making a sky help needed so i can release my finished map!!!

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making a sky help needed so i can release my finished map!!!

Post by TWiSTeDTDm »

i have finished a map it isnt as brilliant as your works of art such as facility3 and spring (suck up time), but i think it might have a good bit of gameplay for a small map like this.

anyway i have a sky made for the map in tga form and im wondering if someone could help me transfer them into .pcx, i tried a few times with loading a palette in paint shop pro etc but they always come out rainbow and broken.

Id appreciate this and here is some screen shots of the map so you know what the cause is for.

oh and hey at least this time i didnt just rotate a map thats already a legend

my email is if someone wants to grab the map zip off me and fix it for me so i can try to get this played in our aussie servers that would be sweet.

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Post by Den »

Looks allright your map, cant wait to give it a try.
Last edited by Den on Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by fuct »

i smell teamjungle :)
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Post by eLDORADO »

I like it :D
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Post by V34 »

I guess theres atleast as many jumps as in TJT (:
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Post by minchiano »

I smell Kangaroos...

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Post by NRGizeR »

Looks very nice indeed...

About the sky, you do know that you need the quake2 palette to get those into the correct format right? This since the quake2 palette is hardcoded into the game itself, and the pcx image only contains indexes to that palette, that is, the image doesn't contain "real" color information, but just a number saying "this pixel needs to be color x in the palette". Getting this to work is tricky, but at least you should be able to find the correct palette in your quake2 (or mapeditor) directory. It should be called 'colormap.pcx'. If you can convert this into a PSP palette, and apply it to the tga, and after that save that as pcx, you should be all done...

I can't give you a walkthrough though since I haven't used PSP for quite some time now... Good luck with getting it to work...
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Post by Sabotage »

Yeah looks cool, gotta try it :o
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Post by Caracol »

Looks indeed nice, new colors and style I'd say.
So people, help him out with the sky, this looks promising!

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Post by Beavisss »

I can help with converting tga -> pcx
just message me at #aq2world @quakenet
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Post by TWiSTeDTDm »

i dont use irc, can we do it over msn?

thanks for the comments people ill have this map hosted asap.
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Post by NRGizeR »

oh, and those trees look sweet :D
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