fùck me. will you ever fùcking give it a rest you inbred shìtbrick ? No seriously will you ? Your a cùnt. Just stop sucking up the attention. You won't get laid irl, you certainly won't get laid online by it (unless masturbating to KriBBas picture gets you off). And if you judge that as a lay, your sad enough.skmz wrote:Hahahaha, IU gvaneät done shit to you..oMfg i cant spell.. who cares. :PPP flunx. you have no reason to hate me.. diot. :DS nufan cheats. =) i love you all.. no reaqson to hate anyoe.. tihnk about that.. retards... gonig gto bed now.. hahaa. :DS noiobs.
Just let it peel off you ? Nothing is proven (haha, im a cùnt me). Your not banned from any servers, your not having any problems in the action quake2 community in general as most people forgave you for your stunt. I know you cheated. Im not even arsed about it. But as I said, most people did not think you cheated (atleast amongst the admins). Leave it at that ? Why try and bring you `cool and undergrond` style at everytime someone throws a comment about you cheating. If they accept it or not, its not really important, people will allways be cùntflaps. Deal with it. Stop replaying to shìtty comments made to yourself. I've seen handicapped people waste less breath on forced-entry còck, then you do at that shìt.
You love it. You do. You bloody love the attention. Know the term flies on shìt ? Well its a poor mans version off you. You seek this to better your day. Like a heroin addicted sucking off the last penis of the day, to get money to buy his heroin and injecting it with his aids infected needle. Which brings me to my next point. AIDS would be better on this forum then you. No seriously. Id rather take it up the ass from a `african-american` named Dwayn then read anymore of you cock flavoured bullshìt.
Im bloody tired of it. Either start posting like a retard, or get to fùck. Im tired of your ego spelling out your words without you even touching the keyboard.
Either sharpen up, or sùck on a huge còck you cùntfaced shìthorse.