We are glad to report, that we finally got some public aq2 servers.
It took us a long time to arrange this, not all the servers are active yet, only the ones that are hosted by tyldum.com. These servers are located in norway, and should especially be great for players from scandinavia.
The dutch servers will be activated a.s.a.p as well, these servers are meant for the people that suffer from high pings at our new scandinavian servers. But more about that some other time.
After a bit of talking with Tyldis, from tyldum.com. We managed to get the tyldum servers in our community. You might find the maplist a bit strange, though old school players will probably recognize it. The maplist includes map that we used to play in the old day's and also some new maps. Off course almost all maps are votable.
Map rotation for public #1 (ff) and #2 (regular):
kumanru, urban2, ruins2, asylum, police, agression, bxtrain2, teamjungle, blockwar, chriscity3, urban3, colt, cracked, locknload, jungle1, midtown, p1_lightbeam, rhstation, subway2, teamdepo, winter, deepcanyon, teacher, agression, armyterr, urban
Map rotation for public #3 (ctf):
wizs, actcity2, actcity3, asylum, border, city, cliff2, colt, desert, jungle1, lighthouse, museum, riot, sludge1, subway2, teamjungle, tokyo, urban, urban2, urban3, winter
All servers are NoCheat enforced. So you need to have the newest nocheat version to be able to play on our servers. We haven't set any admins yet, though the aq2admins banlist, is present on the server. And the aq2world admins have the rcon if something is to be done.
Well here are the addresses to our new norwegian servers:
AQ2World Public #1 [FF] - tyldis ::
AQ2World Public #2 - tyldis ::
AQ2World Public #3 CTF - tyldis ::
You can find an automatic status script here:
Server admins are:
Deimos :: [email protected]
Den :: [email protected]
Flunx :: [email protected]
Tyldis :: [email protected]
We would like to thank Tyldis for making this possible.
We hope you all have fun at these servers, and sincerally hope ppl will use it a lot..
Aq2world.net aq2 servers
Moderator: Moderators
Aq2world.net aq2 servers
Last edited by Deimos on Sun Oct 26, 2003 8:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
awww, so you're forcing operation system also :(
no nc 2.34 for linux. and as you must know, nc 2.34 is hacked too, and published, so it doesn't really protect anything (& the possible extra q2admin-checks prevent using cracked nc2.32 also)
so: if by any chance it's possible, please remove enforcing, 'till the new 2.40 is released. i would LOVE to play on the FF server, as there's only one ff server atm.
no nc 2.34 for linux. and as you must know, nc 2.34 is hacked too, and published, so it doesn't really protect anything (& the possible extra q2admin-checks prevent using cracked nc2.32 also)
so: if by any chance it's possible, please remove enforcing, 'till the new 2.40 is released. i would LOVE to play on the FF server, as there's only one ff server atm.