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Post by mirror »

i dunno why but you guys dont get the point. well, read the thread again maybe :|

The fact that we didnt want to play against some [1137]m4st4h-OOK named guys who we've never seen before?

Or perhaps the fact that we dont like to play against some foreigners who spam LOL everytime they die?

hrhr n1 :)
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Post by hebereque »

What is the point then? (read this one through before replying)

As said, posting opinions of clans here is the whole idea of this forum section. Is this what you call scene building? You must know better that it's rather unusual to post something good about anything than it is to accuse and offend (maybe 1% or less of AQ2Suomi.com posted opinions tell about something positive).

Here's the thing. We get also lot of pointless whining "he sayd / she sayd/ and then he did that on clanmatch" threads on Finnish AQ2 portal. Some of the threads gather conversation, but mostly telling how stupid that thread is. You guys make a big number of a one clan match or something what happened on some match. How many matches do you play a year? We can play more than 30 matches a week if we want to and usually atleast two matches a day. We don't have time and neither we want to spend it playing with bunch of people. We have POSSIBILITIES which you don't have. How I get it, the common opinion here just reflects the lack of played hours. Atleast from the thread creators behalf.

It wasn't these bunch of people who got my attention, this thread is just tip of the iceburg about the whole conversation "world vs fi". Maybe it is that you're the ones retarded and we just keep on evolving the scene? I have put lots of my personal time to prevent the scene from dying with the help of few people with same interests. What have you done?

mirror2a wrote:

well, if there werent ppl like us, this forum would be DEAD! wouldnt it? so start discussing even if it's senseless to you! senseless discussions are always cool if you're bored.

Why won't you come up with something that has a meaning then? We have also some really nice conversations on our forums which are not about some things happened during a clanwar. Threads which try to actually achieve something.

I really don't want to cause bad blood here to anyone, I just needed say this. The message was intentionally written hostile and I hope it atleast offers a different point of view.
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Post by Stim »

pte wrote:What makes this thread worth reading?

The fact that we didnt want to play against some [1137]m4st4h-OOK named guys who we've never seen before?

omg teh 1137 (llet?) master-ook... obviously because you've never seen him before means that you can't play him. Standard aq rule I hear.

pte wrote:Or the fact that we didnt want to play against people who dont even have a clan?

Why shouldnt you play against a group of people who supposedly 'arent a clan'? I thought the game was for fun.. and if you didnt care about losing you probably would have just played them. Or maybe its just a status thing, what would you do if you won them? Clearly nobody would believe you because its a completely random 'non-clan' ... omg!

pte wrote:Or perhaps the fact that we dont like to play against some foreigners who spam LOL everytime they die?

Maybe they have a sense of humour.

pte wrote:tbh, sick of this whole Finland versus other world.

Finland Vs World, hmm... Finland meets world, kind of like boy meets world, only boy meets puberty before you.

pte wrote:If we dont want to play, we dont have to, do we? It is our call if we wish to play or not.

No you dont. Just dont turn up on a server and go "OMG U R NOT A CLAN" then /quit. imo it was a fairly shite thing of you to do, not only did you waste the other 'teams' time but you made pricks out of yourselves aswell. If you're really that keen on only playing 'set teams' then state that when you're looking for a match.

On another note, you won't ever get this forum without whining/bitching.. so dont even try and conjure up your visions of grandeur of a perfect friendly-talk board.

Arguments like these fuel us for playing the game. That's why I like these boards so much... but oh wait... I barely play this game anymore.
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Post by Den »

Finland Vs World, hmm... Finland meets world, kind of like boy meets world, only boy meets puberty before you.

Oh god, stim :) ur post rawwks as always

We can play more than 30 matches a week if we want to and usually atleast two matches a day. We don't have time and neither we want to spend it playing with bunch of people. We have POSSIBILITIES which you don't have
True i might have not played them too, but it still is rude to quit without saying nething.

This thread will go on and on about the same thing. Its useless. Apprime wasnt nice when they quit the game without saying a word. Haui & Co should of said something before the game started.

Shake hands, kissie kissie and its over now! :wink:
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Post by mirror »

mh. ppl see this thread some kind of negative.. but why? its a discussion, ppl seem to be "interested", so wheres the prob?

i actually dont know much about the .fi scene, i never play on .fi servers, i pld just like 2-3 cws against .fi clans, and i pld against the nationalteam some years ago, thats all. but, as it looks liek for me, they seem to be pretty much arrogant, and they seem to look down on the rest of the scene. (it's my impression, nothing more, no offence!)

hebe, you're right if you say you got more possibilities in playing cws, but who the hell said we WANT those possibilities? as for me, i think its kinda sick to play 30 cws a week. i'm playing aq2 like 5,5 years now or so, and i've pld just like ~150cws. i like playing public cause i know like everybody on the servers i play on, and thats just cool, chilled. and just because i pld like 1/100 of your cws doesnt mean that i got like a lack of played hours :shock:.

concerning the dying scene, well, maybe you did a lot for your .fi scene, but i dont think that anything of that has reached us here. dont missunderstand me, i actually like ppl like you who spend their time in work for the scene, doesnt matter which one it is.

