But like Devirus said, if they cheat, they do suck with cheats.
Funny shit.... thats exactly what my oppinion of you are skmz... but hey... do what makes you happy.
And another thing is that we did post the cw on our page. But fuck it.... Another funny thing is that iN says that they play honestly.... hmm... wouldnt it be 7,2 times more stupid of them to cheat when playin a FREAKIN ADMIN......
Thats like trying to fuck a hairdryer, and a spastic child is playing with the switch.....
Does it matter if we have sF playing? Would it have changed anything Herty?
Would you have refused to play because of him, like many newbs refuse to play Mesto, because they get owned?
The skilled ones dont give a shit, cause they can give us a run for the money on Mesto...
Hvorfor gøre noget idag, som man kan få en anden til at gøre i morgen?<br /><br /><br />
Only fools cleans up... A genious manages kaos...