I haven't decided yet. I have room for one more server, but I would need to finish my PHP-application for registering servers first.
I started working on an app that lets clans book a server at a given time, with a calendar that shows whe it is free and when it is not. Was also hoping to add a system which then tracks the clans (records the score when the match is over) and make some statistics out of that. However, it is far from done.
Sounds really nice if you could do it. Although the most important would probably be to ge the servers up and running with people actually playing on them. That was after all what made tyldum go down wasn't it?
Clowneh! wrote:The AQ scene is too small to be split up into nations :(
Let's hope that AQ2World is nearly finished...
The TnX forum (run be me, imperial and antihero) is not a competitor to AQ2World in any way. It is made for player - admin communication for that particular server.
We are three active admins trying to bring TnX back to a more cheatfree and fun place to be.
I'm sorry, I thought I read Norweigan AQ2 forum, not a server forum. Should be a good idea, judging from all the TNX complaints people seem to have around here