Why won't you come up with something that has a meaning then? We have also some really nice conversations on our forums which are not about some things happened during a clanwar. Threads which try to actually achieve something.

hehe. its not important for me if the thread has a meaning or not as long its fun to write. and maybe there is a sense in this thread.. maybe we will find an answer to the 'question' world vs fi.

btw, sweetus for example is a cool .fi guy, he's one of the few fins i talked to. i dont have any prejudices against anyone.
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Post by iler »

miRRor2a wrote:
i actually dont know much about the .fi scene, i never play on .fi servers, i pld just like 2-3 cws against .fi clans, and i pld against the nationalteam some years ago, thats all. but, as it looks liek for me, they seem to be pretty much arrogant, and they seem to look down on the rest of the scene. (it's my impression, nothing more, no offence!)

So you don't know the scene but you know that finns are arrogant etc. It seems that you have somekind on controversy here plus some assumptions. O_o

I'm getting kinda bored :sleep: because every thread that gathers some interest concerns about Finns beeing lame and arrogant and racists etc. If this is what you want this forum + internatiol scene to be built on, pffft. I'm playing a lot on foreign servers (nor, dk, ger, uk) and I think that there is a lot of good and nice ppl there. But then I come here and see this flaming. :shock:

So be my guest and flame some more (not). :D
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Post by mirror »

sorry for posting already again, but..

iler, please read my posts exactly before you reply them.

i wrote that it's my impression, and i wrote several times that i dont have any prejudices against ANYONE, cause something like "fins = racist" is just .. well retardshit. (it's the same like.. "all germans are nazis")
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Post by Fantaklaus »

Admins on this board are racist. :#:

I had so nice tooth brush pic, but now its gone. :(

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Post by Den »

hey its not our fault u cant act normal. We accept alot of things, but your were just pushing it a bit too far. Be nice
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Post by iler »

miRRor2a wrote:sorry for posting already again, but..

iler, please read my posts exactly before you reply them.

i wrote that it's my impression, and i wrote several times that i dont have any prejudices against ANYONE, cause something like "fins = racist" is just .. well retardshit. (it's the same like.. "all germans are nazis")

Yes I read those and I know that this is your impression but mine was that what I said on your impression. You could have also written like that you have got this picture on some of the Finns, not like Finns are arrogant (can be read pretty much as all of the Finns). This is the impression what I get out of these kind of generalizations.
paino on voimaa, ylipaino on ylivoimaa BD http://www.clanunited.org
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Post by Vortex »

nuff said... *locked thread* :m00:
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Post by Jazzie »



PLEASE, is it really necessary to post all this (excuse the wording) shit on this forum?

Now, I don't care of nation, clan, skin colour or anything. But every discussion which has some length and a real purpose on this forum is about someone who thinks someone else is a pain in the ass. It's cheat accusation, it's lameness, it's fins, it's europeans, it's ping and serveral other things that I dare not to think about.

As of what I have understood, this forum's main goal is to unite a kind of shattered aq2 scene, and make a neat forum where everyone can post what they think, about tourneys, how to improve the scene even further etc. In what way has it helped the scene yet? I probably have a quite distorted picture of europeans, and europeans probably have a distorted picture of me (and other swedes and fins), and this forum has not in any way made me think differently, I'm even more prejudiced than I was before. It's flaming, flaming, flaming and some more flaming. Can't guys just post something nice in between?

All these threads with topics like "I played this clan last night, they we're lame" or "I played this guy, and he refused to play on my server" is really starting to make me angry.

If they didn't want to play you, then ok? DON'T PLAY THEM THEN.

But I see NO VALID REASON as of why to create a thread on this forum dedicated fully to show how lame Apr are. Not saying that Apr isn't lame in your eyes. But in my eyes they are a nice respected clan with a good reputation and blazing skill.

Ok, it is a good thread since it creates discussion, that's true. But do we want such a discussion? Do we want this kind of accusation? Most importantly, DOES THIS UNITE THE AQ2 SCENE? NO! It definately doesn't! It tears it apart even more.

So just quit it. it's for nobody's good.
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Post by mirror »

@iler: ok then you missunderstood me. but our match some days ago was really nice, and u're a bunch of nice ppl, so everything's nice now, isnt it?

@jazzie: what are you afraid of? seems like this thread is frightening you in some way. it's just normal to discuss things like that in forums. this forum is a platform for discussions, all kind of discussions. if you cant handle subjects like this, dont open the thread.

actually i didnt start the thread (and i never thought about it tbh), but i see no problem with it. if you wanna start a discussion about how to improve the aq2 scene, then do it! go ahead!
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Post by Jazzie »

jazzie: what are you afraid of?
I who thought I explained my thoughts quite thoroughly..
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Post by mirror »

so you're afraid of this forum being nonsense, the aq2 community splitting up / not comin together / dying? of dumb ppl who talk useless things?

welcome to the real world :shock:
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