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Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:48 am
by Preto
Se não fossem atrasados mentais e votassem no gl_modulate a 20 (sim, tou a chamar atrasado mental a quem votou gl_modulate a 5) talvez não tivessem problemas em ver as skins =)

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:53 am
by Wr4i7h
The question was probably never just a yes/no one, since our admin would probably never approve having the public server with AC required. Hence the suggestion of having two servers. And the fact that there are exceptions stands, so I think it is you who are being ignorant of the whole issue here.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:56 am
by Preto
Aq2 should be like quake 3, no punkbuster = no play
no anticheat = fuck off

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:02 am
by Jackestripador
Nao acho que o anticheat deva ser obrigatório no pub, isto porque este dá problemas certas vezes, e por isso concordo com o Clown

à dias numa pickup, queriamos entrar no server do matchmode e ninguém conseguia entrar, e mudamonos para o server dos 5quinas e só alguns conseguiam, passado meia hora, já toda a gente conseguia entrar nos 2 servers, ora isto era um problema de loading do anticheat por parte dos servidores. Tambem já aconteceu, eu, o Ink e o Tiqurubuff nao conseguirmos entrar no matchmode por causa do mesmo problema ( de notar que temos o mesmo isp ).

Com isto acho que o anticheat ainda tem certos bugs e como o Clown disse ainda dá problemas, o punkbuster penso que é uma cena feita já para o jogo feito de raiz de modo a não dar problemas.

Apoio a ideia do Wr4i7h, de haver um pub sem anticheat e outro com anticheat, mas pelo menos deixem tar o server do SW ( Podiam por o pessoal a nascer neste servidor com Kevlar Vest, que levar um tiro e morrer logo torna-se um bocado secante)

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:28 am
by Snake
Nunca ninguem referiu trocar o server SW por um segundo pub, mas sim a possibilidade da adição de um novo com ac. Mas isto é algo que apenas o main admin poderia dizer, e ele de momento nao esta.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:35 am
by Clown
Wr4i7h wrote:The question was probably never just a yes/no one, since our admin would probably never approve having the public server with AC required. Hence the suggestion of having two servers. And the fact that there are exceptions stands, so I think it is you who are being ignorant of the whole issue here.
I'm sorry. The last time I did Portuguese was probably 5 years ago. The original post and the poll question makes it look like the question being asked is if anticheat should be forced on servers.
My answer to that question is no. If you're asking if there should be some servers with it and some servers without it, then there's no argument - one of each server and everyone is happy.

As the bloke above me mentions, it isn't perfect so right now forcing it isn't the best idea.

Preto, this isn't anything like Punkbuster. I wish we could have a central ban list for the cheaters and idiots, but that would probably kill off whatever scene we have left here.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:45 am
by Preto
For the anticheat to be perfect, it has be used and abused and lots of people to see if it fails on their pcs and stuff... What better scene to do that than the portuguese? No one plays action with linux, so there would be no need for exceptions, and by having like 60 regular players using it r1ch would get more support and could improve the program =)

And we here in portugal could get ride of two or three regular cheaters!
And my english sucks, excuse me :?

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:49 am
by Wr4i7h
Clown, you read the original post correctly. But if you were in touch with the portuguese aq2 scene, you'd know that emperphis already stated he wouldn't run the ONE public server we have now with AC required, for many reasons. And yet, ocasionally we get some nice shit festivals there. Thus, my suggestion of having another server with AC required. Read between the lines. The original question was not meant to be interpreted verbatim.

As for a central list of bans, that already exists and AFAIK it isn't killing anything but cheaters and lamers:

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:42 pm
by Clown
That's not a central ban list. That's where certain server admins go to rub their dicks and feel big about themselves. Not everyone enforces those ban on every server.

For the anticheat to be perfect, it needs to actually run on people's machines before even stopping the cheats.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:22 pm
by Wr4i7h
It is a central ban list. The admins who want to participate, do. The rest probably don't care enough about the game or are letting some stupid rivalry get to their heads. The servers that matter are already participating.

There are reported cases of problems with the AC. Perhaps if the people who have problems reported them to r1ch instead oh whining on IRC or unrelated forums, he could fix them faster. He does listen to proper bugreports. Oh, and not filling your pc with shitware helps. I'm counting certain antiviruses as shitware too, namely Kaspersky, which i've seen doing all sorts of random shit with Windows. Nice job.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:03 pm
by Clown
Yeah letting R1CH VNC into my computer wasn't being productive at all. Letting him look at all my logs and processes and generally letting him control my PC was a bad idea, since the only answer I got was 'that code should not be erroring like that, it is pretty generic code'.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:45 pm
by Preto

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:55 pm
by Gandalf69
eu quero um pub so para min pode ser? :D

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 6:10 pm
by Wr4i7h
I'd gladly let him remotely control my pc without whining about in a forum regardless of the answer I got, if he asked me. Ultimately, I would always be in control anyway. And he doesn't really have to answer anyone, else he'd make it opensource, like most of his other projects.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:37 pm
by Clown
I think you missed my point. I've spent a whole bunch of time with him trying to get it to work, with no resolve.