Problem with lag [+help me]

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Problem with lag [+help me]

Post by cantidio »

Hi people!

When i'm playing and everything is allright, out of nowhere this lag comes to mess with my patience..
I don't know what to do so I came here for help

What happens is that from 65 ms it goes to 150 and the only solution I found for this is to set 'team none - so the player doesnt get lagged and mess with the game', close and reopen AQ2.

I tried cl_predict, maxfps, maxpackets and rate, but couldnt find any combination that worked for this problem..

Any ideas?

PS: I get 125 FPS and nocheat is my client

Here is a SS showing the transition between the unlagged to lagged situation:
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Post by dudemcpek »

Use a proper client.
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Post by ShubN »

try to install in a new directory the fresh client from:

and configure just the basic options...
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Post by BeAViS »

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Post by cantidio »

BeAViS wrote:

tell if the problem persists

The local servers only accept nocheat as client :(

Any more ideas?
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Post by emperphis »

cantidio wrote:The local servers only accept nocheat as client :(
Any more ideas?
Frkq2? quite a """"nice client"""" and emulates nocheat.. i'd advise you to talk to those BrTurbo servers admins and ask them to upgrade / remove nc requirements..
(Se precisarem de ajuda em português tambem se arranja)
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Post by stan0x »

VQ2 sends client movement packets to the server each client frame.

If your framerate is high (more than 100 fps), and your network bandwidth is low (modem),
this results in bandwidth overrun and, therefore, consistent lag. That's why every modem user
had to to degrade performance of their machine by clamping framerate with cl_maxfps cvar.

cl_maxpackets specifies maximum number of packets
sent to the server each second, so you don't longer need to clamp framerate.

This uses a small hack from Fuzzquake2 mod, where packets are generated each frame,
but some of them are dropped.

Normally, this will result in prediction errors, but if there are less than 3 packets dropped,
everything works fine, thanks to q2 engine architecture.

That's why minium cl_maxpacket is: cl_maxfps / 3

what conection u got ?
#clan.fubar #narf #heks #aq2world
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Post by cantidio »

stan0x wrote:
VQ2 sends client movement packets to the server each client frame.

If your framerate is high (more than 100 fps), and your network bandwidth is low (modem),
this results in bandwidth overrun and, therefore, consistent lag. That's why every modem user
had to to degrade performance of their machine by clamping framerate with cl_maxfps cvar.

cl_maxpackets specifies maximum number of packets
sent to the server each second, so you don't longer need to clamp framerate.

This uses a small hack from Fuzzquake2 mod, where packets are generated each frame,
but some of them are dropped.

Normally, this will result in prediction errors, but if there are less than 3 packets dropped,
everything works fine, thanks to q2 engine architecture.

That's why minium cl_maxpacket is: cl_maxfps / 3

what conection u got ?

Cable 450K
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Post by stan0x »

cantidio wrote:
stan0x wrote:
VQ2 sends client movement packets to the server each client frame.

If your framerate is high (more than 100 fps), and your network bandwidth is low (modem),
this results in bandwidth overrun and, therefore, consistent lag. That's why every modem user
had to to degrade performance of their machine by clamping framerate with cl_maxfps cvar.

cl_maxpackets specifies maximum number of packets
sent to the server each second, so you don't longer need to clamp framerate.

This uses a small hack from Fuzzquake2 mod, where packets are generated each frame,
but some of them are dropped.

Normally, this will result in prediction errors, but if there are less than 3 packets dropped,
everything works fine, thanks to q2 engine architecture.

That's why minium cl_maxpacket is: cl_maxfps / 3

what conection u got ?

Cable 450K

some more info please ?

system etc etc . any tweaks ?

upload/ download. rate.

client version.

