CotT season 2? presents the Clash of the Titans -

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Post by FoxX »

When does a new season of Cott start?
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Post by Kurupt »

(16:55:53) (@kurreN) hej Clement !
(16:56:37) (@Clement) hi
(16:57:41) (@kurreN) u still want cott2 or not ?
(16:58:34) (@Clement) sure
(16:58:40) (@kurreN) ok
(16:58:42) (@kurreN) when?
(16:58:56) (@Clement) dunno
(17:03:14) (@kurreN) oh
(17:03:16) (@kurreN) next week?
(17:05:17) (@Clement) nah
(17:09:57) (@kurreN) the week after?
(17:11:29) (@Clement) nah
(17:12:03) —› quit: (Clement) (~jahej@

PS: Clement is Morpher, kurreN is me!
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Post by Clement »

so anywhere from in two weeks time to the start of 2008...
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Post by Samislide »

Hehe, lol. :D
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Post by emu »

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Post by Kurupt »

heh I guess I would have no idea which 8 clans we should invite (atm) anyway ;p


Post by seNseed »

Cott? Is this some white cunts joke that black cunts don't get? Cause I'm not f*cking laughing, Nicholas.
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Post by n99 »

Is there a point to your abusive language other than to sound like a gangster?
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Post by FoxX »

It wouldnt be that hard to invite clans imo..

'sC, {UNi}, -kfl, iN, Wo would be pretty easy pickers imo.

optional would be: Ava, -UR-, Quad, (u), Apr, :OwN:, [-D-], cSu

This way we'd have 2 finnish clans atleast among the final 8, 1 swedish, 1 norweigan, and 1 multi-national.

The last 3 places, depends alot on what criterias we choose by..

I see many of the new clans better than the old ones, but still they haven't accomplished anything yet, and hasnt gotten a name.

Apr is one of the strongest factors of the remaining, since they are both well respected and very strong skillwise when it really matters.

UR have been here for ages, and anyone knows UR can play up with anyone on their good days, but they are maybe not as strong as they used to be.

Ava is quite new, but certainly one of the better clans of the remaining, if not the best.. They are still in their beginning phase, so they havent gotten themselves a name yet.

OwN is prolly the best danish clan at the moment, and have been up for ages, they just need a little more stability in their final lineup before I'd say they were peaking.

Quad is one of the few clans I personally really like, I've never heard any of them whine about anything, or said a negative thing during matches. They always have the right attitude whenever you speak with some of them, and has alot of talent aswell AQ2-wise.. Wheater or not they are capable of getting a place in the top is hard to tell though.

Untouchables is also a very new clan, with alot of potential. I dont know if they are ready for CotT yet though, they seem very eager and very determned to getting among the top clans, and we prolly will see them there soon.

cSu, this is one of the hardest teams to tell, because they have been really inactive lately. Everyone knows what this clan is capable of, so leaving them out of CotT would perhaps be a big mistake. I'm not sure wheater or not their wonderboy McCree is able to play when CotT is ready to launch though.

Darkside is another norweigan clan which have been very active for a long time. I'm not sure if they are among the best clans out there, but they have their peaks and can play up vs most clans on their good days. Respectable clan, which should be taken seriously in Aq2-world.
Last edited by FoxX on Mon Jan 10, 2005 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by seNseed »

n99 wrote:Is there a point to your abusive language other than to sound like a gangster?
Oh I'm sorry n9999? I didn't realize there had to be a point.
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Post by imeiz »

FoxX wrote:I'm not sure wheater or not their wonderboy McCree is able to play when CotT is ready to launch though.
McCree started his military service today, so he probably won't be able to play. Don't know about his vacations tho, but he'll be wasted atleast.

seNseed: There's no point in marking n for his post. You should realize your abusive language yourself.
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Post by sCrewFace »


These clans would be my choice...
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Post by Samislide »

He quoted Lock Stock & Two Smokin Barrels. The point is that RR prolly wont get to play Cott2. Its also nice to see that some ppl believs in Ava', tho I doubt the admins are :) But a League(of any kind) or 2 is just what Ava needs to become some kinda long going project. And playin in cott2 should keep ur motivation on top.

This is how it think it will be :) They also might replace M.I with Quad. :D

1. sC
2. Wo
3. Apr
4. iN
5. UR
6. UNi
7. M.I
8. cSu

And if u look at that list, u wont see the best 8 clans in the scene, but clans that has been up long enough and are highly respected by others. And done well in previous leagues like EAQL, COTT1 and so on. And if im not mistaken that is exactly what the admins are looking for, imo thats exactly what to look for. But the list got clans that easily could be replaced by better ones. Maybe the tagline for the league should be changed to "The 8 most respected clans"? If this is the case.

And ofc i might be totally wrong, this is just how i think it will be. Plz suprise me just this once :P And also worth mentioning, im not indirect beggin for Ava's particpation in the league :P Even i wouldnt invite a new clan wich the entire clan is known to be clanjumpers :)

Last edited by Samislide on Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by emu »

didn't m.i sell their respect bout a month or two ago :roll:
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Post by grover »

didn't quad play their last cw about a few months ago? :roll:
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