Cozzii and MaRqEz

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Cozzii and MaRqEz

Post by Etanaa »

So me and my friend ( Solidis ) played a quad against [NARF-t]Cozzii and Sir MaRqEz.

After few first rounds and after too many forecasts by cozzii I stuffed screenshot to everyone and after screenshot I said ( i will paste these directly from console log )

[DEAD] Hor0perse-Matti: and remember to send those screenshots

we won next rounds pretty easily, they didnt have any idea where we would attack and then cozzii said

[DEAD] [NARF-t]Cozzii: mira...take off ur wh and ur aimbot

I told him again to remember send screenshots after cw so I said again

[DEAD] Hor0perse-Matti: just send me that ss

and his response

[DEAD] [NARF-t]Cozzii: stfu
[NARF-t]Cozzii: nah
[DEAD] [NARF-t]Cozzii: because u cheat

I told him I can send screenshot and same answer

Hor0perse-Matti: I can send screenshot
[NARF-t]Cozzii: stfu


console: So you refuse to send screenshots, does that mean you are afraid of something? Like being busted of using cheats?
[NARF-t]Cozzii: nah
[NARF-t]Cozzii: because I'm sexy

at next map he started to talk about some big test that he must go soon..

[DEAD] Hor0perse-Matti: remember that ss
[DEAD] [NARF-t]Cozzii: ss?
[DEAD] Hor0perse-Matti: ss like screenshot
[DEAD] [NARF-t]Cozzii: dammn...
[NARF-t]Cozzii: I have a big test tommorow
[NARF-t]Cozzii: I gotta go soon
[NARF-t]Cozzii: :(

and still he played whole match

maybe that is enough of console logs, lets switch to irc logs...

If someone wants to read whole log it can be found here

I join #narf

[22:00:23] <Etana> well Cozzii, gimme that screenshot
[22:00:50] <Cozzii> k
[22:01:15] <Etana> sorry, i meant those screenshots, i can upload mine if you want to see those
[22:01:27] <Cozzii> k

and instantly he opened query with me

[22:01:17] <Cozzii> doesn't work
[22:01:24] <Etana> well i can fix that
[22:02:08] <Etana> ....
[22:02:14] <Cozzii> send me ur
[22:02:20] <Etana> okay,
[22:03:59] <Cozzii> cmon
[22:04:02] <Cozzii> I'm waiting
[22:05:23] <Cozzii> haha u want do it?
[22:05:24] <Cozzii> k
[22:05:25] <Etana> uploadin
[22:05:26] <Cozzii> nice cheater
[22:05:28] <Etana> patience
[22:05:33] <Cozzii> nah
[22:05:35] <Cozzii> hurry up
[22:05:48] <Etana>
[22:05:48] <Etana> there
[22:05:50] <Etana> your turn
[22:06:31] <Cozzii> BAH
[22:06:35] <Cozzii> it's doesn't work
[22:06:41] <Cozzii> 2sec
[22:08:07] <Cozzii> I can ty tommorow...I gotta go girlfriend is waiting
[22:08:09] <Cozzii> c ya
[22:08:20] <Etana> well i speak to your leader then about this
[22:16:55] <Etana> looks like this things goes to aq2world...
[22:17:46] <Cozzii> I don't know how to send u ss
[22:17:48] <Cozzii> srry
[22:18:24] <Etana> No excuses anymore, I see you are hiding something
[22:18:34] <Cozzii> sure
[22:20:25] <Cozzii> I don't want to talk to u anymore...srry...u are going into my nervs
[22:20:50] <Etana> then you should ignore me, but just tell me why you cant send those screenies
[22:21:15] <Cozzii> I DON'T KNOW HOW FFS
[22:21:22] <Cozzii> can I ignore u?
[22:21:23] <Cozzii> ok
[22:21:24] <Cozzii> thnx
[22:21:31] <Etana> well you can but that wont help you
[22:22:14] <Etana> and btw, you should be with your "imaginary" girldfriend now?

after few minutes I asked about his friend at #narf

[22:15:23] <Etana> well MaRqEz are you braver than your friend Cozzii to send few screenshots, or upload to
[22:16:29] * Cozzii sets mode: +b *!*etana@*
[22:16:29] * You were kicked from #narf by Cozzii (stfu...we don't play vs cheaters)

Isn't this obvious? I would say yes...
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Post by laamis »

haha, classic newbie cheater trying to avoid getting caught.
imo just ban him, he is clearly trying to cover as his excuse is polymoprhing
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Post by sanity »

In my professional opinion as a psychologist I'd say this Cozzi is a very traumatized young man, he had a rough childhood, grew up without someone to look up to, without a parent of some kind to guide him in the right social direction. Because of this he grew up hard on the outside but deep inside lies a terrified kid whose only wish is to be hugged, to feel compassion and strength from someone caring.

Now the reason he cheats is pretty obvious among my fellow psychologists, he feels he must perform better then everyone else, to prove himself worthy of their friendship, this is ofcourse a wildly spread concern that ought to be treated as soon as possible to prevent any kind of injuries, either physically or psychologically.

Therefor instead of attacking him in an aggressive way and banning him, preventing him to play the game he love, we should submit him to a good and respected mental hospital for him to recover in order to enter this society with better hopes and beliefs!

Take care cozzi!

// varg
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Post by Stric »

What client he used?
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Post by dudemcpek »

Well, he played some cws with us and I didn't notice anything special. Can't say much because I don't know him well enough though.
But hey, RA guys didn't send screenshots either, so he's as clean as them so far. Need something concrete.
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Post by HcPeura »

Ye. I think yo ment as fucked up as rookie army is now :hop:
[e] Memoria #extacy
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Post by fuct »

meme, mike, now this dude. Is it just me or are NARF cheating a lot? :shock:
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Post by dudemcpek »

I'm still running free.
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Post by Caracol »

No fuct, we just believe in rehab.
You know, just a bit of hope before the scythe falls.
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Post by Sabotage »

The show must go on! That ain`t prof enough to bust him, it just shows how lame that kid is. But why take it all up in here ? maybe talk to leaders of narf and see if they can do something with it befor going public with it.
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Post by BeAViS »

fuct wrote:meme, mike, now this dude. Is it just me or are NARF cheating a lot? :shock:
noone of memento and mike cheated while in narf.
cant say anything about cozzii because i dont know him at all.
but im 100% sure about first two guys (always speaking about theyr narf-stay)
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Post by Lotus »

It looks like that cozzi is mentally hilarious.
I pleasure myself, everyday.
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Post by sajh »

ban everyone from the intarnæt!!
whine...<br />
"på kvällarna förvandlas den spenslige solidas till....... STÅL-TIRRE!" - minch<br />
"i hoped i cud get a chance in iN when i saw even solidas cud do it " - Snigge/2fast4j00<br />
"iN minus sajh would be a nice clan and way better, but i would never ever stand playing with such an annoying player, lucky me that i didnt get a try in iN" - Romo
" it seems he is a "rich" mans child with to much attitude, he's like the man version of Paris Hilton... such a jerk" - Romo
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Post by laamis »

could someone tell me 1 good reason not to send shots that doesn't involve cheating?
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Post by fuct »

Im only havin a laugh mr italian man. You know im narf's number 1 fan :)
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