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Post by n99 »

Someone call a medic, I think we have a case of 'temper temper' here.
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Post by angra »

I don't understand all this talk about "it's doesnt matters who wins anymore" tho... I 100% sure that many ppl cares alot about winnings cw and beeing a 'top clan'.... It's one of the main reasons aq2 is still alive, without competiton there wouldn't be fun at all anymore.

I allways play to win, who wants to lose?
}i{ angra - #clan.illusion
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Post by KAOZARN »

I don't understand all this talk about "it's doesnt matters who wins anymore" tho... I 100% sure that many ppl cares alot about winnings cw and beeing a 'top clan'.... It's one of the main reasons aq2 is still alive, without competiton there wouldn't be fun at all anymore.
Thats impossible, you see, over 99% of the clans wouldnt exist if all players wanted to be in a top clan :sleep:
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Post by nufan »

As if you didn't know what I mean....
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Post by sCrewFace »

just wanna point out that you're saying that publics = nothing and then you wonder why there's not any talent on us publics :D still, i would also like to see some clips/movies from us players too :)
Well it doesnt look like they play cws at all if u refresh all seeing eye..
So either the scene is dead or they are playing public..
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Post by Phantaxus »

Yeah... the most talented players don't play much anymore - at least not on publics. From the past I remember Elvis and Jakka, both [GRZ] players... they literally ruled dm servers at that time. I think neither of them have been around for couple of years.

Nowadays I don't play enough to mention any specific player, but anyone who scores more than 40 points in public server during night deserves title "good player", since such points need good skills with any weapon. More than 55 points raises player to category A.

Dojo^Kirahvi's 30 frags with combat knives still makes me shiver. HiRR.
Last edited by Phantaxus on Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Samislide »

I agree with NuFan. But i can take a loss if i havent already taken out the victory befor the match starts, wich im good at. :( And loosing 3 matches in a row and stuff isnt very fun in my pov.

I think the ones who playes now is better than the so called oldschool players who domainated the scene a few years ago, when everyone else sucked. We've got more experience and so on atm. And the gamestyle isnt exactly the same either. However, if the old players still played, and wouldnt have quit 'ontop' they'd sure kick some serious ass now. Theres still some old ones playing that rules.. but u know what i mean :(
Blue Vex
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Post by Blue Vex »

Devirus wrote:I think the ones who playes now is better than the so called oldschool players who domainated the scene a few years ago, when everyone else sucked. We've got more experience and so on atm. And the gamestyle isnt exactly the same either. However, if the old players still played, and wouldnt have quit 'ontop' they'd sure kick some serious ass now. Theres still some old ones playing that rules..
This statement deserves the title "Statement of the Year".
Steinar "Blue Vex" Furuli
I snipe with my Pistol, and your Rifle.
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Post by Samislide »

should have used a smaller gun
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Post by bail »

i cant determine how good the old schools players was cause i played with 56k back then when most ppl had isdn or cable i got my adsl in the end of 2000 or the beginning of 2001 and then i started to play for real, i found my real nick bail0r/bail just a few months before i got adsl. i didnt had a real nick before i got adsl i had no use for it since no clans want a 56k player and ppl didnt bother looking at me anyway because of my ping and its hard to find a cool nick 8).
i think ive been playing since -99 im not sure though :I

oh this became a bail biography 8)
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Post by emu »

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Post by Zoster »

just want to reply to a kinda old reply, which however was incorrect:

minchiano wrote:
arild wrote:
DaNi wrote:Frezzer = king of all

There are alot of great one's tho.. misse, termy, foxx, blue vex, marine, sweetus, kurupt, zonic... just to name a few
Didnt SoV admit that they cheated after they put the clan to rest ? Atleast I think they did. However, I dont know who was cheating of them. But I believe that the rest of the team was familiar with the situation if one of them cheated.


Danes cheated as default back in the day.

And Zool kicks ass in my opinion.

I can't say if SoV cheated online (Everyone could do it back then). But, i saw them 2 or 3 times at NAQP - Nordic Action Quake Party and man did they rule? First i i believe it was GRAMS (who ended with joining SoV - after a long time) who won, looked like they had alot of LAN experience, as of their 3 most valuable players (twinduck,baret and slamber <-- not sure on the names) was living close by each other, twin and baret being twins..)
Sov took everything home in the next lans..

And they did not cheat!(atleast not at the lans...)

Besides, i think Frezzer was the king...

other great players will i quote sCrewFace (im lazy... all this typing you know? ;) :

All time greats players: Blue_Vex(overall),Herminator(ssg),securitas(ssg),CyberN(m4,ssg,1on1s),Pottetball(overall),s, Marine(m4),cow(m4),Termy(m4),

Old teammates which i had most respect for(game related) was:

Mad farmer

And since this has turned out to be something like a :"Hey ppl from the old days, you was cool to game with/against or something thread"...:

Shout out for the person who taught me the game: Lord Cyber and Franke D for being the coolest guy on IRC.. hehe

Well, just an opinion from an old gamer just passing by remembering the fun times we spent on this game :)
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Post by Blue Vex »

When I was a young Action Quaker I looked up to the Swedish clan VrP. The clan seemed to win mostly all of their CW's in the community. Then one day I stopped by some Danish AQ2 channels. This was after Frezzer and Panzerflak had won a huge 2on2 tourney, where in the finals they managed to beat a member from VrP and his teammate (z00 and some Norwegian guy I believe). After some talking with the danes, I learned more about Frezzer. This guy had the #1 rank @ CLQ several times, and if he wasn't ranking as #1 he would be ranking as #2 or somewhere close. Frezzer quickly became my king, and was without doubt many other Action Quakers' king at that time. Ever since, Frezzer has remained as the king for me. He stopped playing AQ2 long ago, and we have seen alot of new heroes, but Frezzer was the first person to become the most successful hero in my point of view. If someone says "King of AQ2", I instantly think "Frezzer", and I believe many others do aswell.

God damn, all this nostalgia makes me sad. If you're an oldtimer, join #sov on QNet. If that sight doesn't make you sad, you just never had the AQ2 spirit inside you. What a barren landscape a legendary channel can seem like when it's empty. :(
Steinar "Blue Vex" Furuli
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Post by Zoster »

Blue Vex:

Yeah, stopped by #sov a week ago (where i just got aq2 again, after 2-3 years atleast) and that was really a sad look :(

I also agree on the other things you mentioned.
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Post by Winball »

btw im the best aq2 player around
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