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Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 12:02 pm
by Haudrauf
There can always be friendly supporters for your clan -- like server-donators, some webspace or similar things.

But "sponsoring" means, the partner always wants something valuable for him in return - often an advertising place, which is not possible in todays Quake2-prestige.

So, an old game like Quake2 can't get any "sponsors" for sites or projects but friendly supporters.

And who the heck really needs "sponsoring"? Is there a need for big contributions (like hardware or money) for specific occasions or sites?

IMHO, currently, only aq2world needs some money for compensating traffic or server cost - but that's all for now. And guess what?! You can be a sponsor too :) just donate for aq2world.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:20 pm
by imeiz
i'll be sponsored by ppl @, Ringu posted a thread about raising some money for a new pc for me, and it'll be in the post office soon :) probably the only gaming community in the world to do such a thing, so i deeply respect the thing :)

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:27 pm
by Clown
Really are a cheap ass hoe...

What were the circumstances?

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 4:05 pm
by imeiz
Clown wrote:What were the circumstances?
this "pc" of mine, is a 450mhz laptop, which i've used over a year now.
has some ATI's graphics chip, 8mb integrated hell. runs only on software, and there's no new drivers for this, i've searched. i'm playing on 400x300 and cl_maxfps 50 or 60, depending on the map, but it stays 20-40 anyways, if i'm not looking at nearby walls. maps with transparent walls, ex. airport, i can't play in. i get like 18fps in ap with timerefresh.

so, ringu made his new sunken3, and when i was testing it, i noticed some weird bugging with parts of the map, objects totally disappearing etc. then i gave him feedback about that on aq2suomi's forum, so he thought about the scene raising money for me, to get a bareable pc. seems the finns like me :) now he's arranged a p3 800mhz, with gf2 etc, costing about 100e. atleast half of the money's been transferred, and i'll pay the rest, if it seems there's no more to come.

so, this's how it's going, and i can't think of anything more respectable, from a gaming scene

might sound crazy, if you don't know me from finnish publics or forum :P

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 6:09 am
by Clown
Oh, I could have given you that for free :)

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 4:06 pm
by DigitaL
just is great!