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Post by Fortune »

clowneh says 'i dont care if peeps play aq2 no more' you have a hell of a lot to say about aq2 on aq2 forums n shit for some one who doesnt 'care' about aq2...1534 posts and counting?...or maybe u r tryin to tek aq2 down from the inside... D:
Last edited by Fortune on Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Den »

dods! :)
There's a chopper coming in 3 days and there's a katana on top of the cafe and that's all you need to know
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Post by Clown »

Yeah every single one of my posts are about AQ2. And you're a fucking muppet if you think the UK is 'in the middle' of the community for AQ2. The English players are shit. The English community is shit. The English servers give the worst pings for anyone who isn't English or Dutch.

I have nothing constructive to say because there is nothing constructive to say. If you would rather me entertain you by writing absolute bullshit about how we're the centre of the world, you can go whistle.
I don't give a shit.
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Post by fuct »

Den wrote:dods! :)
is connecting
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Post by Fortune »

andy grow up you miserable bastard...oh and by the way id rather you didnt talk at all cos you never have anything decent to say...it seems to me u are a complete and utter gutter...a girlfriend might cheer u up...as long as they love u heh...
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Post by Clown »

What's miserable is that the only thing you have against what I said is "have something nice to say you miserable bastard". It's sad because you still don't see what's so retarded about what you're saying.

Back to the old days you say? Not with people like you.
I don't give a shit.
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Post by emu »

I hope this is the first and last time i do this.

Clown is right.

my balls just fell off.
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Post by Fortune »

yeh so aq2 doesnt need people like me...lol!...ok so im the bad guy all of a sudden bcos i dared to care about a game im passionate about...silly me yeh im the one who said 'i dont care if people arnt playing aq2' im the one who said 'the english players are shit.the english community is shit'...lol this 'war of words' has started over a uk server that doesnt even exsist and most likely will never do...but if yu read my first post carefully i didnt even mention a possible new uk server...and i mentioned plenty of times after that a uk server bein active would be very unlikely...this topic was about generating some interest for more public servers bcos if catchgamer goes down i reckon aq2 will go down with it...these days in my opinion are dark for aq2 and all im doin is expressing my fear of this happening...tbh clowneh i cant be assed arguing with you bcos we are goin nowhere...we just sounding like a couple of bitches...and we are totally vearing off the topic...so i plea again to anyone out there who can provide some new public servers? ( surely an aq2 server cant be that expensive?) and try bring aq2 back from ashes...
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Post by Clown »

Christ you are so fucking stupid.

I used to run a few UK servers, not all at the same time, but they were mine. To run. They were hardly ever used, apart from a few times when the old school wanted to reminisce, or random Portugese had no other server to go to. Matches just did not happen unless it was against those clan hopping dutchies and even then, we would get hammered. Nobody else in the whole of Europe likes playing in the UK because ping-wise it is shit for everyone. There is NO English server because there is NO point in one.

You're here begging people for a new server. Yet if people aren't using the ones that are already there, what the hell is the point of adding another one? New server are not the answer to this rot. New players are. And it isn't going to happen.

Since when did you care about AQ2? You don't even know what's going on around you. All you care about is having someone to frag 24/7. You probably need to find something else to do.

My fun used to be in the clan games, but even that has become a chore.

What's the point. You probably don't understand half the words I'm saying. You're such a waste of space and effort.
I don't give a shit.
is connecting
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Post by Fortune »

omg another 'positive' comment from the lord of happiness...i keep saying...i never started out to try and provide another uk server rofl...i was suggesting aq2 needs a 'DANISH' and a 'GERMAN' server as i noticed servers were shutting down etc...sure da main was a temporary shut down and i should maybe have asked around to find out what was goin on concerning it...but even you must admit having no danish servers is a big and damaging blow to aq2...there were countless leet danish players when boomtown was up...now where are they?...lol and so what if i pld aq2 24/7...whats wrong with that?...but if yu must know i have more of a life now with football most days i work here and there and i party a bit more often...but tell me how would yu know i play aq2 24/7 these days?...you never play aq2 anymore?...maybe try plucking yur head out from yur big fat ass for once and listen to how depressing and pathetic u sound...it seems to me all yu want to do is make me look a fool (sure maybe im doin a gj of it myself,no ones perfect! ) but least im tryin and thats the best i can do...i never asked u to reply to my first post and ill never ask yu to reply fullstop...but im not gonna stand back and let yu antagonize me all day long when i have no real beef with yu and my aims are to try and help aq2 not hinder it...eat that chip off yur shoulder...yu know yur hungry...
Last edited by Fortune on Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by emperphis »

---server information---
Wireplay AQ2 server pings quite nice when related to gather clan matches based on fair play. I keep that server 'updated' in order to provide the .pt and .uk community (or what's left of it) a place to chose. Or anyone who finds it usefull at all. If it's not, let it be the way it is, I don't mind.

NFSi server's are related to the .pt community and since it's not very fair for matches where no1 else besides Portugal can ping it decently, 1st .uk, 2nd .nl, 3rd .de, become the best alternative.

As for clients EGL, Apr, R1Q2, AteQ2 are the best alternatives and accepted on these servers.
Mortah wrote:Get the wireplay one to actually appear normally in all seeing eye... i.e. send a heartbeat to master servers.
Then get someone active to admin it. Then we can get decent maps on and kick any lame cheat0rs. Win.
The server appears normally in ASE. Master servers are correctly configured. I'll update the server middle October mirroring NFSi's.
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Post by Gepardi »

Is the situation really that bad as you, Fortune, let us understand? I have only played this game for a few years but ever since I started, people have been talking about how AQ2 is dying and losing all its players. To be honest, I haven't noticed almost any changes during these few years. Sure, some players quit and some servers shut down but there has been and will be new ones to replace them.

Yes, I'm looking at the situation from a Finnish point of view. We have plenty of servers and players but can it be that much worse in other countries? I mean, I hardly see DA-main or Catchgamer's public being full and yes, I do play on them sometimes (mostly catch). So would another public do any good? And if you don't mean to provide another UK server, why even bring it up if it's not a real option (if Clown is right about people's shit ping on UK servers)?

So, it seems you're concerned about Danish players since Norwegian, Finnish, Dutch, German etc. still seem to have their own servers. If the Danes would want to play, I bet they could do it on Finnish or Norwegian servers for example.. just like Swedes do.

And don't get me wrong, it's great that people care about this game but hey, relax. :)
Gepardi /pr0
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Post by Evilcina »

I think that the game should be more advertised ppl just dont know it eaven exists...
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Post by fuct »


Jesus fucking christ that 'yu' thing is annoying.
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Post by dudemcpek »

He obviously meant Yugoslavia..
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