Teamiceland By TWiSTeD[TDm] - [NEW MAP]

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Teamiceland By TWiSTeD[TDm] - [NEW MAP]

Post by Archer »

G`Day from Australia.

A close mate of FiReWaLKeR[TDm], creator of some of the most popular maps, murder, passin etc.

TWiSTeD has reformed Teamjungle into a very exciting and different looking map.
It's the same map, only reversed. Not sure what I mean?
try it for yourself: ...

This is only temp hosting, soon we will have it up on our main map server.
This map is proving to be a hit over in Australia, I'm sure you guys wil enjoy it also.

Dont be fooled, even though its Tj reversed, its a whole new map.


anyquestions, grab me on msn:

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Post by birdie »

kinda ok O_o
When the dove came..
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Post by Beavisss »

some brushes added. few new textures.
I would add more details and fixed bug. You still can stuck in that tree :S
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Post by NRGizeR »

I'm also wondering of you had timms permission to reverseengineer TJ....
oh, and we have a level editing forum for these posts...
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Post by Archer »

Yes tims permission was given.

the buggy tree was left on purpose, some of the best moments have been when the guy stuck in the tree actualy wins, pluss if your dumb enough to get stuck that serves you right.

wo gives a shit about detail?

its fucking quake2, if ur after eyecandy go play rq3
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Post by NRGizeR »

Archer wrote:wo gives a shit about detail?

its fucking quake2, if ur after eyecandy go play rq3
I for one do... what, so just because the game is old, we can't have detail in it? And also, what's the point in redoing a map in this way? If you're gonna redo a map, do more than mirror it and add two brushes... I mean, why not just play it as it is then?
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Post by L0ki »

I mean, why not just play it as it is then?

(Really) Ontopic:
Good job.
Any modification to TJ is welcome. Though it's basically a great map (hey, there must be a reason why it is played over n over again) but it's getting kinda boring. Playing is reverse might be quiet funny and the winter brushes fit right to the weather and my mood. :santa: Hopefully some Serveradmins will replace TJ with this for a while.

My 2 cents.
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Post by Den »

dude... wrong forum.
There's a chopper coming in 3 days and there's a katana on top of the cafe and that's all you need to know
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Post by Archer »

NRgizer, theres only so much u can do to make quake2 look better, in the end of the day u play aq2 for its fast gameplay and unique design, who really gives a fuck what it looks like.

this map wasnt intended to be the next best thing, its just a trippy little modification of tj

nrgizer do u have man tits?
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Post by Flunx »

Too bad I hate the original TJ :-)
Cool concept with a cold and winter'ish feel, but I'd rather see a completely new map.
I like to play games, not watch them
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Post by NRGizeR »

Archer wrote:NRgizer, theres only so much u can do to make quake2 look better
And what did you do exactly? Try to compare the maps made in the last year, and compare those with the era of TJ and tell me that the new ones doesn't look better...
Archer wrote:in the end of the day u play aq2 for its fast gameplay and unique design, who really gives a fuck what it looks like.
Yes, I play aq2 for the fast gameplay and unique design too, but does that really mean that there can't be more to it than that? Besides, that's still not the point, the point is that you took an old map, selected all the brushes, mirrored it and put some new textures in... I'm very impressed... I think it's boring, that's all...
Archer wrote:nrgizer do u have man tits?
What are you, twelve?
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Post by Archer »

ah i get this game

im 19, how old r u

your clearly a fuckwit and possibly take the whole "online gaming" thing way to seriously.
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Post by angra »

push at "Profile" :poke:
}i{ angra - #clan.illusion
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Post by NRGizeR »

Archer wrote:your clearly a fuckwit and possibly take the whole "online gaming" thing way to seriously.
Yeah, I'm the fuckwit... right... As far as I'm concerned I'm entitled to my opinion that there is nothing 'new and exciting' about this map. If that qualifies me as being a fuckwit, fine, but do take a little timeout to think about who is taking 'this game' (btw, we're not talking about aq2 here, just the map) a little too seriously when you start all this namecalling because I didn't like something that A MATE OF YOURS made...
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Post by fuct »

I cant understand it.... tjt then this...fgs stop modifying shit maps. TEAMJUNGLE SUCKS AND YOU ALL KNOW IT. you just play it anyway cos u know how to play it so u mite get a good few frags. try something new and you mite not.
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