OS ? windows xp ? linux ?

drivers ?

and show us your totaly config . post it so maby we can see the problem !
O_o O_o
#clan.fubar #narf #heks #aq2world
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Post by cantidio »

Windows XP Professional SP2
2.5Ghz 512 RAM
Geforce FX5200 128MB 64bits, driver nvidia 93.71
I use the AXION quake but I changed the paks and some more things

//Binds de ações
bind w +forward
bind s +back
bind d +moveright
bind a +moveleft
bind space +movedown
bind alt "punch;opendoor"
bind t reload
bind f "bandage;say_team Levei tiro, tou com %HH;radioteam im_hit"
bind k screenshot
bind MWHEELDOWN "drop weapon"
bind MWHEELUP "drop item"
bind MOUSE1 "+use"
bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"
bind g grenade
bind "shift" "+walk"
alias +walk "cl_run 0"
alias -walk "cl_run 1"
alias grenade "use m26 fragmentation grenade;bind g weapon"
bind l gl_modulate 100
bind k gl_modulate 3
bind n "ghost"
bind m "sky stars"
bind , "vid_restart"

//bind de conversa
bind "v" "radioteam treport;wait;say_team Time, de sua situacao por favor."
bind "b" "radioteam reportin;wait;say_team Eh, tou vivo [%HH] [%W]"
bind ctrl "Obrigado, Cara!;voice thanku.wav"
bind z Hehehehehehehehe (Risos)
bind 5 bind 5 "say_team Acertei o [%P] no [%D] mas nao morreu"
bind c Matei o %K no %D
bind u messagemode2
bind h "radio back;Time, volta!"
bind UPARROW "radioteam up;wait;say_team La em cima"
bind DOWNARROW "radioteam down;say_team Em baixo"
bind LEFTARROW "radioteam left;wait;say_team Ta na esquerda"
bind RIGHTARROW "radioteam right;wait;say_team Ta na direita"
bind INS "radioteam go;say_team Go go go! [%T]"
bind DEL "radioteam enemys;wait;say_team Inimigo a vista! [%S]"
bind HOME "radioteam right;say_team Beleza!"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "radioteam 4;say_team Matei 4 ateh agora"
bind KP_5 "radioteam 5;say_team Matei 5 ateh agora"
bind KP_END "radioteam 1;say_team Matei 1 ateh agora"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "radioteam 2;say_team Matei 2 ateh agora"
bind KP_PGDN "radioteam 3;say_team Matei 3 ateh agora"

//binds de armas
bind 1 "use mk23 pistol;echo [Pistola]"
bind 2 "use a 2nd pistol;echo [Pistola dupla]"
bind 3 "use throwing combat knife;echo [Jogar faca]"
bind 4 "use slashing combat knife;echo [Cortar com a faca]"
bind q "use special"
bind g grenade
bind 7 "drop Machinegun Magazine"
bind 8 "drop m4 clip"
bind 9 "drop AP Sniper Ammo"

//Binds de vídeo
set vid_ref "ncgl"
set gl_driver "opengl32"
set gl_mode "4"
set gl_ext_palettedtexture "1"
set gl_finish "0"
set gl_particle_min_size "1"
set gl_particle_max_size "40"
set gl_particle_size "40"
set gl_particle_att_a "0.01"
set gl_particle_att_b "0.0"
set gl_particle_att_c "0.01"
set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
set gl_texturealphamode "default"
set gl_texturesolidmode "default"
set gl_vertex_arrays "0"
set gl_ext_swapinterval "1"
set gl_ext_multitexture "1"
set gl_ext_pointparameters "1"
set gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
set gl_swapinterval "1"
set gl_3dlabs_broken "1"
set gl_polyblend "0"
set g_select_empty "0"
set win_noalttab "0"
set vid_fullscreen "1"
set viewsize "100"
set gl_picmip "0"
set gl_shadows "0"
set gl_contrans "0.75"

//configuração gfx
set gl_3dlabs_broken "1"
set gl_swapinterval "1"
set gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
set gl_ext_pointparameters "1"
set gl_ext_multitexture "1"
set gl_ext_swapinterval "1"
set gl_vertex_arrays "0"
set gl_texturesolidmode "default"
set gl_texturealphamode "default"
set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
set gl_particle_att_c "0.01"
set gl_particle_att_b "0.0"
set gl_particle_att_a "0.01"
set gl_particle_size "40"
set gl_particle_max_size "40"
set gl_particle_min_size "2"
set gl_finish "0"
set gl_ext_palettedtexture "0"
set gl_mode "4"
set gl_driver "opengl32"
set gl_modulate "3"
set gl_contrans "0.75"
set gl_celshading 1
set vid_gamma "0.700000"
set skydistance "10000"

