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Post by Zonic »

Swedes always have to play on foreign servers since there are no swedish servers around ;|
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Post by DaNi »

yes zonic, that must be a pain in ur arse with ur 30 ping :p j/k

We all know M.I uses their good connections to sevearl countries in their advantage :)

likeeee playing on edome vs :own: and playing on boomtown vs finnish clans so they have ping advantage vs everyone :p


we are on page 6, and seeing iler's post, some people find, being ignorant and only play with lowest ping possible more important then playing a fair match.


now i know most people rather play with a huge advantage then playing a fair match, ill just give up trying to get fair matches
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Post by indey »

Ok, what's bad in wanting to play in the best server possible?

If we can get a cw vs. finnish clan, then why would we want to go on some sucky server, and play vs a foreing clan?

It's not our fault, that u dont have enough clans in your countries.

Ok, that's only one reason why i want to play vs .fi clan rather than a foreing one.

The others are, that some servers are pretty sucky (not BT, if u forget that its running NCserver, yeah i cannot cheat ofcourse!!! No, really.. It bugs, sometimes ppl dissappear before they shouldn't, and so on, it's REALLY annoying)

And u say, that we have better pings on your servers, than u have on our servers?

Well.. i really have to disagree on that one, i remember on cw, on a tournament, when a clan wich we played against, first came to eDome to play our map, or maps dont recall really: they had very nice pings, as good as ours were.

Then when we went to they'r server (again, i dont remember what server it was)

I remember taking a screenie of the pings on that server. (not on my own pc now so i cant check if i still have it)

Well, they had the same pings that they had on eDome, except one of they'r player had BIGGER ping than he had on eDome!!

But why did they want to play on that server then..?

Do i need to answer that question?

Ok, the cw came to a point, where the enemy got to choose either the server, or a map wich was played last, and that map would decide who would win the game, and continue in the tournament..

Well.. in this point i ofcourse though, oh sh17 now we are gonna play some sucky map in eDome where they have the same pings that they have on they'r home server..sh17...

Well, suprise suprise, they choosed the server?!?!

I really wonder, why it was even possible, in a tournament, for they to pick the server where they AND us lag more than in eDome.. ofcourse they only had _one_ player lagging and we were _all_ lagging.

Well doesnt matter, they lost, but i just wonder, how is that possible?

And when i get back to BT server, (wich is the best for me, and probably all finns) i have 25-35 ping in eDome, and no PL ofcourse, in BT i have 45-65, so it really isnt THAT good, but it's totally playable becouse BT doesnt have much PL.

Hawaii wrote:True but still kinda lame the fins only play other fins ( most fins )

Why is it lame to like your coyntrymen more than foreingners?

I bet u do think the same about your fellows.

Hawaii wrote:
Den wrote:Every country had the same prob :) dutchies only played vs dutchies, germans vs germans etc. Finnish ppl are stuck in time :)

had... but i guess most countrys solved there problems and finnish ppl are just lame ( not all)

I really doubt that, you played vs your m8's just like us, untill your pathetic scene died ";)", or atleast most of it, and u HAD to start playing vs foreing clans.

Anyways, i think, the only fair way to play a cw vs a foreing clan, (if they have about the same connections than we do) is to play one map in each server, or something like that, but sometimes, that aint fair either.

From time to time it could be a finn clan who would get the advantage on that, and from time to time it could be a foreing clan who takes the advantage on that, well shit happens, life aint that fair always, so we just play vs finnish clans more, and in tournaments: we play by the rules, even if they suck. (Afterall we dont HAVE to join any tournament if we dont want to)

And i will play vs a foreing clan, every time im not so pissed off already, that i dont want to be any more, even with the rule 1map on each server, as long as i think the pings are fair, and the opponent aint lame.

Phew.. i would have alot more to say but i got to play a cw now (yes, vs a .fi clan!:))

Have fun everyone, and act like human beeings, stop the fighting, if u dont play with the rules some other clan sets for ya, then say ok, no cw then, and leave if you dont want to play (or dont leave if u want to idle :).

Oh, and DaNi, i wont even bother to comment your posts, even tho id want to.
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Post by DaNi »

ok indey i was like.. lets give mr smartass indey some comments, but after the first 3 lines i allreaddy noticed that u dun get ur facts straight so it was pointless to read further.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting the best server possible.

