CFG to Apr Quake2
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CFG to Apr Quake2
Im using latest version of Apr Q2 (V.1.16b?) and just wanted a .cfg so i can activate so much features out of the client as posible.
Last edited by Winball on Wed Nov 26, 2003 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Arild i asked Maniac-.
He said it was 1.16c (test version) was the last client
And I have used NoCheat for a long time..I day that i got Apr Q2 my life just got perfect (goodbaj NoCheat client). This NoCheat client just fucks upp some parts of my cfg..Like sense and gl_settings. :\
He said it was 1.16c (test version) was the last client
And I have used NoCheat for a long time..I day that i got Apr Q2 my life just got perfect (goodbaj NoCheat client). This NoCheat client just fucks upp some parts of my cfg..Like sense and gl_settings. :\
Thx kaaos, you mean this one?
Code: Select all
//This is a example config for some of the new features, change these to fit your needs.
//New Commands
set cl_clock "1" //Clock on hud
set cl_fps "1" //FPS Meter
set cl_maptime "0" //Maptime
set cl_chathud "0" //Chathud
set cl_timestamps "0" //Timestamped messages
set cl_netgraphmode "3" //Netgraph behind HUD icons
set cl_hudalpha "1" //Hud transparenrty value range 0.0 - 1
set ch_alpha "1" //Crosshair transparenty. Value range 0.0 - 1
set ch_pulse "0" //Pulse effect
set ch_scale "1" //Crosshair scale
set ch_red "1" //Red color control. Value range 0.0 - 1
set ch_green "1" //Green color control. Value range 0.0 - 1
set ch_blue "1" //Blue color control. Value range 0.0 - 1
set m_xpfix "1" //XP mouse acceleration fix
set m_autosens "0" //Mouse FOV Sensitivity Autoscaling
set con_notifylines "4" //Notifylines
set con_notifyfade "1" //Notifylines fade
set con_scrlines "2" //Number of lines that pageup and down scroll at the time.
set con_alpha "0.6" //Console transsparenty. Value range 0.0 - 1
set scr_conheight " 0.5" //Console drop height
//GL mode
bind F12 "screenshotjpg" //Screenshot in jpg
set gl_screenshot_quality "85" //Screenshotjpg quality
set skydistance "5000" //Skybox size
set gl_stainmaps "0" //Stainmaps efects (blood).
set gl_waterwaves "3" //Waterwave effect
set gl_replacewal "0" //Enable highresolution textures.
set gl_replacepcx "0" //This try to replace all pcx pics with highrolution ones.
set gl_shadows "1" //Shadows, 0 disable, 1 originals, 2 enchanced.
set gl_dynamic "1" //Dynamic lights, 0 disable, 1 originals, 2 enchanced.
set gl_fontshadow "1" //Shadows to all texts
bind rightarrow winampnext //Play next track
bind leftarrow winampprev //Play previous track
bind uparrow winampvolup //Increase volume by 1%
bind downarrow winampvoldown //Decrease volume by 1%
bind INS winampstop //Stop
bind HOME winampshuffle //Toggle suffle
bind DEL winamppause //Pause
bind END winampplay //Play
set cl_winampmessages "1" //Show winamp msg's (track changing).
kaaos the did not have this file(example.cfg) I found it on the old client (v.1.15).zip file