Weapon Choice

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Post by impressiVe »

harhar.. <- only mp5.laser xD
Ohlolol fragged again :/
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Post by NeoFight »

Most of the times M4 and Kevlar.
But in C2 I use M4 and Laser. And sometimes Sniper not often tho.
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Post by Tactics »

m3 all the way baby!

Maybe some SSG in cw's (read. Long-Distance-Maps).
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Post by Hazler »

I use mostly SSG+vest, but if I get frustrated and have 0 frags after 5min, I'll probably take M4+laser. :(

Meh is a fraghuntah.
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Post by n99 »

Strangely enough, it seems to work too, emu.
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Post by rudL »

ssg + bandolier if grens are on
or just knives :P
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Post by Royal^ »

I used to play with sniper all the time, but now i use almost only m4, it is SOOOOOOOO much better than sniper, with my luck you need approximately 2.3 bullets with sniper to kill one guy (kevlar and legs or kevlar and kevlar or kevlar and stomach or kevlar and hear or legs and head etcetcetc... and sometimes bandagebug saves) so it isn't funny anymore. M4 is my choice, sometimes sniper, very occasionally maybe m3.
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Post by birdie »

Mostly ssg novadays.. m4 needs so much luck that I don't have, so I don't like to play with that anymore :p
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Post by imeiz »

on publics, all other weapons except m4
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Post by minchiano »

M4 sucks because there's too much of it. Now there's one more as well because I've picked up the piece-of-shit gun too. Be glad, be sad. Either way I'll single you. Fuckers.
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Post by .UncycleD »

OMFG! Minch with m4! That's like the Vatican state with a lasergun. most strange...I'm puzzled :?

Well, maybe the uNF-bith will whine less now :D
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Post by Endy »

Huhu I agree, minch with m4 omg?

Btw I use mostly m4+kevlar, even on cliff2 :) Once upon a time I could handle the sniper but those days are like over, sure I feel confident when Im sniping on public and gets 45% accuracy but lets face it, never works in CWs because then ppl does not move in the same newbish way there and are harder to hit :) Hmm, conclusion is that m4 is my weapon, yepyep... can snipe pier/rexro/airport even in CWs though, yay B>
You think I CARE about oHms law and the red*communists, the AC in my car or the mumbojumbo clutch-type grip, the perfect silent Avalanche that later made me to realize that I don't know anythINg.
should have used a smaller gun
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Post by bail »

public i play 60% ssg, 20% m4, 10% HC, 10% m3. depends what map, huhu cemal might be the most hardcore map for HC+slippers i love that map.
most maps are buildt for spray and ssg and its not even fun using another weap.
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Post by Awezome »

m4.kevler roxs > ssg.kevler roxs > hc.kevler roxs > shotgun laser is pwnage ehh all weaps are allowed no point in whinning about that
Quick! To the fingerfucking batmobile! o/
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