clan server 1

alias edomeclan1 "connect"	//edome clan server 1 --
alias edomeclan2 "connect"	//edome clan server 2 --
alias edomeclan3 "connect"	//edome clan server 3 --
alias edomeclan4 "connect"	//edome clan server 4 --

//Server settings

set bholelimit 0		//number of max bullet holes on walls
set splatlimit 0		//number of max blood splats on walls
set shelloff 0			//Shell particles on/off
dmflags 256			//server settings - check manual for more info
set floodprot 0			//Flooding protection

and currenly under work: ... ungle1.jpg ... ytown2.jpg

oh and its for aprquake
Blue Vex
Posts: 172
Joined: Tue Sep 23, 2003 3:22 pm
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Post by Blue Vex »

I suggest:
sensitivity 5
m_filter 0
bind space +moveup
bind X 2x
bind X alrd1x
bind 3 "use mk23 pistol"
cl_maxfps 105
gl_shadows 1
gl_texturemode gl_linear_mipmap_linear
s_mixahead 0.1
cl_stereo_separation is no sound setting! :)
bind z "drop weapon;wpdrop" //Button to drop your unique weapon with

Also, the sniper script has a minor echo bug that is unimportant for it to function properly.
Thanks for adding my nick. Remember its Blue Vex. :)
Last edited by Blue Vex on Mon Aug 30, 2004 4:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Steinar "Blue Vex" Furuli
I snipe with my Pistol, and your Rifle.
hit the ground hard, real hard
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Location: fi

Post by Rallu »

of course credits for you... You made base for that config ~2 years ago ;)
and shadows are already 1
Blue Vex
Posts: 172
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Post by Blue Vex »

But it says "2".. :)
Steinar "Blue Vex" Furuli
I snipe with my Pistol, and your Rifle.
hit the ground hard, real hard
Posts: 93
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Location: fi

Post by Rallu »

it seems to be twice there :P first gl_shadows 1 and then gl_shadows 2

and 2 is way much better.
is connecting
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Post by DeCoder »

How are they different?
Keeping up delayed appearances.
is legless
Posts: 551
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Post by imeiz »

DeCoder wrote:How are they different?
2 is enchanted shadows, (atleast) in aprq2, 1 is the buggy one ;P
Sync' imeiz - AQ2Suomi & AQ2World forum moderator, part-time TATM-writer
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