NATIONS CUP 2008! [UPDATE EIGHT, 02 feb, 17:35]

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Post by SuCKeR »

JuM8o wrote:
grover wrote:
Alien wrote:What are the rules?

Normal matches? Map-pool or?
Well, I thought it was fun to first select the captains and teams, and then reveal the rules. So you can't pick your team on the bases of a map for example. Going for the tournament which should represent the best 'allround aq2 players/country'.
Of course its logical that u want to make advantage to your country by knowing rules before other countries? whateva, finland got loads of good players, if u would reveal rules finland would win 2izi. Anyway my opinion is that countries should compromise rules together, not by one player or one country.

And if this all is about finding most skilled all-around aq2 team, i think that all maps should be allowed, otherways picked maps etc can be prejudiced
Ye. Finland has close to a gazilion of good players who start to suck as soon as ping reaches 30+. Then there comes whine about lag (virtual that is) and packet loss (which is ofc in BIIIIG numbers at 30). So to make 1 thing clear: You guys are pro. In whine that is. When it comes to action its all about ping advantage. don't get me wrong. You have some good players. SOME. it ends here.
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Re: NATIONS CUP 2008! [UPDATE EIGHT, 02 feb, 17:35]

Post by S3ci0r »

grover wrote: Still not transparent is this: some Eastern-Europe countries are forming a team (Russia, Poland, etc) who call themselves "slavic countries". I allow a combination-team of them in the cup because they have a few players from those eastern countries. Would be cool if they participate.
There you go mate:

Captain: S3c!0r
Line-up: S3c!0r (Poland), condome (Russia), Beavisss (Russia), Kamik (Russia), Evilcina (Serbia), dop3 (Russia).

Dunno what about about ivO (Serbia) 'cause I don't have any contact with him atm.

Any other players from Poland, Belorus, Ukraine, Russia, Slovakia, Czech Repiblic, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Macedonia, Bulgaria if interested in NATIONS CUP 2008 please contact with me via IRC: #nationscup2008 @ Quakenet
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Post by eX »

Uhm, grover: no offence but have you actually thought of any admingroup, homepagemaker, rulediscussion, groupstage/design with anyone or anything like that before you took the first step? It all of a sudden feels so... not special. I mean, nationscup hasn't occured the past 2 years and when it comes to town, it should be a smash-hit. As it is for now, it feels like you want to do something extraordinary for the scene, which is awsome, but without any kind of admingroup or something. I honestly think that you won't be able to make all this work alone. Making a nationscup should be something that is thought through from the very first moment to the very last second.
I don't wanna bugger you or anything grover, but the fact that this should be something very well planned and not made by over a night-cup, is very important imo. It was such a hype when you announced it, now it's rather irrelevant as it feels. For starters, is there even a page under construction? If there isn't; get someone who's interrested right away to begin to work on one. That'd make a whole lot of difference.
I got my team pretty clear for myself. I'm more or less waiting for a major update and statusreport, whats is about to happen.
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Post by Alien »

Agree with eX. Posted 1 week ago to finnish forum, that I'm not taking part to this.
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Post by TotteN »

Sajh for co Head Admin.. sajhsajh sajh...
and maybe MarlPoro for webpage mastertrixer..

+some mini admins and shit like that... :m00:

think that they can get this show on a roll :hop:
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Post by bail »

Another idea is that the captains from each team form a committe.
So the captains vote and decide the rules, could not be more fair than that.

Btw it looks like its going to be 9 teams the best way imo to make it fair is to make 3 groups with 3 teams in each group.
Everybody play eachother once the team with least points are out from the cup, then we end up with 6 teams.
the 6 teams are formed into one group and play eachother once and the 4 teams with the most points go to semifinal and after that final.
in the first groupstage every group should have a different map like group A riot, group B time, group C urban2, im not sure about second groupstage maybe there should be mappool there. and in the final there should be maybe fixed maps aswell? like in the first groupstage.
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Post by Gepardi »

Heh, looks like Finland has been a little inactive in this matter, but luckily AQ2Suomi website got fixed right in time before the deadline so I could see what's going on.

Apparently I got voted as the skipper. I guess I'll do it since there are not much other considerable options around as the guy with the second most votes announced he's not interested either.
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Post by minchiano »

When the shit hits the fan, the finnish bail out.

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Post by bliz »

Lyl, what's with all the fuss about needing this and needing that. Atleast someone like grover brought this to our attention disregarding the fact that there is a lack of proper website and information. He's not the one organising it all by himself, I think he just wanted to take the first few steps by bringing it to your attention and only afterwards sort out a main base to expand the whole idea about making this Cup into something special. And I think that any help would've been welcome to make this Nation Cup become a reality rather than a 'Oh let's wait 5 years and see what happens' kind of thing or a "I'm Finnish and I expect this or else I don't wannnnaaa plaaaay" attitude.

