This first script is very useful, while you have more servers than your menu-serverlist is allowed to have. You can use this simple thing below to add your favourite servers in the lists, then you push F9 for the servers at List #1, and you push F10 for List #2, while you are in-game.
You can also have even more lists, actually as many as you prefer. It's also possible to add an alias so you only need to push one button, but I prefer it this way.
Code: Select all
//IP server list script
alias servulist1a "adr0 $servlist10;adr1 $servlist11;adr2 $servlist12;adr3 $servlist13"
alias servulist1b "adr4 $servlist14;adr5 $servlist15;adr6 $servlist16;adr7 $servlist17;adr8 $servlist18"
alias servulista1 "servulist1a;servulist1b;menu_joinserver"
alias servulist2a "adr0 $servlist20;adr1 $servlist21;adr2 $servlist22;adr3 $servlist23"
alias servulist2b "adr4 $servlist24;adr5 $servlist25;adr6 $servlist26;adr7 $servlist27;adr8 $servlist28"
alias servulista2 "servulist2a;servulist2b;menu_joinserver"
//List #1
set servlist10 "" //angra junkyard #1
set servlist11 "" //angra junkyard #2
set servlist12 "" //angra junkyard #3
set servlist13 "" // #1
set servlist14 "" // #2
set servlist15 ""
set servlist16 ""
set servlist17 ""
set servlist18 ""
//List #2
set servlist20 "" //duraworks #1
set servlist21 "" //duraworks #2
set servlist22 "" //duraworks #3
set servlist23 "" //duraworks #4
set servlist24 "" // #1
set servlist25 "" // #2
set servlist26 "" // #3
set servlist27 "" // #4
set servlist28 ""
bind F9 "servulista1" //serverlist #1
bind F10 "servulista2" //serverlist #2
These servers are up-to-date btw. My favourite clanwar servers.
Next is only aliases, for the lazy ones, just like me. Very simple but useful ones, some of you may not use kind of aliases, so these are for you. I may have missed lots of maps, so feel free to add more.
Code: Select all
alias .tj "votemap teamjungle"
alias .ac2 "votemap actcity2"
alias .ac3 "votemap actcity3"
alias .j1 "votemap jungle1"
alias .u1 "votemap urban"
alias .u2 "votemap urban2"
alias .u3 "votemap urban3"
alias .u4 "votemap urban3"
alias .dc "votemap deepcanyon"
alias .city "votemap city"
alias .beer "votemap beer"
alias .cloud "votemap cloud"
alias .riot "votemap riot"
alias .rok "votemap rok"
alias .mesto "votemap mesto"
alias .airport "votemap airport"
alias .c "votemap cliff"
alias .c2 "votemap cliff2"
alias .murder "votemap murder"
alias .pier "votemap pier"
alias .aqnitro "votemap aqnitro"
alias .sc "votemap simplicity"
alias .rt "votemap rooftops"
alias .s1 "votemap sludge1"
I can see that all useful simple scripts are already mentioned here, so I stick with one last but very useful script, and it's so you can claim RCON on some of the clanwar servers, for own purposes when having clanwar.
Here it is (currently created for the clanunited servers);
Code: Select all
alias rconuni "rcon_password clanunited;rcon rcon_password putsomethinghere;rcon_password putsomethinghere;rcon roundtimelimit 2.5;rcon map cloud;rcon dmflags 756"
(I'm not sure about the currently default dmflags, but just feel free to change it.)
This code will set the password for the currently server, and change it to one you prefer, so you are the master of the server at the moment.
If you wish to also reset the server's settings to the default, you can use the code below;
Code: Select all
alias resetuni "rcon_password putsomethinghere;rcon rcon_password clanunited;echo Server's password set to default."