Textures and new maps

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Textures and new maps

Post by Caracol »

Some minutes ago I extracted wfall2, bloodspa, fever, lostcoastfinal and mirror. The last maps I've downloaded.
Then I joined a server and the textures in urban3 were replaced. I can't be arsed to search every zip and see which one is the mapper so ----- to replace original textures. And I hope it's only urban3 the screwed up map. I don't like 32bit textures, get your own texture folder.


EDIT: Re-extracted urban3 to my folder and the textures are the "new" ones. Fuck you whoever you are.
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Post by Clown »

I would like to echo this. I've just gotten into the habit of 'No to all' when it asks me if I want to replace anything.
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Post by dudemcpek »

I also click Yes to all, every time. Don't know in what map, but it's happened to me too once. I assume some newcoming mapper fucked it up, raise your hand whoever it was!
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Post by Caracol »

Well, after a chat with NemesiS he gave me some intructions and erased all the tga's in the urban folder, fixed the problem in cloud and urban3 (haven't checked all the maps, of course). It was fever.
The files were (in textures/urban):

If I find some other tga's I will post them here.
(and no, a gl_replacewal 0 won't work. It will remove all the new textures from new maps).

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Post by KriBBa »

for me2, its just a pain to have to change it back zzz
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Post by BeAViS »

im only one that still plays with old 1bit textures?? :D
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Post by gegoj »

BeAViS wrote:im only one that still plays with old 1bit textures?? :D
No. I play on software and sw_drawflat 1.
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Post by Commu »

I had same problem, where can I found that rock texture from cliff2... mine looks like a fucking cheese :D
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Post by nemesis »

Commu wrote:I had same problem, where can I found that rock texture from cliff2... mine looks like a fucking cheese :D
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Post by MakeMeRun »

I miss like 50% of every texture I got, its a pain to play on a complete red map =/
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Re: Textures and new maps

Post by bail »

Caracol wrote:I don't like 32bit textures, get your own texture folder.
but i dont want 10 different types of texture of one texture in different folders.
i rather just choose not to replace the allready existing texture while unpacking the map into my action folder.
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Post by Caracol »

Ok bail, what would you do then? Notify that the zip file will fuck up your old textures and reducing the quantity of viewers of your map?

Or don't put them at all and expect that the viewers will have the same textures you have viewing the map "as you made it"?
Same goes for the no-replace option.

Or you use the normal textures or you make your own folder with .tga textures.

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Post by pauhi »

I extracted fever and got some of my cloud textures replaced aswell :/
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Post by Perditus »

I guess it's fever, though pauhi says it changed his textures. Sorry about that, but I don't have diffrent kind of textures for urban3. I try to change those textures soon.
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Post by NRGizeR »

Caracol wrote:Well, after a chat with NemesiS he gave me some intructions and erased all the tga's in the urban folder, fixed the problem in cloud and urban3 (haven't checked all the maps, of course). It was fever.
The files were (in textures/urban):

If I find some other tga's I will post them here.
(and no, a gl_replacewal 0 won't work. It will remove all the new textures from new maps).

Of course gl_replacewal 0 will work if you're removing tga's to make it work, and also, of course you're using 32-bit textures atm if you're removing tga's to make it work...
(you do know that you need to vid_restart after gl_replacewal 0 right?)

I haven't ever seen a mapper replacing existing 8-bit textures with own ones to this date, but with 32-bit textures it's a whole other story. I doubt that there are two players that have the exact same set of 32-bit textures, and at least if the mapper in question uses BSPPack to package his/her map BSPPack will add ALL textures, both 8-bit and 32-bit to the archive automatically.

Yet another reason not to use 32-bit textures eeh? :P I still use only 8-bit textures, and I have never had this problem :)
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