I didn't have that much to do today (or actually I did, but only stuff that I didn't want to do ) so I sat down and drew a new sniper scope for myself... and I thought I would post it here as well if anyone would want to use it It's a 32-bit scope and 480x480 pixels, so you need a client supporting 32-bit textures (aprq2 for the win). Read the readme for more info if needed...
fuct wrote:not to piss on your fireworks but that took you all of 4 seconds to do?
something like that yeah (make that 5 minutes) Not counting the halfhour I battled with aq2 to get it to realize what images I really wanted to be loaded...
but really, how complex can a sniper scope get before you clutter up the whole screen with useless crap anyway?
Clown wrote:Same one I use. Only because I can't be arsed changing it.
All those notches and shit on other ones get in my way.
Exactly, the best is to have one which doesn't have any disturbing and unnecessary shit with it. + is the best.
And for the red one, that must be the worst color for a cross I guess, since red is a color which is the first 'noticed' by our eyes and therefore the most disturbing.
oh, and for those of you that would like a "regular" sniper scope, I also made a "owaq edition" which is the red scope, but shortened to fit into the 320x240 regular scope. that can be downed here.
oh, and
AssKick3r wrote:And for the red one, that must be the worst color for a cross I guess, since red is a color which is the first 'noticed' by our eyes and therefore the most disturbing.
Isn't that actually good in a crosshair? that you first notice that?