Fucking lazy aq2ers

The basic settings have been made, teams can be created and so on. And if no one talks on the forum or to the guy himself (mind you, I haven't spoken to grover at all so I don't know if any of you have contacted him about anything.) then why criticize the whole thing before it even started? Why not give out information on this forum and keep everyone else up to date if you can't contact the main guy?

Surely there are more buttons to push.
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Post by eX »

ok, first of all; since you see all this in another way than I do it, what have gone wrong in the first place? I don't know what kind of discussions you have had with grover. but according to him, it seems that he's ready to pull the strings right away after the captainpicking. On what basis? Talked things through with you? Hardly.

You get this all wrong bliz. The reason I made my post was because it HASN'T been started yet. Why would I ever care to write such a destructive post if I didn't care about the situation you prick. Would you like the suggestions after he started it? How is HE, grover, planning this to work out as something that would really enlightning the scene by doing a nationscup? As I see it, grover made a clear statement that he'd be doing this cup as some sort of admin, otherwise; why starting some kind of captain vote so early. And you know what, fuck you too bliz, I didn't ask for being involved into coming with suggestions and shit, but yet I am. What do you expect from a scene where you have to pay opponents to play you in some cases. Get real, there are a few who's interrested, you just blew my case.
As you seem to see it, grover did something for the scene, which would continuesly carry on with some other guys adminning it (grover himself aswell) since he took the first step and hoped for the rest to react? As I stated in former posts, I appreciate the fact that he DOES BRING IT UP, nonetheless, it would be a shame if it felt like playing an ordinary cw 2x20min cliff2 & riot. And before he even thought of going live with it, maybe created some sort of people who's willing to work this out. Do you assume people would put up with their efforts as this would carry on? Welcome to actionquake. You can't really blame the players for being lazy, they just don't want to administrate.
"The basic settings have been made, teams can be created and so on"... I don't know, that's such a cliché in this case.

And if you spent some time reading the post more than translating it into "whine stop lolz", I'd be sure you figured some suggestions from atleast me and bail.
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Post by bliz »

Keep it real eX, I'm not trying to put you or anyone in a corner. You're just taking this a little bit too serious in my oh so humble opinion so lighten up a bit.

I'd like to see this cup on the road as special as you want it to be, and I'm not even playing in it and I even agree that things need to be done to create more interest and put more speed to the whole situation.

I'm not condemning you by use of profanity either (bit low of you there Swedeboy), I'm an AQ2er myself and everyone else knows that I'm lazy as hell, so again: chill down.
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Post by eX »

I would keep the profanity filter on, if I had any reason for it. Apparantly it took someones attention anyhow.

Anyway, I'm as real as I can be about what I've said. I know this scene is a tiny piece of shit compared to any other, you might find me too serious. But what I actually do, is care. I'm among those lazy aq2ers aswell and your negative respons didn't deserve any words of grace.

And what is there to do regarding keeping this forum up to date while the one man actually having plans for this has a broke computer.

And for the record, are you an admin or not bliz? I assumed you weren't after your interpretation of my post. But after reading your last post, you seem to atleast understand it a bit why I even brought it up. You should've noticed that we're actually trying to help, nothing less. Better to actually do this discussion before it has even started than being in the middle of it.
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Post by dudemcpek »

Always same shit... All the arguing and preaching. Less talking, more action, please! eX, yadda yadda yadda. Why do people think and expect from someone, who starts stuff like these, very professional approach and everything to be done quickly and flawlessly.
It's either you want to help or be quiet in the corner. You know how it is in aq and it always comes down to people's will. Want to make this work? Make a webby for it or try to get someone else to make it.. I think grover tried to contact poro about it, don't know if he did though.
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Post by nufan »

yes more action..
but where is it?

I ain't motivated for this at all... yet that is :P

Im sure many would help out in a "admin group" aswell.. but haven't heard anything about wanting help either?

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Post by eX »

to be done quickly? that's the least I hope this will be.

you're just as blindfolded as bliz if you're actually refering to me being naggy, whiny or whatever you're saying. Atleast I'd make that conclusion out of yadda yadda yadda.

Still, no actions can be made since his computer is broken

Writing short lines will maybe make you actually read instead of just assuming it's all jibberish.

Why can't you just understand the fact that we're anxious to play this cup and we're actually trying... Wait too long line

We want to play the cup

We help

You gain NOTHING out of defending grover, there's nothing to defend. I'm as thankfull as you are to him for doing this.
Want to make this work? Make a webby for it or try to get someone else to make it.
Echo Echo echo echoo

Why do you want to quiet me? Unless you got any good reason for it, you'd stay out of it. I havn't been writing anything lame about grover nor anything about this cup. It's rather suggestions, questions. I havn't started any cockfight, it's basicly you who turn all my posts upsidedown. I'm having hard times finding your behaviour logic in this situation, trying to shush someone who's actually writing something in this thread, trying to get a hang of what's going on.
Last edited by eX on Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:44 am, edited 10 times in total.
cool as fcuk
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