FOC2004: Way to the top with Apprime (movie)

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FOC2004: Way to the top with Apprime (movie)

Post by spessu »

Description: As some of you know, in June there was this AQ2 tournament arranged in Salo, Finland. It was called AQ2 Finnish Open Championships and there were 16 participation clans including the most top clans in Finland AND Mobile Infantry from Sweden. The idea of this tournament was to sort out the most elite clans on fair and square platform, meaning of course that everyone played with quite similar hardware. You can read the English summary here:

Well anyway, this movie follows Apprime's (indey, sweetus, Aksu and grandi) journey, as they fought their way from early beginnning to the very top. The video contains all matches with highlights. Some of the matches include also shoutcasts but unfortunately they are in Finnish. Story elements and some drama have also been added to burst up the feeling. And of course Keygrip and other digital editing has been done a lot...

Secondary: ...

- File size = ~282 MB
- Video format = 640x480 DivX5 (Bitrate 1104)
- Playing time = 31.17 mins

This is far the biggest video of mine yet and I worked with it a lot. Although it is about "stupid Finnish clans fighting each others" I hope you give it a try since it has received a nice welcome here in Finland. And of course there is Mobile Infantry for Swedish people :)

PS. Comments and questions are welcomed and I'd appreciate if some of you would rate it at the site (Own-Age).
Last edited by spessu on Fri Oct 08, 2004 12:44 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by birdie »

Yea.. this is one of the greatest movieprojects so far :)

+Keygrip working
+Feeling (Dramatic loss vs sC' :D )

-Intro was pretty good though that would have been longer with more information about Foc/Apprime themselves.

-A bit blurry quality but it didn't bother me at all
-Where's the videoclips from the foc that some M.I dudes recorded? Could've been nice improvement ;)
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Post by Royal^ »

Ahh.. Me like this.. Me like this LOT!!

Ive been saying in irc to Specialist who knows how many times how good this movie is.. ive watched it atleast 50 times and it just keeps entertaining me alot.

+ FAR the best aq2movie ever made IMO

- Dunno.. Nothing? Maybe a lack of the intro and some matches didnt have shoutcast but blimey.. This does GOOD!!!
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Post by Meist0r »

archive damaged :(
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Post by NRGizeR »

Meist0r wrote:archive damaged :(
I got the same thing.... trying to download it again from a different mirror now tho...
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Post by spessu »

God damnit, I will never, ever send any zip larger than 100 megs to any server! I'll try to get another link... this is very annoying :(
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Post by NRGizeR »

different mirror... same error:

testing: FOC2004 - Way to the top with Apprime.avi bad CRC e0f43eca (should be 1a3756ed)
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Post by spessu »

Ok, now the link is replaced. It's on clan RK's server and that's the same link from which all Finns downloaded it. 70 gigabytes downloaded, only 1 person informed about anykind of corruption. Should work!

I'm still trying to get Own-Age to host .avi version of the file. Sending it their ftp now and then I'll contact and ask them to send it Filefront. This may take a couple of days...
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Post by n99 »

I'm sorry to say that I actually didn't really like this movie alot. There are a couple of reasons for this.

A) There are alot of recams and cuts, without most of bringing anything new to the table. So no extra information is gained from it, and it doesn't add to the feel or visuals. It does sometimes, like on cloud vs. M.I, but I saw no need for these things to be used so heavily.

B) You hardly ever get a first person perspective long enough to see what a player is thinking, and why he is doing what he does. I know most of the maps where really heavy hitters, so most of it could have been straightforward rush and slaughterwork, but there must have been some of those 1on1 finishes where all the other people on the LAN are watching eagerly to see what is going to happen.

C) Sound was the worst part for me. I'm used to AQ2movies not having my exact musical choice but this was horrible in my book, and since there was no in-game sound at all (which can be nice if used properly, imo) I simply turned the sound of after awhile.

D) I saw a couple of nice frags, but it was mostly run-of-the-mill m4 work. I don't really mind this if there are other aspects of the movie that warrant this, see below.

