Smiling out loud

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Smiling out loud

Post by Caracol »

I was just wondering about the smiles (on mIRC). More than obvious that not everyone uses the same font so not everyone see them equal.
Mines are like this:

But I've seen some with this large console font, and are muuuch different. So different most of them change the "meaning". Or there's something like "global standard smile's meaning"? I dunno, sometimes a smile says a lot, but maybe for my 'font' and for the others is just an idle comment.
(I think happends the same with the abbreviations, I don't know how many see thems as abb's or as words... quite weird, in my opinion).
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PS: And feel free to thank the beer, the snuff and the game at assassin. They are guilty of this post.
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Post by val0x »

Wow interesting.. :oh:
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Post by imeiz »

hehe b)
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Post by mirror »

i also thought about that some day, cara

and yes i think smilies change their meaning when you take a different fonts
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Post by JezeT »

yes. Cause this :I can be seen as this :| ( : | ) and they have a very different meaning imo.
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Post by JoKi »

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Post by Stric »

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Post by alekchi »

imeiz has crazy eyes with every : smiley. :D how about 8) smileys. in some fonts 8 is pretty fucked up. (lower o is much bigger)
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Post by stan0x »

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Post by n99 »

Smileys suck imo. Whenever I use them compulsively I have to atone myself by taking a bath in caustic soda. The meaning, I dunno. I've got emoticons turned off on msn, for example, so now smileys somehow look more sincere, don't know why. Maybe it's the lack of a stupid yellow face grinning at you?
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Post by alekchi »

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Post by LaggizZ »

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Post by aka »

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Post by emu »


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Post by impressiVe »

how interesting :D
tell me more xD
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