cl_drawlocs (0 disabled, 1 enabled) will show all loc positions near you. The one you are nearest to will bounce up and down
$loc_here gives the name of the location where you are (ex. bind b "say_team I'm $loc_here")
$loc_there gives the name of the location where you are looking (ex. bind n "say_team Enemy spotted $loc_there");
loc_add [location name] will add a location where you are standing with the given name
loc_del will delete the location you are nearest to (with cl_drawlocs 1, this is the one moving up and down).
loc_save [filename] will save the loc. NoCheat automatically loads [mapname].loc so [filename] SHOULD be the map name.
loc files are saved and loaded from a folder called "locs" off of the __Quake 2 folder__. So if you are in the map q2dm1, it will look for "locs\q2dm1.loc".
There's a chopper coming in 3 days and there's a katana on top of the cafe and that's all you need to know
10941 -17000 1473 On Police Station ROOF
15556 -15231 -1855 At Police Station Entrance
9485 -12326 -1407 Inside the Truck
16518 -5598 193 Inside Open House
6719 -1535 193 Inside Multiwindow House
9681 -12348 -575 On Top Of the Truck
8936 -12282 -1919 Under the Truck
5105 -12252 -1919 In Front of the Truck
1047 -13166 -1855 In Dumpster Alley
-1896 -6070 1217 On AQ-sign ROOF
16766 -6657 1729 On Open House ROOF
439 -5093 -1919 Infront of the AQ-sign
6792 -18020 -831 Inside Pizzeria
7101 -15660 -1855 Outside Pizzeria
6651 -17388 961 On Pizzeria ROOF
2824 -1240 705 On Small ROOF
10485 -293 1729 At Multiwindow ROOF (Sniperspot)
8580 -9709 1729 On Middle ROOF
14122 -4793 -1855 Next to McKarlson
14956 -5331 -83 Outside Open House
10786 -9675 -1429 At Dumpsters Next to the Truck
8572 -4630 -1919 On Streets Outside Multiwindow House
2246 -7742 -1855 Next to the Powerbox
5429 -9341 -1919 On Bruce Lee Street
12781 -6062 -1919 On Robert D. Street
14785 -11645 -1855 Outside Polce Station
4195 -13686 1281 On Horizontal Pipe
-237 -13903 1409 On Highest Veranda in Dumpster Alley
1170 -12635 193 On Middle Veranda in Dumpster Alley
1725 -12417 -831 On Lowest Veranda in Dumpster Alley
-1813 -12047 -831 Dumpster Alley next to Long Vertical Pipe
-1301 -9535 1729 At ROOF Above Dumpster Alley
2575 -9457 1729 At ROOF Above Dumpster Alley
5770 -9685 1601 On Top of Bruce Lee Pipe
9720 -12768 1345 On Top of Clint E. Pipe
9857 -9553 193 On Top Veranda on Middle Building
9857 -9369 -831 On Bottom Veranda on Middle Building
4888 -16136 -831 On Pizzeria Veranda
4479 -1543 -1855 At Dumpster next to Multiwindow
7639 -2696 1729 On Multiwindow House ROOF
9063 -11393 -1855 By the Truck
9475 -13481 -1919 By the Truck
4997 -17581 -831 Inside Pizzeria
7903 -12183 -575 On Top Of the Truck
11896 -542 -1855 At Dead End
15907 -4121 194 Inside Open House
15880 -7705 194 Inside Open House
14341 -14563 1473 On Police Station ROOF
10259 -2433 193 On Multiwindow Veranda
//This file should be in /Quake2/locs/
//You must have NoCheat or some other client that supports location files to be able to use this file.
//$loc_here (Say Where you are)
//$loc_there (Say Where you are looking)
//If there is no location file for the map you are playing, no text will be written.
//Made by Flunx