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Hi peepz

Post by AliStaiR »

Gettin sick of my sounds and my quake itself :P

I've got lame sounds: Not enemy down but enemy nutroliced ( or how the hell u spell it ) so i would like to have a new sound pak ...

And also i wanna change my quake skins .. the the player skins but the skin of my whole quake hope someone has some nice shit and can send me or give me a download spot to download some :P thanks ...

Gekkehuis !
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Post by Hakkis »

AQ2: <End> Hakkis - #end.aq2 @ Qnet
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Post by Clown »

neutralised :)
I don't give a shit.
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Post by EKG:IcE »

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Post by EKG:IcE »

but this pak is maniac`s :)
as long as it's salty..
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Post by Repsaj »

bleh that will hurt my eyes when im quacking tooo bright :D
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Post by fraki »


my pak
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Post by EKG:IcE »

i cant see a shit ! :D
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Post by Jazzie »

Ok the dark corners in aq2 really is one of the charms of it, but isn't that pulling it a bit too far fraki? :P
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Post by Da^JuaN »

inclusive the modulate bug, u can see nme's much better tho.. only i dont c the fun for playing like that
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Post by Jazzie »

oh, the glmodulate is set so low that the models are shining. marvelous, that makes it a lot funnier...
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Post by Den »

look at other q2 mods, no1 is whinin there about gfx settings :shock:
There's a chopper coming in 3 days and there's a katana on top of the cafe and that's all you need to know
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Post by Jazzie »

Well, you play as you wish but I'll still think it looks silly to run around in a pitchblack environment with enemies (and teammates) shinig like the sun itself. Respect my opinion (that is without calling it whining) and I will respect yours.

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Post by fraki »

ingame its not that dark, and if u want i can do a screenshot with nm3s on it ;)

btw the best playerskins are the ctf skins because they arent that bright and good visible on most maps
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Post by DaFonZ »

when i make stuff for my pak .tga format instead of .pcx - it flips it upside down ... how can i make this not happen?
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