What's the deal with serverrecord demos?

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What's the deal with serverrecord demos?

Post by Cnnlngs »

i've read somewhere (i don't remember) that it's not possible to record such type of demo, because quake2 won't play it back :\
is this true?
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Post by NRGizeR »

A client demo is simply a "save" of all the packets you receive from the server, so when you play it back you actually kind of "connect" to the demo and replay those packets.

In a server demo the recording is done in the other end, that is, the server saves the packets. Thus, you really can't use the server recordings as such, since it contains information about ALL clients and so on... (no you can't play them back on a client)
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Post by Haudrauf »

And since they have no interpolation, they're far too big to have them downloaded after a simple 8 players clanwar (around 13 megabytes).. and yet there is no implementation which would even support ingame downloading. Etc, etc.

No developer ever touched the serverrecording and everything around those serverdemos since the source has been released. That's a shame.
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Post by Clown »

13MB? Pah.
I don't give a shit.
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Post by fuct »

Im gonna play dumb again :)

If you cant play them back on a client then what can you play them on?
Are they .dm2?
If you cant play them back what is the point of them?

might be stupid questions to some people but i like learning stuff like this :)
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Post by Haudrauf »

You can play them back at the server but it has lots of bugs and is unusable at times. And ofc, you would need .. a server, fileaccess and rcon.

Connect to the running server. Type "rcon demomap myloldemo.dm2" and it is supposed to run .. or not. :shocker:

The recorded serverside demo has the .dm2 extension too - which is misleading, since it can't be played back on the clients. So, a .dm2 isn't always a .dm2.

Other way round, you can sometimes play back clientside recorded demos on the server. It's buggish too and sometimes kicks connected clients.

Roundup: It's unusable in any way.

Another info: I heard Keygrip claims it can process serverside recorded demos. But I think it's a hoax. http://keygrip.planetquake.gamespy.com/

Yet another info: LMPC can process those serverside recorded demos - that, I feel, is no hoax. http://demospecs.planetquake.gamespy.com/lmpc-stable/

What's missing?:
We need a developer who looks into those serverside recorded demos and eventually creates a good application out of it.. meaning:
- Serverside demos need to be recorded in a compressed format .. perhaps interpolation of player movement, so the demo would have less size.
- Demo recording should be triggered on a certain variable string appearing on the mod. Like: "match started" or something you can set.
- Demos should be stored on the server for a certain variable set time
- Demos should be downloadable by clients with some commands (not by the mod but offered by the server implemenation)
- Demos should be able to be played back at some advanced clients, allowing to switch Point of View anytime.
- Clients who implement those Multi View Demos can go for further cool stuff, like viewing four POVs at a time.
- Once everything is done, the demos should be called MVD2 (Multi View Demos for Q2)

Why is Haudrauf so furious about it?:
Every fucking quake scene has MVD since ages. Quakeworld invented them, Quake 3 got it with its CPMA mod by Arqon and later unified with OSP. Half-Life, Counterstrike has them too implemented with their HLTV solution.
The only useless and boring scene not having those is Quake 2 .. Where are all the cool quake developers? It's so obvious that MVD would bring more demos with cool frags - and thus, more movies! - to the people.
For example, you forgot to record your clanwar but you made sooo cool headshots or cool frags (for other mods:hop:). Easy solution: Download the MVD after the game .. it's better anyways since it would have all POVs.
No small client harddrive "lag" when recording a game anymore.
etc. etc.

This is the Number One issue that drives me crazy about Quake 2.
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Post by Haudrauf »

Btw, Mortah is looking into Q2TV.. a pre-requiste to a proxy solution like QTV normally is inventing MVD. So Q2TV can stream all MVD POVs. Client would be able to chose whatever POV they like on Q2TV then.

Patman (from the J^Mod) already into modcoding looked into similar stuff.. he recorded puppet demos etc. So I really suggest Mortah and Patman coming together to look into the Q2Pro source from Skuller - or not - and invent MVD2.
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Post by fuct »

Haudrauf wrote:Patman (from the J^Mod) already into modcoding looked into similar stuff.. he recorded puppet demos etc. So I really suggest Mortah and Patman coming together to look into the Q2Pro source from Skuller - or not - and invent MVD2.
Excellent Idea.

You might have taken top spot off nrg in my "Most informative people on the forum" ladder :)
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Post by PanConLonga »

moviemaking would improve so much with serverecord demos...... the best frags are never recorded T_T...
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Post by Cnnlngs »

moviemaking would improve so much with serverecord demos...... the best frags are never recorded T_T...
yeah that's true :lol:
also it would be an excellent way to keep clan wars clean from nasty cheaters

i've found this http://relay.planetquake.gamespy.com/
it's a little outdated (2000 lol), but it might be a good source of info about this subject

please keep the post alive! i totally agree with haudrauf's ideas
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Post by Violent »

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Post by Haudrauf »

fuct wrote:
Haudrauf wrote:Patman (from the J^Mod) already into modcoding looked into similar stuff.. he recorded puppet demos etc. So I really suggest Mortah and Patman coming together to look into the Q2Pro source from Skuller - or not - and invent MVD2.
Excellent Idea.

You might have taken top spot off nrg in my "Most informative people on the forum" ladder :)
Have you ever had doubt about me? :shock:
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Post by fuct »

Isn't doubting Jesus like a major sin? :heart:
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Post by NRGizeR »

fuct wrote:You might have taken top spot off nrg in my "Most informative people on the forum" ladder :)
NooooOOooOO! Don't take away my throne!! :P

Yeah, MVDs would be really cool, especially when viewing championship demos and the like, now if this and some fastforward/rewind/slowmotion control system would be implemented I would be a happy camper... I would try my hand at it if I would have some free time *sigh*... maybe this fall?
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Post by Den »

There's a chopper coming in 3 days and there's a katana on top of the cafe and that's all you need to know
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