sCrewface - Retard or just another f#ckin' Kid?

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Post by mirror »

Did i hurt your feelings by calling u a nazi? Maybe your country should have thought about that the day they invaded our country?
I hope you dont really believe that, otherwise you got a real big gap to fill concerning your history knowledge (read: you're retarded). Hello, it's 2005! Calling a random german a nazi is just like calling any other person a nazi. I know it's usual in this scene that ppl call germans nazis, and yeah, "IT'S NOT SERIOUS" (funny lolol HAHAHA), but i guess that maybe just like 5% of these ppl really know what they're saying. Not that we care too much about it since we're used to it / ppl that do that are little fucked up kids, but that doesn't mean that its correct/fair to do so.

Anyway, someone felt to write a thread about this, so why not let him? This forum exists to discuss about clans and players, so why not post such a thread? If you dont care about it, just dont read it care-police-kids?

I dont wanna offend anyone with this (not even sf), cause I wont form a final view on someone I havent even seen irl. Just wanted to tell how much ze germanz have to suffer every day :crazy:
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Post by Chris »

why is everyone usin' those "doh" smiley's? :) okay, Let's say arne whines, Dev is a German-hater and not even retarted or a stupid kid. but how about let's stop those nazi-propaganda maxims? :) Or, keep on goin I don't might. I'm Heinrich himmler and you'll be my next victim mr Devvan, muajahahaha pwwwn ;O Who am I? I'm a neonazi, you care? no! but you might should. *sarcasm* hrhr :) whatsoever, I'll stop postin' from now on. goodbye.

Edit: I fully agree with ze mirror. haven't seen his post while I was writing this*
Last edited by Chris on Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
[21:18:39] [DEAD] 7.Sir_vive: YOUR SO COOL CHRIS !!!!
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Post by aka »

014:00pm 07<07@Devirus07> well fine. wazaaa
014:00pm 07<07@greken07> wazaa irl
014:00pm 07<07@greken07> I'm a e-thug!
014:01pm 07<07@Devirus07> tbh omfh hello hey, whats up then
014:01pm 07<07@greken07> are you jewish?
014:01pm 07<07@Devirus07> no, im nazi

OMG DEVIRUS IS A NAZI..plz ban him. You aint supose to joke about that stuff! :hop:
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Post by mirror »

As if you didnt know that its something completely different to joke about it with a buddy about it than to call a "foreigner" like that. And actually theres a lot of ppl that are serious when they talk like that. :)
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Post by Samislide »

lol, get real. All of you.
And for the record, I don't hate anyone. :P
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Post by Zonic »

People doesn't seem to realize that a huge amount of people died during the world wars. Calling someone a nazi is disrespectful.

I'm quite involved in ClanBase at the moment since I'm playing in some of their Quake 3 leagues. If this would have happened in an official clanbase game the person and his clan would have been warned and later punished. Further insults would have resulted in being banned from ClanBase itself.

I don't like people calling each other nazis :(
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Post by Samislide »

People doesnt seem to realize that this isnt "real life" Mixing irl and "inet-life" also seem to be a very comon thing nowadays. I dont even get pissed when someone calls me "svennefitta" or "finne!" irl. Would i get pissed cuz of ANYTHING anyone says to me over some forum or mirc? no :(

But since everyone takes everything so serious, I got a little piece of advice for you. Step away from the computer til u've grown up to understand the difference between the "2 worlds"

Go fuck yourself (LOL JUST KIDDING!!!!)

Polite as usual,
Your mother (LOL ANOTHER GOOD ONE!!)
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Post by imeiz »

atleast for me, internet plays a big role in my life. i spend about as much time on my pc as i spend doing irl stuff, sleeping discluded. so i don't see a reason why i shouldn't be like i am, irl on net/irc. therefore i expect others to act the same, tho they don't.

and some people don't seem to realise that for others, this is as real as your "real life". everyone should try to be more tolerant and understanding. this is just an opinion, so don't start fuzzing about it, because i mean no offense to anyone.

and no, i don't see it ok to call a person a nazi, just because he lives in germany.
Sync' imeiz - AQ2Suomi & AQ2World forum moderator, part-time TATM-writer
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Post by aka »

I was thinking about getting seriouse for a while but then i remembered that this is just silly, dont be internet-mad kids.
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Post by Flunx »

miRRor2a wrote: Anyway, someone felt to write a thread about this, so why not let him? This forum exists to discuss about clans and players, so why not post such a thread? If you dont care about it, just dont read it care-police-kids?
Nobody is refusing him to post this shit. Just a tip of advice; it's stupid.

I like to play games, not watch them
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Post by FoxX »

LOL! What the fuck is going on here? WHO gives a flying fuck if sF calls someone a nazi, a idiot, whatever he wishes to call another person? This fucking community aint a rats ass better than that.. sF didnt really mean anything with this, he just said what came to his mind, which was a joke.. I woulda done the same thing.... Calling him disrespectful cause of something like this, would be tipping the glass a bit...

But I hope sF was kidding about the "invasion" of Denmark, otherwise your pretty much as stupid as the rest, you fucking prick.

EDIT: imeiz, your a dork. Read what you just wrote man, thats just rubbish.
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Post by aka »

foxx is a troublemaker!
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Post by peep »

omg.. sortefoxx you rascist!

you're all nazi's.. please leave the scene or i'll ban you all from the community and from clanbase and from.. and from.. and from EVERYTHING! you'll have nothing in the end except old pentium 2 processors!


AMEN :hail:

EDIT: Imeiz is totally gay.. i like
you don't need a reason to help people..
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Post by imeiz »

FoxX wrote:EDIT: imeiz, your a dork. Read what you just wrote man, thats just rubbish.
likewise. i know what i wrote, and i certainly know more about me than you do, so please.

peep, i am? :o
Sync' imeiz - AQ2Suomi & AQ2World forum moderator, part-time TATM-writer
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Post by mOrg »

Hitler was austrian btw
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