bind "ESCAPE" "togglemenu"
bind F1 "help"
bind F2 "menu"
bind "tab" "inven"
bind "]" "invnext"
bind "[" "invprev"
bind "enter" "invuse"
set skin "terror/terror"
set lookstrafe "0"
set lookspring "1"
set m_pitch "+0.022000"
set hand "2"
set cl_run "1"
set crosshair "1"
set in_mouse 1
set gun_x 0
set gun_y 0
set gun_z 0
set gender_auto 0
set g_select_empty 0
set cl_predict 1
set cl_maxpackets 0
set cl_maxfps 130
set cl_drawping "1"
set cl_drawrate "1"
set cl_drawfps "1"
set cl_drawtime "0"
set cl_drawchathud "0"
set cl_draw_y "0.900000"
set cl_draw_x "0"
set cl_stereo_separation "0.4"
set netgraph "0"
set net_port "0"
set sky stars

//Sniper Script
alias sreset "sensitivity 3.5;wait;lens 1;wait;echo 1x"
alias sns2 "sensitivity 2.7;wait;lens 2;wait;echo 2x"
alias sns4 "sensitivity 1.5;wait;lens 4;wait;echo 4x"
alias sns6 "sensitivity 0.7;wait;lens 6;wait;echo 6x"
alias ssg1 "sreset;wait;bind r ssg2;wait;unbind e;bind g grenade"
alias ssg2 "sns2;wait;bind r ssg4;wait;bind e ssg1"
alias ssg4 "sns4;wait;bind r ssg6;wait;bind e ssg2"
alias ssg6 "sns6;wait;unbind r;wait;bind e ssg4"
bind "x" "ssg1"
bind "r" "ssg1"

alias changehand "hand 1; echo [Esquerda]; bind end changehand2"
alias changehand2 "hand 2; echo [Meio]; bind end changehand3"
alias changehand3 "hand 3; echo [Direita]; bind end changehand"
bind end changehand
alias cterra1 connect
alias cterra2 connect
alias dis disconnect
alias re reconnect
alias vtj votemap teamjungle
alias vcity votemap city
alias vmurder votemap murder
alias vu3 votemap urban3
alias vtr votemap teamrocks
alias mp5k "choose MP5/10 Submachinegun; choose kevlar vest; say_team [Mp5] & [Colete]"
alias mp5l "choose MP5/10 Submachinegun; choose lasersight; say_team [Mp5] & [Laser]"
alias m3k "choose M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; choose kevlar vest; say_team [M3] & [Colete]"
alias m3s "choose M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; choose stealth slippers; say_team [M3] & [Pantufas]"
alias snik "choose sniper rifle; choose kevlar vest; say_team [Sniper rifle] & [Colete]"
alias snig "choose sniper rifle; choose bandolier; say_team [Sniper] e [Granada]"
alias m4k "choose M4 Assault Rifle; choose kevlar vest;say_team [M4] & [Kevlar]"
alias m4l "choose M4 Assault Rifle; choose lasersight;say_team [M4] & [Laser]"
alias m4sli "choose M4 Assault Rifle; choose stealth slippers;say_team [M4] & [Pantufas]"

Thanks for helping me man! :] Hope someone find the solution
killed itself
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Hard drive: 1 x 240GB SSD 5 x 2 TB
Graphics card: GTX470
Monitor: LG
Mouse: MX
Keyboard: Steelseries G7
Location: nl

Post by stan0x »

cantidio wrote:Ok!
Windows XP Professional SP2
2.5Ghz 512 RAM
Geforce FX5200 128MB 64bits, driver nvidia 93.71
I use the AXION quake but I changed the paks and some more things

//Binds de ações
bind w +forward
bind s +back
bind d +moveright
bind a +moveleft
bind space +movedown
bind alt "punch;opendoor"
bind t reload
bind f "bandage;say_team Levei tiro, tou com %HH;radioteam im_hit"
bind k screenshot
bind MWHEELDOWN "drop weapon"
bind MWHEELUP "drop item"
bind MOUSE1 "+use"
bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"
bind g grenade
bind "shift" "+walk"
alias +walk "cl_run 0"
alias -walk "cl_run 1"
alias grenade "use m26 fragmentation grenade;bind g weapon"
bind l gl_modulate 100
bind k gl_modulate 3
bind n "ghost"
bind m "sky stars"
bind , "vid_restart"