Wanting a low ping, and refusing to play a fair match are 2 different things.


There is nothing wrong with prefering to play a .fi instead of a foreign clan.

ALTHO when i come and ask for a match, and u are looking for one, and there is no other clan asking for a match.. then WHY the hell would u refuse just cuz of nationality....

And if u decide to play vs a .fi clan, then thats fine.. just say "hey man sorry, but we prefer to play vs a clan from our own country, but maybe next time"

Instead of this i usually hear some 12 year old say " NO LAAAAAG LAAAAAAAG " just before i get banned..


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Post by Jazzie »

indey you still can't run nocheat? :/ poor thing.

I agree with you, there is actually no point (which is bad for you europeans) to find a cw on a worse server than a finnish one if you don't need to. That is, if you don't wish to play some new clan that you haven't played before, and I can say that hardly anyone has been worth the extra effort.

Instead of this i usually hear some 12 year old say " NO LAAAAAG LAAAAAAAG " just before i get banned..

If that has happened in our channel without proper reason I'll make sure that it won't happen again.
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Post by Den »

I really doubt that, you played vs your m8's just like us, untill your pathetic scene died "", or atleast most of it, and u HAD to start playing vs foreing clans.
uhm pathetic? why? our pathethic scene had and still has couple of the best aq players out there :)

btw dont think that all dutchies are the same :P i dont mind playing on a foreign server, aslong as the other team play's nice :)
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Post by Flunx »


Say no more. Before I start crying out irl tearing out hair from my scalp.

I just hope that ALL finish people doesn't have this attitude :x
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Post by indey »

Den wrote:
I really doubt that, you played vs your m8's just like us, untill your pathetic scene died ";)", or atleast most of it, and u HAD to start playing vs foreing clans.
uhm pathetic? why? our pathethic scene had and still has couple of the best aq players out there :)

btw dont think that all dutchies are the same :P i dont mind playing on a foreign server, aslong as the other team play's nice :)

Pathetic becouse u cant get enought cw's, im not saying u dont know how to play really good, and i didn't mean to make u angry by saying that, im sorry if i did.

And Den, u really have a good point there "as long as the other team play's nice", one of the reasons why i dont want to play in foreing server if i dont have to.

Now, im not saying that foreing ppl dont play nice in cw's, they probably dont camp any more than some finnish clans do, or anything like that, BUT IF they do, then its 5 times more annoying to kill for example those campers, when u also lag at the same time.

DaNi wrote:

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting the best server possible.

Wanting a low ping, and refusing to play a fair match are 2 different things.

And where did i say we usually dont play fair cw's?

That cw i was talking about what we played, we played from the beginning till the end, only thing i was saying, i wonder why they could choose to play on a server where they ALSO lag more than on eDome, and we lag MUCH more?

And please, dont u think it will be as fair as it can be, to play vs a finnish clan in a finnish server, rather than trying to find fair servers from 2 countries? (So in fact we are just looking for a really fair CW all the time, and its not your fault, but it just CAN'T be as fair to play vs a foreing clan, than it would be to play vs a .fi clan. (Life aint fair, some have better abroad connections, and some worse.)


There is nothing wrong with prefering to play a .fi instead of a foreign clan.

ALTHO when i come and ask for a match, and u are looking for one, and there is no other clan asking for a match.. then WHY the hell would u refuse just cuz of nationality....

Maybe we just want to wait a little bit more for a cw, that we could play in finland, with both teams being able to play with good ping and PL?

And if u decide to play vs a .fi clan, then thats fine.. just say "hey man sorry, but we prefer to play vs a clan from our own country, but maybe next time"

Instead of this i usually hear some 12 year old say " NO LAAAAAG LAAAAAAAG " just before i get banned..



And how many times have i told some1 to go to hell, and started whining "LAAAG LAAAG" on irc?

I have days, when i dont want to play on a foreing server, i just dont want to, and i have days when it's ok, i dont like to play in more lag that i've used to be, any more than i have to really.

