Movie reviews

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Movie reviews

Post by alekchi »

I just wanted to start thread where you can review movie when you have seen one, and tell us did you like it or not. Just with word "sucked"/"0wnz0red" or with long novel.

But remember no spoilers!

Today I went to theatre and saw M. Night Shyamalans "the Village". I liked it more than I liked signs but not quite as much as the sixth sense. Movie was definetly worth of time, but Im not sure was it worth of 8euros (since Im really poor :lol:.

I really liked Adrien Brody (I became "fan" of him after I saw 'the Pianist') and I liked Bryce Dallas Howard (as Ivy) also. Joaquin Phoenix and the others were ok. And it was funny to see Michael Pitt since I saw 'bully' today in the morning where he played bigger part.

Movie itself was exciting and intresting all the way and I liked the ending also, though some of my friends liked movie except the ending. Movie seemd to divide people quite well in 2 categories, since half of people came out from theatre and were talking something like "goddamn that sucked" and "it was bad" "i wouldve rather watched some old 100 times seen movie again" but other half (including me) seemed to like or love it.

I would rate it 8/10. link -

And earlier today I saw Bully it was watchable and pretty and I liked Michael Pitts character as Donny and hated 'Lisa'. I think this movie was also worth of time, but some characters were just too annoying for me to take. :D

I would rate it 7/10. - link
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Post by mxr »

Man on fire - 0wnz0red
something dur dur
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Post by Den »

mxr wrote:Man on fire - 0wnz0red
indeed it does :)

There's a chopper coming in 3 days and there's a katana on top of the cafe and that's all you need to know
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Post by Jazzie »

Psalmer från Köket - 8/10
fell in love with the game
was in the wrong place
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Post by sanity »

Godfather 10/10 :>
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Post by arild »

sanity wrote:Godfather 10/10 :>
The Godfather Part II 10/10
The Godfather Part III 8/10

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Post by alekchi »

Yeah, except I would say 9½, 9, and 8½ I didnt see that major suckiness in part III that somepeople talk about. :O


I watched win a date with tad hamilton today and it was quite basic romantic comedy, but it was happy and nice so I liked it, even though sometimes it was a bit boring. :)

6½/10 -
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Post by dudemcpek »

Super size me, documentary, everyone should watch it. I'd say 10/10 for good documentary..
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Post by mOrg »

Boonduck Saints 10/10 , cuz its a hella of a story, told in a great way :D
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Post by alekchi »

hehe, m0rg. because of your comment Im going to see that next. -> :)
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Post by n99 »

It's 'boondock saints' and I didn't find it all that great, not a bad watch, but certainly not 10/10.

'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' 92/100
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Post by alekchi »

oh, yeah. I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind few days ago and liked it, but not that much, I would give it 7½/10. Jim Carrey was great.

And I watched Dude where is my car? and It had so poor jokes and so on, but it was funny sometimes and I like ashton kutcher so Ill give it 6/10.

I saw eurotrip for a second time and I think it was good even though I had seen it, first time I wouldve rated it 8, as a second viewing time it was still worth of 7, so not bad. It had quite basic jokes and stuff, but it was, in my opinion, best of those 'highschool' comedies I have seen.
So 8/10 -
+it had quite many titties in it.

And then, I saw Pi -
I liked Darren Aronofsky other film, requiem for a dream, but I think I even liked this more, um, no, as much I have to say. Sean Gullette did good job and Im definetly going to watch this movie again sometime and think more about things. :)

ps. noob(boon)duck saints 8(
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Post by n99 »

alekchi wrote:oh, yeah. I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind few days ago and liked it, but not that much, I would give it 7½/10. Jim Carrey was great.
One question: Were you ever in a serious relationship you would have wanted to 'do over'?
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Post by Samislide »

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 9/10
This is the best movie made so far -2004, imo. And also one of the best I've seen. One of those "Noo did it End already-movies :("

The Football Factory - 9/10
If u liked Snatch, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Mean Machine etc, u'll love this one.
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Post by mxr »

The Punisher
A really nice and touching story, action to the climax..
John Travolta, great as always ;-)

My Boss Daughter
chaotic, but a sloppy manus and bad actors..
but worth a watch, not a movie you can see twice like Matrix1 ;-)

Old, but still a watchable and enjoyable movie.. brad pitt 4 president

The Italian Job(new one)
Really nice story, and great wellknown actors.. watchable
haven't seen the old italian job yet ;(

Garfield the movie
It was bad criticed in Sweden, maybe cause of the swedish speak
I saw it in english, and Garfield really owns..
lack of story, but that fat cat makes it watchable, more lasagna! ;D

more to come, l8r :shocker:
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