//bind de conversa
bind "v" "radioteam treport;wait;say_team Time, de sua situacao por favor."
bind "b" "radioteam reportin;wait;say_team Eh, tou vivo [%HH] [%W]"
bind ctrl "Obrigado, Cara!;voice thanku.wav"
bind z Hehehehehehehehe (Risos)
bind 5 bind 5 "say_team Acertei o [%P] no [%D] mas nao morreu"
bind c Matei o %K no %D
bind u messagemode2
bind h "radio back;Time, volta!"
bind UPARROW "radioteam up;wait;say_team La em cima"
bind DOWNARROW "radioteam down;say_team Em baixo"
bind LEFTARROW "radioteam left;wait;say_team Ta na esquerda"
bind RIGHTARROW "radioteam right;wait;say_team Ta na direita"
bind INS "radioteam go;say_team Go go go! [%T]"
bind DEL "radioteam enemys;wait;say_team Inimigo a vista! [%S]"
bind HOME "radioteam right;say_team Beleza!"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "radioteam 4;say_team Matei 4 ateh agora"
bind KP_5 "radioteam 5;say_team Matei 5 ateh agora"
bind KP_END "radioteam 1;say_team Matei 1 ateh agora"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "radioteam 2;say_team Matei 2 ateh agora"
bind KP_PGDN "radioteam 3;say_team Matei 3 ateh agora"

//binds de armas
bind 1 "use mk23 pistol;echo [Pistola]"
bind 2 "use a 2nd pistol;echo [Pistola dupla]"
bind 3 "use throwing combat knife;echo [Jogar faca]"
bind 4 "use slashing combat knife;echo [Cortar com a faca]"
bind q "use special"
bind g grenade
bind 7 "drop Machinegun Magazine"
bind 8 "drop m4 clip"
bind 9 "drop AP Sniper Ammo"

//Binds de vídeo
set vid_ref "ncgl"
set gl_driver "opengl32"
set gl_mode "4"
set gl_ext_palettedtexture "1"
set gl_finish "0"
set gl_particle_min_size "1"
set gl_particle_max_size "40"
set gl_particle_size "40"
set gl_particle_att_a "0.01"
set gl_particle_att_b "0.0"
set gl_particle_att_c "0.01"
set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
set gl_texturealphamode "default"
set gl_texturesolidmode "default"
set gl_vertex_arrays "0"
set gl_ext_swapinterval "1"
set gl_ext_multitexture "1"
set gl_ext_pointparameters "1"
set gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
set gl_swapinterval "1"
set gl_3dlabs_broken "1"
set gl_polyblend "0"
set g_select_empty "0"
set win_noalttab "0"
set vid_fullscreen "1"
set viewsize "100"
set gl_picmip "0"
set gl_shadows "0"
set gl_contrans "0.75"

//configuração gfx
set gl_3dlabs_broken "1"
set gl_swapinterval "1"
set gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
set gl_ext_pointparameters "1"
set gl_ext_multitexture "1"
set gl_ext_swapinterval "1"
set gl_vertex_arrays "0"
set gl_texturesolidmode "default"
set gl_texturealphamode "default"
set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
set gl_particle_att_c "0.01"
set gl_particle_att_b "0.0"
set gl_particle_att_a "0.01"
set gl_particle_size "40"
set gl_particle_max_size "40"
set gl_particle_min_size "2"
set gl_finish "0"
set gl_ext_palettedtexture "0"
set gl_mode "4"
set gl_driver "opengl32"
set gl_modulate "3"
set gl_contrans "0.75"
set gl_celshading 1
set vid_gamma "0.700000"
set skydistance "10000"

bind "ESCAPE" "togglemenu"
bind F1 "help"
bind F2 "menu"
bind "tab" "inven"
bind "]" "invnext"
bind "[" "invprev"
bind "enter" "invuse"
set skin "terror/terror"
set lookstrafe "0"
set lookspring "1"
set m_pitch "+0.022000"
set hand "2"
set cl_run "1"
set crosshair "1"
set in_mouse 1
set gun_x 0
set gun_y 0
set gun_z 0
set gender_auto 0
set g_select_empty 0
set cl_predict 1
set cl_maxpackets 0
set cl_maxfps 130
set cl_drawping "1"
set cl_drawrate "1"
set cl_drawfps "1"
set cl_drawtime "0"
set cl_drawchathud "0"
set cl_draw_y "0.900000"
set cl_draw_x "0"
set cl_stereo_separation "0.4"
set netgraph "0"
set net_port "0"
set sky stars

