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Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 6:47 am
by maGro
"it depends..."

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 7:34 am
by Span
MarlPoro wrote:You don't need a public server to know the map, just look around it in offline mode or maybe even practise it with your clanmates on some server.
Sure. That logic works fine with clans and/or players a little more active than we are.
MarlPoro wrote:It's your own problem if you haven't played the map before some clanwar.
You're right, of course, but that kind of attitude has nothing to do with fair-play which is the focus of this poll.
MarlPoro wrote:Why I'm not surprised this thread came out right after you played against us (cSu)
It's nothing personal against cSu or any other clan in particular. This is a trend that I've observed has become more frequent throughout the community in general, lately.

My intentions with this post was in no way meant to be inflammatory. I apologize if you felt you were being targeted.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 7:53 am
by Clown
I'm not sure I understand. How can you blame anyone other than yourselves for not being active? You can't expect to be serious contenders against the 'better' clans out there, when you hardly play. Look at Quadaver for example. We play once a week or so. Sometimes even less. Sure it would be nice to win sometimes, but when we're playing a clan who plays 20 matches a day, we can't have anything to complain about.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 8:11 am
by Span
Clown wrote:I'm not sure I understand. How can you blame anyone other than yourselves for not being active?
No, you're right. But I'm not trying to blame anyone or say that it's morally indefensible. I've tried my best to be as diplomatic as I can about this.
Clown wrote:You can't expect to be serious contenders against the 'better' clans out there, when you hardly play.
No, you're absolutely right here, too. And I don't expect that either. But often when we play totally unknown maps against an obviously better opponent, we get humiliated. At least when we play known maps, we have a chance to narrow the margins by which we lose.

I'm not attacking clans which play maps I've never even seen. However I will applaud fair-play as a courtesy by our opponent, but I don't reckon it as being a necessity. It does however make for a more enjoyable game.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 9:06 pm
by n99
Did you try ASKING the opponent if you could play something else? Back when I played with /ee, a friends-and-relatives clan, we often faced top clans (/target Flunx /wave). We would often ask if they could pick something else than cliff2, which is really nasty if you have a team of semi-active, casual players you just wanna have some fun with. This request was often granted, and alot of these games were fun because we played maps neither clan knew particularly well.

I see the point of your poll (and ask Kuwu about this, I have been whining about fair play since 1999, so I should know) - but I find the example you are giving not particularly good. As an outsider to the scene now, it seems to me getting some good practice on your own map can be particularly hard at times, when you are unable to find any (suitable) opponents at all, depending on the hour. Playing fair is all nice and good, but asking your opponent to 'cut you some slack' since you are inactive is not a bad idea either. Pride only gets you so far. A double-digit wipe in this case.

I forgot to mention, as well, that this is a fundamental flaw in the way matches are played. It has to do with how "wins" are counted, and what constitues a "win". Whether or not this is the "lesser evil" of the various play-formats possible, I leave up to you, but if I'm not mistaken this has been addressed in the AQ2WL season 3 thread as well. Of course, no one forces you to play a particular format in a friendly game (my emphasis), but it does make things alot more transparent. If you want to play a different format or a different way in selecting maps, the same point applies - you could always ask. I'm sure alot of clans wouldn't mind to play two maps YOU select as a match, either, if you would ask them nicely.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:44 pm
by tyldis
Totally agree with Span here. This is one of the two major reasons I didn't enjoy the league much.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:46 am
by angra
my server is running all the new maps, so just jump around for 5 min and you have no problems.

ppl take the new maps becuse the new ones that are comming out are realy good and fun. Should we have a timelimit on new maps? need to have gone aleast 1 month before anyone can play in in cw.... ironiiiiic.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:06 am
by Caracol
Like old men, we dislike changes.
If it was up to me I'd only play 2x random map. And if possible also random weapons. Uhh... would be so fun.
Anyway, I think I'll try to play more weird matches in the near future, since playing the standard lullaby everyone plays just becomes a parade of vituperative advantages and disadvantages.

Good morning by the way.


Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:28 am
by stan0x
good morning cara :bday:

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:04 am
by sCrewFace
i can agree with you some of the way span, but as a semi-active/inactive clan (7cws :?) u cant expect "active clan results" the problem atm is that theres is beeing released too many maps, so its hard even for at active clan to keep up.. How about a map contest every month? And the map that wins the contests gets released.. 5 maps a month is just too much imo..

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 4:15 am
by KriBBa
If we have a mapcontest the "most goodlookin'" map will win. (most of the time) and then we still loos the maps taht might had owned in gameplay, and if u have mapcontest it will be even more maps out after a while then its now so :p

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:59 am
by BeAViS
Span wrote:But often when we play totally unknown maps against an obviously better opponent, we get humiliated. At least when we play known maps, we have a chance to narrow the margins by which we lose.

I'm not attacking clans which play maps I've never even seen. However I will applaud fair-play as a courtesy by our opponent, but I don't reckon it as being a necessity. It does however make for a more enjoyable game.
playing always same maps is boring imo, even in clanwar, so new maps are necessary..
and the fact that a clan forces your to train a new one to avoid to "be humiliated" its a good impulse to improve your teamplay :D
just play and have fun :P

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:54 pm
by nufan
the fairplay is goone to most of the clans. It's all about the win.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:58 pm
by Haudrauf
I felt like replying to a nonsense topic. :)

After all, ppl play the maps. Free market economy counts in as well.

Many maps suggest high offer.
Many clans suggest high demand.

If you're not being able to satisfy those needs, you're out of the market soon.

And about fair play: Everyone still has the same conditions. The thing that we all have in common: Internet Access.

It's not the ping, it's not the hardware. It's the ubiquitous availability of everything that's needed to play aq2. Just cope with everything that is there. Don't live in the past. Take a step forward. Please evolve for everyone's sake. For the community to live on, and for yourselves.

New maps are fresh meat for everyone. If my clan gets humiliated on one we know there's need to improve - or not?

Lala, Haui

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:36 pm
by Clown
What the fucking hell are you talking about? This is not politics. This is WAR!