well, actually it can take screenshots per second that cam be stuffed to an avi or something. For those who dont even know q2evolved take a look at http://www.quake2evolved.com/news.htm.
Masa, i want to see AU3 in q2egraphic please
the command is simply:
/com_aviDemo 30
/demo mydemo
plays mydemo while taking 30 tga-screenshots per second. Use bmptoavi or something to make it avi. Hf and enjoy teh q2-qality.
i expected that question and the answer is yes (even if it doesnt have much to do with that post). actually i am having a last look on the dialogs, the video data so far is finished.
maGro wrote:i expected that question and the answer is yes (even if it doesnt have much to do with that post). actually i am having a last look on the dialogs, the video data so far is finished.
Yes and Duke Nukem Forever is set to hit stores around christmas
last time I checked, q2evolved+Action Wasnt the best combination. It had serious issues with the mod. Dont know now but I would rather prefer to have that QuDos client done (the one I used in the intro of R3volution).. It was nicer...