//Sniper Script
alias sreset "sensitivity 3.5;wait;lens 1;wait;echo 1x"
alias sns2 "sensitivity 2.7;wait;lens 2;wait;echo 2x"
alias sns4 "sensitivity 1.5;wait;lens 4;wait;echo 4x"
alias sns6 "sensitivity 0.7;wait;lens 6;wait;echo 6x"
alias ssg1 "sreset;wait;bind r ssg2;wait;unbind e;bind g grenade"
alias ssg2 "sns2;wait;bind r ssg4;wait;bind e ssg1"
alias ssg4 "sns4;wait;bind r ssg6;wait;bind e ssg2"
alias ssg6 "sns6;wait;unbind r;wait;bind e ssg4"
bind "x" "ssg1"
bind "r" "ssg1"

alias changehand "hand 1; echo [Esquerda]; bind end changehand2"
alias changehand2 "hand 2; echo [Meio]; bind end changehand3"
alias changehand3 "hand 3; echo [Direita]; bind end changehand"
bind end changehand
alias cterra1 connect
alias cterra2 connect
alias dis disconnect
alias re reconnect
alias vtj votemap teamjungle
alias vcity votemap city
alias vmurder votemap murder
alias vu3 votemap urban3
alias vtr votemap teamrocks
alias mp5k "choose MP5/10 Submachinegun; choose kevlar vest; say_team [Mp5] & [Colete]"
alias mp5l "choose MP5/10 Submachinegun; choose lasersight; say_team [Mp5] & [Laser]"
alias m3k "choose M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; choose kevlar vest; say_team [M3] & [Colete]"
alias m3s "choose M3 Super 90 Assault Shotgun; choose stealth slippers; say_team [M3] & [Pantufas]"
alias snik "choose sniper rifle; choose kevlar vest; say_team [Sniper rifle] & [Colete]"
alias snig "choose sniper rifle; choose bandolier; say_team [Sniper] e [Granada]"
alias m4k "choose M4 Assault Rifle; choose kevlar vest;say_team [M4] & [Kevlar]"
alias m4l "choose M4 Assault Rifle; choose lasersight;say_team [M4] & [Laser]"
alias m4sli "choose M4 Assault Rifle; choose stealth slippers;say_team [M4] & [Pantufas]"

Thanks for helping me man! :] Hope someone find the solution
i need to know wath client u use ?

do u use apr ?

then post the aprconfig.cfg

itsin your quake2/action folder if u use apr.

if u not use apr 1.20

us can download it from

go tjeck it out.
#clan.fubar #narf #heks #aq2world
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Post by cantidio »

the problem is that our servers here in Brasil only accept nocheat as client..

we know it sucks but thats the fact

any more ideas? O_o
killed itself
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Graphics card: GTX470
Monitor: LG
Mouse: MX
Keyboard: Steelseries G7
Location: nl

Post by stan0x »


contact your aq2 server admin. and tell him. to set op a server . and setup anti cheat !

then u can use apr etc etc

and set up latest tng !


and tell us how hit ENDS ! :D

i bet you have a good time now :P :bday:
#clan.fubar #narf #heks #aq2world
ittssaaa marrrioooo!
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Post by BeAViS »

Code: Select all

set cl_maxpackets "150" 
have fun.
- Killing today in old fashioned way -
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is connecting
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Post by cantidio »

BeAViS wrote:

Code: Select all

set cl_maxpackets "150" 
have fun.

I have tried several maxfps & maxpackets combinations with no result, but i'll test your sugestion now..


I talked to the admins and they said that indeed, r1ch's server is better than nocheat. The problem, according to them, is that rich only allow one server running his program in each country.. and we have about 8 servers up..
They also said they will wait till rich's versions are no longer BETA and untill they are bugfree..

Thanks for helping, i'll post if maxpackets = 150 solve my problm
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