aka cought with cheats!!!

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Post by stan0x »

yea.. Ban Ban Ban Ban :bday:
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Post by n99 »

Clown wrote:I swear you both were in every clan Impakt ever had :D
Don't be so sure. I think I was once in a clan with Impakt. For four days. Then I discovered he was cheating (as in, discovered it first hand). All the other clans he was in, those times, I was in [MaG].
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Post by Jazzie »

Endy wrote:I'm gonna start an online petition, unban aka now! :rambo:
too bad man, we started it before you. AND YOU CANNOT JOIN!!!

oh well, ok then.
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Post by mxr »

free aka foundation :tsk:
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Post by Zpid0r »

This was a bad new's =/
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Post by MadWolf »

Think about it, why should the admins treat aka anyway else than another cheater? Because he's fame? Oh plz people, just think about it... Use your teeny weeny (string bikini) brains.

Bunch of retards... "free aka", give me a break!

So, he was bored. Does that give him the right to cheat on a public server? I say (again) keep the ban, and as Morph said they clear the banlist atleast twice a year...

No mercy!
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Post by Jazzie »

Of course, people shouldn't be cheating on public servers, and of course they should have some kinda of penalty for that. But banning known old-time players for cheating due to said reasons shouldn't be main priority. Sure it was dumb and daft, but banning a member of one of the better clans in the world just since he acted really stupidly for the few minutes it was won't help this community.
He should be banned, but not for that long a time. I'd say something ranging from three weeks to two months. It's supposed to scare him off doing it again, not exclude him from the aq2scene, right?
Or perhaps excluding aka from this very scene is the point of this whole thing, I wouldn't be too surprised.

also; written warnings can easily be missed, especially on public servers.
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Post by Overii »

ye ban him forever !!!!!
go play counterstrike with ur fellow cheaters
ich bin das kopf o/
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Post by emu »

its kinda of a harsh punishment. Well aka then both you and me are banned from the aq2admin servers ;)
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Post by vader »

we all know aka dont usually cheat
i know he got caught... but seriously...
a man can make a mistake... :#:
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Post by peep »

first of all n99, your english is very good but not flawless. which leads to my second point. shove your besserwisser bullshit somewhere where the sun don't shine.. preferably your ass.
i can honestly say i've never liked you and i probably never will..
and aap must have been some lowlife dutch kid. you're all named jaap or saap or whatever

dani: you've been whining since we crushed your whining E asses a couple of days ago. please, just fudge off

and frede: am i not following the rules? do you see me cheat? i never cheat and i don't plan to do it either..

you don't need a reason to help people..
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Post by JoLLa »

who cares about tnx/bt they sux 8(

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Post by Samislide »

eDome is like Hackes Solaris once was. BT is the place to be.
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Post by alekchi »

Lets quit playing aq2, everyone, so there aint any cheating!
Sign my petition to end all aq2 server plz
I'm sitting down here but hey, you can't see me.
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Post by Overii »

once again.. why unban him only because he said he was bored, i bet he will get bored more then once in his pathetic life...

and peep, we dont all care about winning like u do no life fuckface..
ich bin das kopf o/
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