Anyone knows how to make my u3 look like this without using q2ice ?
I like the looks ^^
fraki wrote:thats with q2e, i have to convert everything to 32bit but im bit lazy, will take a while, if anyone has a ftp for uploading would be nice, here some screens:
You're supposed to rename the texturepaks to pakXX.pak where XX is a number between 00 and 99.. (if you're using NoCheat that is.. with AprQuake you can just put them in the right directory..).
The cliff2 pak is bugged.. you have to remove the rocks19 file to get it working..
My trick was like to overwrite the entire textures by unpaking the paks to my texture folder - I got the cliff2-bug - but none of the benefits of new textures. Perhaps I've got em already
U don't need to unpak... U can have 99 paks, so why bother? And if u use nocheat just go in menu/video and set nocheat opengl... Textures should work...
Oh and cliff2 is much nicer with 32 bit textures so u should know..
btw, that 'house' is white while with normal textures it's grey, if I'm correct