If u come to our chan, and ask for cw, u will probably:

a) Get a cw

b) We will tell u that today we dont want to play a foreing clan, or in a foreing server, and we wont tell u to fuck off.

c) We already got a cw, and we'r idling cos we r playing a cw.

d) Something "random" can allways happen, i cant possible know for sure what will happen, when u come and ask for a cw.

In normal official CW's, we can make a rule, that we only play on eDome IF WE WANT TO, and if that's not fine with u, then u can just be without playing us, and we wont tell u to fuck off after this either. (Tho we might do this, or even ban u, if u start to whine, becouse it's completely futile.)

Finnish people aint the only one who can whine(everyone can), if u ask me, this whole thread is full of whine and very nasty words against the finnish people, i dont think it would be any suprise, if u will see even less cw's with finnish clans, after some of them have read this thread, and seen your moaning.

Every couyntry has it's "black sheeps", do not judge the whole coyntry becouse of them.

I bet i've seen a nice little lamer whiner (and not just one) from atleast Sweden,Norway,Denmark and Holland. (But I DONT think ALL of u OR MOST of u r lame, in fact, I LIKE MOST of the people i have been talking, and dealing with. (But i still think your servers suck ;))

In fact, some1 could think i hate u DaNi, but i had a nice picture of u.. im not so sure about that anymore, but i dont judge u, i understand why u r talking about this matter.

If u think us finnish ppl are lame, then stop playing us and find something better to do, its not our problem if u dont like the way we like to handle things in here.
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Post by Clement »

indey wrote:The others are, that some servers are pretty sucky (not BT, if u forget that its running NCserver, yeah i cannot cheat ofcourse!!! No, really.. It bugs, sometimes ppl dissappear before they shouldn't, and so on, it's REALLY annoying)

Really indey.. it came down to a choice between enforcing NoCheat on the Boomtown servers (through some buggy unofficial q2admin version) and running NCServer.

We do know that NCServer doesn't stop all cheats, but atm, there's no public wallhack that works on the Boomtown servers. You may or may not be in possesion of some über hack, that you claimed some weeks ago that Maniac was [edit] probably [/edit] able to produce (not saying that he has), but I can't seem to care. The servers aren't there for you 1337 haXxors to play on.. We care about the bigger community, and we just want the servers to be as cheat-free as possible. This is acquired by running NCServer.. guess you just have to live with it tbh.
Last edited by Clement on Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DaNi »

Good post morpher :)

And indey..

U had a nice picture of me?

was i naked in it? :hop: :hop: :hop:
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Post by indey »

DaNi wrote:

And indey..

U had a nice picture of me?

was i naked in it? :hop: :hop: :hop:

Yeah.. what didn't u understand in that sentence?

Ill put it in another way, i though u were a nice guy, and now i dont know, but i havent judged u yet in any direction..I just think that things u r saying about us finns, arent that nice =/ (or true, but that's only my opinion).
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Post by DaNi »


i was kinda obviously making a joke... O_o

And i still am i nice guy, and im not saying all fins are lame.

For example.. vivanc0 is a lame twat with the iq of a monkey, but Eksotik ant hitman are really nice lads!

The day i started this post i had been searching for a cw for over a hour, and there were several clans looking for cw, but were just scared/racist enough to refuse to play us nomather what server/map we played.
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Post by indey »

DaNi wrote:eh

i was kinda obviously making a joke... O_o

And i still am i nice guy, and im not saying all fins are lame.

For example.. vivanc0 is a lame twat with the iq of a monkey, but Eksotik ant hitman are really nice lads!

The day i started this post i had been searching for a cw for over a hour, and there were several clans looking for cw, but were just scared/racist enough to refuse to play us nomather what server/map we played.

Hehe DaNi, i didnt notice the "was i naked in it" part, i have stayed up for 33hrs now.. So im not at my sharpest moment ;)

And im sorry about your bad luck that day, shit happens =/.
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Post by DaNi »


shit happens alot when ur living in the netherlands


ahwell SAAAAAAAAAANTA's coming to town!

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Post by Den »

and my bday! :bday:


Pathetic becouse u cant get enought cw's, im not saying u dont know how to play really good, and i didn't mean to make u angry by saying that, im sorry if i did.
Depends on what u think is enough ay :m00: and im not angry.

And boys, play nice ok :rambo:
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