AQ2 - TNG ( The Next Generation ) suggestion

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AQ2 - TNG ( The Next Generation ) suggestion

Post by Stric »

Nothing special or dramatic for gameplay.

So what I think It should be changed right now:
- R1CHs In-eyes spectator mode more INFO here
- serverside name highlight not client side as it is now. Players name in death prints are different ( no other client, except apr, has this hack, thats the servers/game job not clients )
- stats print to a players console at the end of the map or finished match ( for every player )
- map stats at the end like highest fragger, highest dmg given and taken, best John Woo "actor" and so on ...
- serverside stats logging to a file or mysql option... (better web stats pages??)
- Below FRAGS there should be also streak and deaths number, EFF%
- add time as serverinfo, id like to see time remaining of the map/match at server browsers ( like in Q2OSP)
- chat bug fix
- mute , mutes a player for N seconds
- You killed $name - centerprint :) - turned on by a client

TDM suggestion
- TDM it should be the same as TP mode, except that you dont wait for another round to start but you start playing in few seconds. Normaly you pick weapon and item at start and you go play, dead ppl drop clips of a weapon they have, some also weapon, dead bodies disappear after some time.

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Post by sLiCeR »


Some of your suggestions seems to be easy to code in.
I wouldn't mind to add them and others to the main TNG source code.
Problem is the community are using Maniac's modified TNG... as it should, since it fixes a lot of bugs and improves the code.

One solution would be to merge or to branch the Maniac's TNG into official CVS, add him as developer and start working from there. But that's my opinion it would require maniac's interest and other tng developers out there ? Igor ?.

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Post by emperphis »

I find it hard to believe that Igor checks these forums? :s
Wouldn't be nice enuf to check first for a code cleaning before implementing more stuff? A team merge would be the ideal 'tho there's so little to no presence in the maintenance/development of the mod that i find it hard to believe that anyone mentioned here will take any actions.

Anyway, nice ideas and lets keep (harder) praying! ;)
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Post by Gen »

irvision like LTKBM
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Post by Monk »

Holy crap, Slicer, is that you?
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Post by Lotus »

yes please! at least some of them
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Post by Mutu »

I which there was possible when you vote on maps, you
could choose from A-Z section so you dont have to
go through all maps when your wanna vote.
· AQ2admin
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