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Re: Ambush

Post by Jvv »

Caracol wrote:Just played half a cw against them and then, when we joined their server they told us the roundtimelimit was 1.5.
I mean, I can understand the "our map our rules", as in tgren or some other gentlemen's arrangement. But then you get the cw against one clan telling you that it's forced 1xSSG and you just laugh your ass off and think how far will it go.

I know there aren't standards, but there should be a limit and I think changing the roundtimelimit is just out of it, it's not as if we were gonna camp every round, because that's just plain boring... but I'm not gonna accept that arrogance from a bunch of wanna-wins.
I think they changed it to 2 after I parted the server, but I'm not really into playing against naggers.

Is it just me or what?
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Post by HcPeura »

umm.. I dont see anything wrong with 'our map, our _settings_'. Own settings bring new challenges and I totally respect all of this.

For a good example: synchrony. They've always played with friendly fire and 1x m4 limit :] I dont see why a roundtimelimit would go too far?

Both clans have an equal advantage, nothing really changes. "you cant win without a 1x m4 limit!" <---> "you cant win with a 1x m4 limit!"

Clans with players who are specialized with different weapons like: mp5,m4,m4,ssg : so in a 4on4 cw, they could use a 2x m4 limit to maximize their advantage against a 4x specialized m4 clan? :) <- I really hope I would think like that.
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Post by Caracol »

It's quite different, because the times I've played against sync they actually asked and mentioned before the formal M4 capping. And they accepted the cw when you told them you accepted their rule, so to speak. Besides, if the other clan suddenly starts to use two, three or four M4s it would be just lame, nothing else.
(And the other way around too, I remember once playing against a clan that when airport started in their server, they started shouting it was without autos, I didn't care what they said and I played with M4, they whined a lot and then screamed "WO" another lot... "lol" someone would say)
Besides, when you just change the roundlimit, because you "follow" a non-written law that "own map means own rules" is just a polite way of rubbing the other's clan opinion on your crotch. It's quite different.

And the other thing, is that putting a weapon limitation, like tgren is, just makes the game more or less interesting, but changing the roundlimit changes a lot more than just that, a lot.

Quite funny though that this topic's got active a good couple of months after the event.
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Post by HcPeura »

ahh I didn't catch that they didnt mention about their little rules.
I had quite a long discussion about this with my friend earlier today, we sort of wandered off at some point, so I dont remember how this ended.

I dont see why a roundtimelimit would have an negative effect on my playing :O well im just me, im pretty much ok with any "own law" as long as there are no advantages for only one of the clans.

edit: well in this case, I'll agree with everything caracol said.
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Post by dudemcpek »


(and sync still do it like that: [CW] #synchrony - Exor - Requested a 4on4 Official (Additional info: (2xfin revo 1xm4 ff on)))
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Post by minchiano »

Agree with Cara. Changing the rules in an on-going match is dishonest to your opponents. If you had those rules you should have said so before the match started. That way there will be no sad faces half way through a match.

And speaking of match rules. My dream CW:

* Highlander - (1 SSG, 1 M4, 1 HC etc etc) 5vs5 or more

* Friendly Fire On

* Tgren 1 or 2

* Ironman - minimum 5 maps. No map score, just map wins

* Real skins. (Not these CTF shiny shit skins. Old, REAL skins!)

* No rush maps. (Doesn't mean I like the camp, it means I like to play AQ2 the way it WAS played, once.)
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Post by Sabotage »

I agree with Cara in the way this was done since you should always shout out before the match starts or even before you enter the server if you will change stuff like this.

All in for what you said minch :)
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Post by Caracol »

*drools* at minch.

Ok, that went wrong... shit.
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Post by bail »

minchiano wrote:* No rush maps. (Doesn't mean I like the camp, it means I like to play AQ2 the way it WAS played, once.)
i dont get it whats a "no rush map" do you want me to make a line in the middle of my future maps and the teams are not allowed to cross it? to be honest i think 4xm4 rush are not that common, usually ppl spread out all over the map, the only reason why people use m4 in the first place are because its the best/most fun weapon, m3 and mp5 are equal good prolly even better for some maps as m4 are at some maps, but m4 are 10 times more fun to use at all maps. i want fast pace and hard action rather then watch two ppl run around looking for eachother with hc+slippers for 2 mins.
i think highlander rules are fun but i think 3xm4 1xssg are fun too.
maybe you play the wrong game.....?
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Post by Caracol »

You failed miserably at stating a good opinion. Of course he's not playing "the wrong game", gosh, how did you come to such a conclusion...
No need to say nothing about taste and what lots of thinkers have said about it.

About the rush map, of course if you play cliff2 or wfall or, for that matter a perfect example for the paradigm, desert a highlander game won't be as funny as it could be in a full-of-close-quarters-and-tight-rooms map. The idea of the a highlander game is surprise, the unability to expect something from the oponent you will meet after the next corner. So, if I actually see their spawn and I actually see their paths within the preparation time hoping to be blasted/blast by surprise with a slippered HC is plain ridiculous.

Anyway, as I already stated before, you failed at posting anything else than a close-minded opinion, bording on "lol, you suck for liking wine! beer r00lz!".

Hey minch, got a "recommended maplist" for that setup you sadisticly waved on our faces? Would love to read it.
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Post by bail »

it doesnt matter what weapon your opponent has you cant take anything for granted in aq2.
i dont understand why highlander cant be used on a rushmap, i think it adds another level to the map.

when i play cloud for an example, if i always meet someone with m3+kevlar i change to m4+laser, if i always meet someone with m4+kevlar i change to m4+kevlar or m3.
i like how a small change as a item can give you an advantage but then my opponent can do the same as me so its all fair.
so basically you never know whats on the other side of the fence..
thats why i dont need highlander.. i take nothing for granted
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Post by Gepardi »

What comes to the original subject, I personally couldn't give a shit about the roundtimelimit-setting. I'd say finishing a normal rushy round in a normal map doesn't take even close to 90 seconds, more like 30, so who cares whether the limit is 90 or 120 secs? Of course it's polite to inform your opponent about any special setting used in your map, preferably before the clanwar, but I don't see changing a setting that basically doesn't affect anything as such a big deal. But I guess this wasn't about the limit itself anyway, but the way Ambush was acting. Caracol said he won't take that kinda arrogance, some people would. And that's why I think I have to agree with Caracol, there should be a standard to avoid situations like this, because not all people think the same way.

And for the highlander-part, I think a good map is a good map despite the weapons people are using. :) But hey, I wouldn't know much about highlanders anyway. I think I've played one or two HL-games, and can't really remember how they were. And it's only minchiano's dream, let the man have his dreams!
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Post by emu »

I want gangsters cws :(
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Post by Confusion »

ok so i haven't played for a couple years, but wtf is a highlander?
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Post by Flunx »

WAR Highlander!

Edit: Highlander is where no one in your team can choose the same weapon. The optimal highlander games is where all the weapons are used, imo.
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