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Post by zik0 »

Yo dudes, I'm Marcus (you know, the one that was kinda bitchy when we won the cw against the guy that started this topic). I normally don't react like that, but in that situation I felt it was necessary. They were bitching and whining all cw long.

And about the demo: afterwards I found out aq2 records automatically and I told them I could send my demo, but then there was no need to. If someone has the urge to see it now, I think I still have it.
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Post by zern »

You should tell me more about our "whine"... some evidence please.. logs demos screenshots... stop speaking bullshit. The only thing you do in cw's is speak dutch in mm1.. and camp in the secret place in a map called chaves.
Last edited by zern on Fri Mar 30, 2007 6:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dudemcpek »

Get over it :sleep:
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Post by zern »

Sure, at that very moment when i get their demos and they apologize for their shitty behaviour.
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Post by zik0 »

Oh, and by the way: I'm not an admin for any server or the z0rb0t. I just said that to enforce my statements. So, my apologies for that.

Furthermore I really would like this fight to be over. Wanna be best buddies again? Just come to #z0r of #z0r.nl and you can get the demo. Peace aaaaiiiigght?
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Post by zern »

Yeah but we asked everyone to record, not just you. But its fine for me that you send your demo, and others that played give me a GOOD explanation why didnt they record.. "im an admin i dont have to" is not an good explanation, but if they recorded.. great, tell them to send their demos and case is closed.
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Re: yo

Post by Etanaa »

zik0 wrote:Yo du..... (you know, the one that was kinda bitchy when we won the cw against the guy that started this topic).....
Let's give some facts shall we?

First, yes I did start this thread but I did not play against you in that cw. I'm not in that sakkolihis clan or what ever it is.

Second, there is no way in hell ( or even in this world ) you could defeat me in fair aq2 match!
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Post by zik0 »

my dear friend,

two of us have a demo (come to #z0r if you want to receive them) and the other one is a total noob (2 months aq2 experience, what makes it even more humiliating you lost).

Since you're so certain of your own eliteness, I guess you want to play a rematch one of these days. If you lose you should be ashamed and the only way then is to jump of one of those crappy, 19th century finnish buildings.
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Post by S3ci0r »

zik0 wrote:...the other one is a total noob (2 months aq2 experience, what makes it even more humiliating you lost).
Are you talking about 'harry'?
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Post by zik0 »

S3ci0r wrote:
zik0 wrote:...the other one is a total noob (2 months aq2 experience, what makes it even more humiliating you lost).
Are you talking about 'harry'?
harry is the bomb
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Post by zern »

zik0 wrote:my dear friend,

two of us have a demo (come to #z0r if you want to receive them) and the other one is a total noob (2 months aq2 experience, what makes it even more humiliating you lost).
I honestly dont care if we lose or win, the only thing that pissed me off was your behaviour and jaspers.. And i dont care if the other one has 1 day or 100 year aq2 experience.. it doesnt mean he doesnt know how to record.
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Post by MDVz0r »

zern wrote:
zik0 wrote:my dear friend,

two of us have a demo (come to #z0r if you want to receive them) and the other one is a total noob (2 months aq2 experience, what makes it even more humiliating you lost).
I honestly dont care if we lose or win, the only thing that pissed me off was your behaviour and jaspers.. And i dont care if the other one has 1 day or 100 year aq2 experience.. it doesnt mean he doesnt know how to record.
I can say two things about this:
1. you do care if you win or loose.
2. don't fuck with Jasper :rambo:
creater of z0rbot - #z0r.nl - http://www.z0r.nl/
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Post by Elvis »

Goodday folks,

It appears as if this incident needs a little explaining.

First of all for people who don't know me (In either a positive or negative way), which I think is hardly possible :)

My irc nick is Jasper and I'm one of the makers/admins of z0rbot.

In the last few years I've played aq2 with a few nicks. Most of the times it was Elvis, cowboy and some others. After I took a break for study I started playing again with the name sjaakz0r.

ok...just a little more background information so hang in there.

Almost every day we have people entering #z0r.nl and asking for a z0rbot. Which is a very good thing, since it's nice to see that a service you helped making is actually being used a lot. BUT on the other hand I've seen a big change in attitude. People nowadays just expect to get the bot, in their eyes it doesn't matter if they make the fullfilments. And when you finally give them the bot because they keep whining the first thing they do is send some shitty message in a different language then english, instanly breaking the rules. As you might imagine this can lead to a lot of frustration and the feeling that the service, which we keep developing and running in our free time, is being taken for granted.

Now for what happened versus sakkolihis as far as I remember it.

It was just a regular 3 vs 3, players on our team were MDVz0r, Zikoz0r and me. we started of in their map which was cloud if I can recall it correctly and we lost with a score of around -14 in rounds. I ended up with around 9 frags after 20 minutes (which sorta indicates my playing nowadays). After cloud we switched to our server and played sludge1, which is at this moment my favorite map. I started hitting (around 30 frags at the end of the map) and we ended up winning the game with +1.

