Sf, you are right. Would only proof best lineups/players in team. But it's impossible to say any worst/best clans. Only the players themselves knows whom are better then they are. But would they admit it? Nah.
Like I said before; Just a title.
I thought you meant 6x20 mins, since then would one team fall asleep, and the other team wins.
But three different maps from both teams, in three cw, within one week.. Yeh, that would surely proof something.
But still, the majority of the aq2 community seem to know their vote already. So it's no point to proof anything at all, in my opinion.
Gepardi wrote:As Bruicer said above, the best clan doesn't mean the clan with the highest winning percentage for me either. Nice behavior, a fair playing style, good results, great achievements, the list could go on but I think you get the point.
When I think of good clans, the first one that pops into my mind is Apprime. I personally don't know their players very well but clanwars versus them are always fair. They have won a lot of tournaments. Their players are always behaving well and they're always tough to beat, especially in tournament games. That's what makes them one of the best clans in my opinion.
There are of course other good clans behaving nicely and getting nice results.
But my vote goes to Apprime.
Now that's a great clan! Even though it's quite rare, almost impossible to find such clan?
Apr aint perfect if that is what you thought. When I met Apr with A', we won them by +2, I think, and they had NOT nice behaviour, even though we were totally silenced. I also think they blacklisted our current clan. Big question now is why? They started to camp our map (Yes, it's true, they did). So in the last minutes we were not very offensive at their map either.
I guess they couldn't possibly think that they would lose against such new and unknown clan. But they did. I won't mention any names here. Now this was only an example to proof for you that seldom a clan can thank for the game nicely and behaved, if they think that they are more experienced.
The "best/famous/old" clans can't even say "gg" after a clanwar, if they happen to lose a lower-rated clan, and they start to whine about camping (most famous expression/excuse).
Flamewar continues. Ping is just a number? Mmh, okay. What if you start with 10 pings, don't you think that you will learn your ping more faster than a guy that got to start with 50 pings? Think about that one.
I was little off-topic? :I