Few things I did like:

A) The birdseye view in Rok, the spawn shots in Rok, any other scenes where you see get an idea of the teamplay used (or the lack thereof). In my opinion this could have been used so much more often, and in such diverse ways. I mean, since I'm neither a top- nor a finnish player, I'm pretty much unfamiliar with, for instance, Apr's tactics on riots. As they lost with incredible numbers, it would have been good for me to get an idea what went wrong.

B) The knives that miss accompanied with that little sound, I love that. In general, I really liked the fact that there are alot of hastily thrown, only just missing knives in there, but I felt dissatisfied that I didn't see the end of alot of these 1on1 fights.

C) The drama, the texts in between, that kinda stuff.

D) The colorfilters, and the syncing with the music. I liked that even though I hated the music itself.

All in all, I'm not dissapointed to have downloaded it or watched it. Maybe the fact that I'm not finnish and wasn't at this LAN plays a big role in me not liking it too. I mean, if I were there and I watch it, it would bring back memories and that's always a plus. More of a tactical OR a first person view with the same material would have made it more enjoyable for me too. Well, maybe this just isn't my thing, but I hope I structured my critique in a manner that could be considered constructive.

n99 out.
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Post by spessu »

n99 wrote: A) There are alot of recams and cuts, without most of bringing anything new to the table. So no extra information is gained from it, and it doesn't add to the feel or visuals. It does sometimes, like on cloud vs. M.I, but I saw no need for these things to be used so heavily.
The main reason I had to do so much recamming was that the spectator demos (which by the way were the only demos recorded excluding the finals) didn't have much contents to see. I mean the spectator was most of the time tracking wrong players and such...

By the way, I was using "free mouse controlled recamming", which I haven't seen in other movies yet.
C) Sound was the worst part for me. I'm used to AQ2movies not having my exact musical choice but this was horrible in my book, and since there was no in-game sound at all (which can be nice if used properly, imo) I simply turned the sound of after awhile.
What goes for soundtrack, my main goal was to make it "wide", like everyone got something to listen. I mean, there are included many different stylished songs. I don't believe in using music "I'd like to listen generally" but more like selecting ones which fit in the picture. I liked to have an own independet theme in every matches.
D) I saw a couple of nice frags, but it was mostly run-of-the-mill m4 work. I don't really mind this if there are other aspects of the movie that warrant this, see below.
Yeah, that was the first problem to solve before I even began to do this. "What kind of fragging movie should I make since the raw material isn't really consisted of selection of nice and visual frags but rather professional playing?" So I decided to go for it, make an story based fragging movie which would reflect the feeling of FOC2004.
Few things I did like:

A) I'm pretty much unfamiliar with, for instance, Apr's tactics on riots. As they lost with incredible numbers, it would have been good for me to get an idea what went wrong.
In Riot, I didn't actually sought any more than the feeling that Apprime is literally lost... so I ended up to show how they are killed one after the another.
Well, maybe this just isn't my thing, but I hope I structured my critique in a manner that could be considered constructive.
Yeah, thanks for your feedback, it was fine. I really like to talk about my projects, explain things, share thoughts and such. Just keep writing feedbacks ppl, they always make sending movies to the net worthwhile.
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Post by n99 »

The fact you could only use spectator demo's explains a lot actually.. And yeah I noticed something different from the recams, and sometimes it felt really nice, just a bit too much for my taste.
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Post by Meist0r »

+ liked the serious style u consistent stick the whole movie through
+ some blends were nice
+ the sound was a little bit naughty and uncommon -> especially 4 this reasons OK

- the content and duration make the vid completely boring, unfortunately
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Post by Jazzie »

Meist0r wrote: + the sound was a little bit naughty
I was considering downloading this movie until I read this.
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Post by CreepPopara »

too long... too much recams... too boring for me :?
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Post by Zonic »

I really enjoyed this movie!

But maybe just because I was there in finland on the event...
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