The last ^Proto movie.. probably...

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Post by Proto »

I've made 4 AQ movies, and 1 AQ2 vs RQ3 movie for the QuakeCON presentation in Texas, year 2003 or something..

That was really fun :) saw clips from the crowd when they showed the movie, and they were hysterical :) the id-software people standing there with their jaws wide open :oh: :shocker: while Centurion from the RQ3 team stood there explaining what was happening.

Each jump was first made in AQ2, then the exact same jump was made in RQ3, rolling through every jump known to man on urban and urban3.

I really had a great time being RQ3 physics beta-tester :) Too bad noone plays the game, it really rocks.. Right Arild? :) Funny as hell on LANs :)

About the movies, I don't have any of them myself, I thought they sucked to much to keep, so they're all deleted :p so no point in asking me to send them.

Aaaah, the memories :) RQ3 :D
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Post by dudemcpek »

I got two movies made by you apart from this one. The Jump around one and Nightwish one, I think. Both pretty old, though great to watch :D
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Post by Proto »

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Post by aztecx »

never ever played rq3? are the physics the same as q3 ones (don't think they would be) or the same as q2 ones?

If only u didn't lose ur touch at this game so quick me and u could make a movie together :P team jumping. Haven't played in so long i would suck balls now :(
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Post by Proto »

RQ3 used me to try and copy the Q2 physics as best they could.. After some time Arild also joined the physics-tester crew and we started finding things for fixing..

And all the RQ3 coders were seriously wicked with coding.. We just told them what felt wrong, and they fixed it within minutes.

Anyway, a 100% copy of the Q2 physics were impossible, but it's as close as can be :)

Many fun maps and lots of action :)
At the official launch of beta3.2 or something, there was a live broadcast of a tournament for winning RQ3-things, such as cups, t-shirts, posters and more, if my memory isn't playing tricks on me..
The DJ talking on the radio was kinda fun to listen too.. Like..

"AMAGAWD! There comes BlackMonk running with his slippers and HC, blowing that fucker waaay accross the map.."
"oh, I just got a message, saying that this map (archives) is an exact replica of the N64 classic, James Bonds "archives"."
"Oh, and there we see Proto flying around again.. " :p
"I'm kinda scared with all the sounds... :/ "
"Oh shit! LOOK BEHIND YOU FOOL!! *bang* Aaah.. to late.."

was laughing when listening to him :p

Well.. uhm.. anyway.. the game rocks :)
You should really try it, and if noone are playing online :p save it for some LAN, it totally rocks on LANs ! :D
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Post by VIDAR »

love your urban jumping man ;) you go girl :hop:
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Post by fuct »

"man" u go "girl"

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Post by W1lco »

RQ3 is one of my favorite games, and i would stil be playing it, if someone would find out how to make a AQ2-RQ3... Q2-Q3 sensitivity Transfer, really pissing me off to not be able to play with the same sensitivity at RQ3 then AQ2, and the default config is just wicked, hard to edit. :rambo:
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Post by Proto »

Well, one of the cool things with RQ is that you can practicly edit everything in-game (options) . You should find just about every bind in there somewhere.. :D
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Post by Spank »

when i see u jumping Proto i gotta know how long u have played aq2? :rambo:

i guess hmm 5 years?
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Post by Proto »

Since the evhull beginning of AQ2.

About 4/5-98 I guess..

Was playing the early betas for this wonderful mod :)
Cheers :D
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Post by sescrew »

Yeah nice enuff, would be fun to see ya in other maps since all the urban jumpz have been showen 100times, 1 was new to me at urban! Nice movie and im glad u toke my advise and made the urban jump backwards! I think it got a lil boring at last since its the same two maps in 11min, u could have used my help ;) all in all gj 8)
Last edited by sescrew on Tue Jan 10, 2006 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Proto »

there are 2 maps.. smartass...

thanks :)
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Post by W1lco »

Proto wrote:Well, one of the cool things with RQ is that you can practicly edit everything in-game (options) . You should find just about every bind in there somewhere.. :D

stil didnt answer my question, or you wasnt supost to? O_o

GJ anyway with the project, i like it xD
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Post by Proto »

Oh, shit, sorry :p guess I didn't read your post as throughl (?) as I should have, err, I don't know really. I'm not that good with Q3 Config-editing.

Thanks for all the nice replies. :)

After seeing Action Unlimited 2, which seriously is the best AQ movie I've ever seen, except those of "Latino Entertainment" , especially "McCree at his best" when playing Riot, err.. well, after seeing all these new AQ movies, I kinda want to make a new one too, with better quality and editing. And more action.
Not just the good ol' urban-jumps, but something new, new maps, more killing, in-air-shots and stuff like that. Crazy jumps on other maps, and if possible, a few new ones on urban-maps.. if there are any left.. i'll sure as hell search them through and see what I find.. :D
Plummet is my middle name..
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