=DA= Death Angels

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Post by JoKi »

that blows...
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Post by bail »

im sure his name is Loke not Loki, and he is not Tor's brother
but i think loke is halfbrother to oden
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Post by n99 »

They call him Loki in english.

I googled u this:

"Loki is known as the trickster god, the mischief maker, the father of lies and deceit. Loki is counted among the Æsir gods, but he is not one of them. Some say that he and Odhinn were blood brothers, which is why none of the gods dared to harm Loki, no matter how mischievous and malevolent he becomes. Loki is associated with the hearth fires and over time came to be associated with evil. It was due to Loki that the gods received the gifts of Ilvadi's sons and of Brokk and Sindri. It was due to Loki's words at Ægir's feast and his hand in the death of Balder that the gods finally set out to capture and punish Loki."
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Post by grover »

Thanks L0ki, I think we stand closer to eachother now, and I've learned alot about the clan =DA=. Thanks.
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Post by minchiano »


Loke is a giant actually. And he's also father to Fenris (the wolf), the midgard snake and Hel (who rules the underworld) and he's the mother to Sleipner (Odens horse).

Among the nord gods, he be Mr. Cool imo 8)

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Post by bail »

oden is teh coolest he is our father, he created earth.
"son of odin"
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Post by L0ki »

Errrr...yes. Any serious reply?

Otherwise I will delete it.
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Post by bail »

my reply is serious.
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Post by L0ki »

Yes, but off topic.

As I mentioned: this topic is about clan =DA=, not about the player L0ki (or his name, or his whatever...)
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Post by n99 »

But you're so much more interesting than your clan.

I mean, =DA= is inactive as hell, has heaps of members who change their nick every two months and server with actcity2 in it. What is there to ask?
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Post by grover »

good question!
"Anything too stupid to be said is sung". - Voltaire.
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Post by L0ki »

I mean, =DA= is inactive as hell, has heaps of members who change their nick every two months and server with actcity2 in it. What is there to ask?
If this is really your opinion,then I am counter-asking:

Why are you interested in this topic and still do post? You already seem to know us.

Furthermore: Do you really think it's that easy? Sorry, but your thinking is a little bit to stereotype.

And: Supposing your correct, there's still the question: Why is that?!


-Urs a.k.a. L0ki
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Post by Haudrauf »

What's your girlfriends name and where does she live? :)
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Post by n99 »

L0ki wrote:
I mean, =DA= is inactive as hell, has heaps of members who change their nick every two months and server with actcity2 in it. What is there to ask?
If this is really your opinion,then I am counter-asking:

Why are you interested in this topic and still do post? You already seem to know us.

Furthermore: Do you really think it's that easy? Sorry, but your thinking is a little bit to stereotype.

And: Supposing your correct, there's still the question: Why is that?!


-Urs a.k.a. L0ki
Oh please Loki dont act so defensive, the stuff I'm claiming are there for everyone to see. The personal affairs of clans don't really care for, as opposed to the personal stuff of individuals (like yourself). German AQ2 in general seems to be in a deep slumber - how I come to that conclusion? The amounts of clanwars played by all german clans combined in the last month is obviously lower than that of one average, active clan in scandinavia in week, I'm not making it up - the facts are there. As for the server comment - it is directed at pain - I used to like to play at DA Main but I can hardly see the joy in it these days. It's not as if I'm dissing you - look how many active clan we (the dutch) have - you probably all have other stuff to do, like going out and having fun. Jeez.
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Post by L0ki »

Oh please Loki dont act so defensive, the stuff I'm claiming are there for everyone to see. The personal affairs of clans don't really care for, as opposed to the personal stuff of individuals (like yourself). German AQ2 in general seems to be in a deep slumber - how I come to that conclusion? The amounts of clanwars played by all german clans combined in the last month is obviously lower than that of one average, active clan in scandinavia in week, I'm not making it up - the facts are there. As for the server comment - it is directed at pain - I used to like to play at DA Main but I can hardly see the joy in it these days. It's not as if I'm dissing you - look how many active clan we (the dutch) have - you probably all have other stuff to do, like going out and having fun. Jeez.
Yes, you're right, no need to deny facts. German AQ2 scene really is "in a deep slumber". If I am counting right there are 6 clans left that show some kind of activity (koksnutten, quad, DA, NARF, ACE & Rock - correct me if I am wrong). The scene is kinda familiar and small, maybe between 40-60 more or less active players. I think that's one of the reasons why german clans soaked a lot of foreign players in the last years (no offense meant, I personally enjoy this). Rock is the only clan left with german players only while other clans have more foreign than german players (quad & NARF for example - again: no offense meant, just facts - DA got ca. 50%/50%).
In contrast to other countries (like NL - at least I heard that) we still have bigger LANs with about 20+ active aq2 player (mostly organised by Ex-active-clans dnb & ELR and =DA= as well).
Concerning =DA= activity is quite an issue. We're trying to play at least 2 active wars per week, sometimes more. Scandinavian clans may laugh now (;)) but as mentioned in my posting above we're fungamers and are living our real lifes (besides that we got a pretty high average age and in my opinion you got less free time the older you get => work n bs ;)).

It's getting late, so I will stop this excursion here and spare ya with more details.
Thanx for some serious posting, n99.

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