Mobile ATI Radeon 9700

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Mobile ATI Radeon 9700

Post by korny »

Well I have bought myself a new computer, mobile one and want to test it vs my other PC in AQ2. Installed the software and everything ran smooth. Then I tried to install Omega drivers and the computer didn't accept them, couldn't get into windows. But then I managed to add the drivers in hardware configuration in the display drivers section. So I added and rebooted, worked fine. Then I pressed the aq2 icon, software worked smooth, switched to OPEN GL then it went to software again. Doesn't want to run in open gl :(

About the PC:
Whitebox 1.7 Ghz Centrino Dothan, 512 mb ddr, 60 gb harddisk and Radeon 9700 128 mb gfx card, running XP Pro SP2
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Post by Da^JuaN »

ive 9700 128mb in my laptop, ill give you an more decent answer tomorrow :)
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