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Post by Den »

There's a chopper coming in 3 days and there's a katana on top of the cafe and that's all you need to know
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Post by Clement »

as long as it's salty..
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Post by Repsaj »

loses a vital chest organ
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Post by Beavisss »

Naah... Thats 1 big LOL! :P
was flattened
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Post by hage »

And yet another victory for the adults :(
tried to put the pin back in
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Post by birdie »

It's Cendors own bot and he can do anything he wants with it..
When the dove came..
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Post by Clement »

Now watch your mouth son!
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Post by Beavisss »

Morpher wrote:Now watch your mouth son!
no comments... U will ban me if I tell what I think about ur words :D
blew itself up
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Post by kaaos »

first. it's Cendor's bot so he can pretty much do what he wants with it, he has worked many hours with it and if he finds that that some clan/chan/people are not suitable for it he has the right to remove it. if Devirus feels that he has been treated unfair maybe you can code your own bot?

second. about "stats cheating".. I haven't much run into it, though I must admit that it has increased people playing with m4+laser and when a slower map comes they'll disconnect.

and I really think that he won't give it back to you when you are talking crap about him behind his back (I doubt that Cendor reads this forum). there is also a similar thread in aq2suomi's forum where some peeps whined when Cendor took their bot away from them. if you would have just apologized maybe you could have it back in a week or so (so he dealt with #armageddon) - but this isn't helping it.

(I don't have anything against oHm - on the contrary, I think that they're a group of merry men.)
is connecting
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Post by Cendor »

Hi-ho! I actually checked this forum yesterday and I was pretty sure I wound find a "cry a river" thread about this. Well, it came here today, a day later than I guessed.

Well, I try to stay in the topic and be relevant about this matter. I'll start with a few quotes and answers:

Devirus wrote:Yes but the thing is, CorQ and Ice did apologize, a few times tbh, and the answers they got back was "no intervewis to day" "im late to work cause i made a nitfy code to flag u 2!" "bye i RUN to work now" "u get the bot back year 2006, cause u guys give me a headache". Indeed, it's his bot and he can do whatever he wants to with it.

I think it was 7.13 on the morning when I figured out that something weird had happened to stats. Actually one of my clan mates wanted me to check something out. Didn't take too much time to figure what had happened. I asked CorQ is it nice to fake stats etc. I made a quick code to flag them on the stats page.. I don't think anything is wrong with that nor has anyone said there is something wrong about it. I was supposed to leave to work at 7.20 but managed to leave at about 7.45 :)

About those interview replies.. you guys have no idea what it's like to answer to 5 different oHm-guys about this. Everyone asking similar questions etc. Those answers were a bit irrelevant but at that time I thought they were a bit fun :P

CorQ and Ice apologized right after I asked them why did they cheat to get better stats. Apology was accepted, but punishment wasn't served yet.

And i wont apologize for anything, i cant stand the guy. I know this wont help us to get the bot back, but atleats it will piss him off.

I am wondering if trying to piss me off would help anyone with anything :shocker: Was a total shocker to see Devirus cheat stats with 2-3 other oHm guys later. After that I decided to remove all oHm stats from bots for good.

Kaaos wrote:(I don't have anything against oHm - on the contrary, I think that they're a group of merry men.)

Yes they are nice. Too bad something smells ticklish in their kitchen at the moment :rambo: I have never had problems with them before.. but why oh why did they have to do the cheating another time.

Devirus wrote:True. But he conciders himself to be some kind of an "aq2-daddy" like a few others in this little scene. lmao

Do I really? Weird image you have about me. I don't really need any respect about my services to aq2 scene - only thing I want is that ppl do me what I do to them :? I am not shoveling shit on your face - why are you? :?

Endy@IRC wrote:[Endy^(~endy@Endy^.users.quakenet.org)] Elo, I'm not going to cry for u to get our bot back or something... I just want to hear your opinions about: 1.collective punishment (remove the bot when only 2ppl have done something wrong). 2. How serious people think of public stats, and what public stats has to do with the main reason for the bot (atleast that I consider it to be), the CW searching... I just want 2 straight answers...

This was the privmsg that I got from Endy @ IRC, where I replied with interview-shit. I hope you don't mind Endy.. I am giving my opinion here.

1) I was just in the army ;) When one does wrong - everyone does wrong -> everyone suffers. Ok that wasn't too relevant but that is the only way that I can slap someone to their fingers :P

2) I considered the stats-cheat as an attack against my service. I know that many many many ppl check for their stats... why? Believe, I know. I have the logs of web stats etc :P


There are the quotes!

That year 2006 was just something that I hit on my keyboard for the ban time :) Solidas contacted me about it and I told him that the bot will be back when I am not angry any more about it. Too bad (I am repeating myself, gah) Devirus and his few friends had to do some more stats cheating.

Conclusion: What a long post :(
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