Now when we returned to irc the whole atmosphere changed and they started calling us cheaters, and demanded our demos. I told them that I didn't use apr but r1 and that I didn't have autorecord so I didn't have a demo. This was maybe a bit of a mistake from my side. They told us in the last 5 minutes of sludge1 to start recording and I told them that it was a little late for that and they should stop whining when loosing and to go f*ck themselves :).

I admit , not the brightest thing to do, but still. We (z0r) hardly play any more, and when we finally win a game we're being called cheaters? sorry, but I find that a bit offending.

Anyways, after they called us fags / noobs and cheaters they left the channel and nothing happened.

Then a few days later I enter their channel because they did a cw broadcast and asked for a 3-3. Not remembering who they were, I saw in their topic 'z0r +wo' so I asked them what that was about. At this point they banned me without a reason and when I asked them in private they were verbally offensive again and I decided to remove the bot since I didn't think people acting this way should be able to use this service.

At this point all hell broke loose and we were told we abused admin power and we shouldn't be allowed to be admins.

Personally I think we are fully in our right to remove the bot from such kids, but I decided to return the bot and just let it be.

This is basically what happend before this thread was posted.

BUT NOW, after they posted this topic and called us fags again, and calling for a radical change, I'm quite positive they don't deserve to have it, and I removed the bot like 10 minutes ago (that long allready, am typing way too much).

So to Eeta: when you're ready to have a polite talk feel free to join the channel, you know where to find us.

Please don't pay attention to the grammar and spelling, just returned from some local bars in manila.

En voor repsaj: Voordat je het nou over intelligentie gaat hebben stel ik voor dat je eerst je opleiding is even afmaakt en dan praten we wel weer verder.
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Post by dudemcpek »

Nice to see the other side of the story, but I wouldn't bother explaining anything if I were you. You're makers of z0rbot so I don't really know who they're complaining to.
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Post by Etanaa »

Elvis wrote: BUT NOW, after they posted this topic
Like I have said millions of time already, I'm not part of clan sakkolihis so this doesnt have anything to do with them.
Elvis wrote: and called us fags again, and calling for a radical change
Again a lie, I called not them.

And your mate perfectly says in that log "We are admins, we do not have to record!"

You acted as a moron also.
[DEAD] sjaakz0r: quit whining and stop playing over your 56 k modem, it might improve your ping
[DEAD] Juhla /sali: or you can learn to play and shut the fuck up
[DEAD] markz0r: dont be so rude
[DEAD] markz0r: it shows a low intelligence
[DEAD] sjaakz0r: it actually shows you're from finland...which resembles low intelligence...

Here the thing.

Few days after that match in that log, sakkolihis played against z0r again. Sakkolihis member asked WHY they did take bot away and then bot came back to sakkolihis channel. I don't know much about what happened, how z0r or sakkolihis played, who camped etc.

Chaves begins.
[DEAD] MarJutta /sali: this is fun ?
[DEAD] sjaakz0r: no
[DEAD] sjaakz0r: neither is cg
[DEAD] hermanz0r: not really
[DEAD] Marilyn /sali: :/
[DEAD] MarJutta /sali: could u put rtl ?
[DEAD] hermanz0r: rtl?
[DEAD] hermanz0r: the tv station?
[DEAD] MarJutta /sali: round time limit
[DEAD] hermanz0r: oh

First, Im pretty sure they clearly knew wtf is RTL.
Chaves ended 11-7 for sakkolihis.

Then Citygate began..
When score reached 21-7 for sakkolihis, z0r team quitted immediately and removed bot again.

So what was reason this time to remove bot? Playing too good against admins? Playing Citygate? Being Finnish? Playing against a clan which homemap is chaves?

azuras vs z0r
Ova managed to score 2x excelent in a quad against z0r and he didnt want to play second map because more of their members woke up so they could play a real cw so ova quit. After this event z0tbot disappeared from azuras channel.

So what I'm trying to prove here is that z0r admin(s) ( I cant clearly say admins because I only know how Jasper acts ) doesnt act fair for each clan/player. I totally agree with one thing though, z0r is free service so they can choose who uses their bots. But I want proper reasons what azuras and sakkolihis did wrong to loose their bots.
There isn't any rule for calling enemy with different names so do not count that in.

Jasper, you just have to live with the fact that sometimes you will lose a cw. Even you are a zor admin you must try to hide your anger instead of taking bot away.

At this moment you have serious attitude problem against better players than you are, or maybe just against finnish people. I cant say which but you know which is correct.

And also be notified if your OWN player first joins a clan's channel and begins to flood 'NOOOBS OMG WE OWNED YOU WE WON' etc, then the clan whose is victim of this conflict should have full rights to defend like calling you the boasting player with different names.

Your turn Jasper and this time now try to even tell the truth, we already know you are good for telling lies.

If you act like a moron, do not be so suprised if people call you a moron.
Last edited by Etanaa on Sat Mar 31, 2007 11:47 am, edited 4 times in total.
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