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Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:51 pm
by imeiz
Titchy wrote:get rid of the damn grenades so we can stop this bloody thing :)
yea, and m4 too, they're both just parts of the game!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 5:34 am
by Titchy
imeiz, thats just a childish thing 2 say, just like "yea we dont use the weapons and just are jumping around and kick each other"

so you are comparing the m4 with the nades?

sad :m00:

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 5:48 am
by NRGizeR
Titchy wrote:imeiz, thats just a childish thing 2 say, just like "yea we dont use the weapons and just are jumping around and kick each other"

so you are comparing the m4 with the nades?

sad :m00:
and that's sad why? m4 = weapon, nade = weapon... what's the fucking difference? IMO there's no difference between removing grenades from the game and removing any of the other weapons from the game. tgren 6 would be kind of crazy, but overall I think that grenades add to the game as there is not really any other weapon that can be used in the same way, i.e. it adds to the tactical elements of the game...

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:02 pm
by Titchy
nrg: so you are comparing the m4 with nades? same effect and effectivity?

as I said before, grens on cws sure thing, ff on or off doesnt mather really on cws. more realistic with on but its most often played with off.

and sure tgren 1 public ff OFF its fine by me..

still sad that your think the m4 and nades are equall..

btw dont miss bingolotto @ sunday

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:23 pm
by NRGizeR
Titchy wrote:nrg: so you are comparing the m4 with nades? same effect and effectivity?
Was that what I said? I said gren = weapon, m4 = weapon... is that the same as saying that they are the same? If they were the same, who would care if you would remove one of them or not? What I did say was that nades add to the game as far as tactics and multitude goes, and removing one tactical element takes away from the game just as much as removing any other... not saying that I can't or won't play wihtout grenades here... but you'll have to agree that a game without grenades isn't the same aq2 as with grenades...

Your (not just Titchy) argument of grenades being bad because "n00bs kill you with them just by luck" just don't hold. I mean... if you're so fucking l33t to begin with, don't stand on the nades!! :P that's just like saying that you don't like the m4 because "you can spray too much with it, you can hit just by luck"...

my 2 cents...

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:36 pm
by Sovnig
Titchy wrote:IBA is here 2 cover my ass also now :)
Only IBA misunderstood the entire discussion, since he whined about getting killed by his teammates ... when FF = OFF was the suggestion :D

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 4:50 pm
by Titchy
well you were pointing at that point, and dont tell me you werent..
m4 is a bit more skill in my opinion, aiming, for example..
with the nades you are just throwing em at the enemys direction and hope for a hit..

and im not only saying that the own mates are killing you, read the whole story.. and now Im saying im the 1337?
ofc theres both positive and negative things about almost every weapon, all have their weaknesses..


so whats so good about the nades then? just fun 2 through a few or just getting excited that u can kill someone with a lucky nade, not all are lucky, but the most, cant say the same about the other weapons though..

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 5:22 pm
by ZeeZ
To me granades are a part of the game as any other weapon.

Since you have no amor when using granates and no real way of defence yourself when using them i thinks its fair with Tgren=2. Think of the granates like clips - you have 2 with m3/m4/SSG ect

CW's FF=ON (like in RealLife(tm)) and TGren=2


Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:07 pm
by emu
imo nades are not the same kind of weapon as m4 is. m4 is a primary weapon, pistol is a secondary weapon knife is the third weapon you use. granade is an optional weapon you can get.. its not the same as m4 whoever sayd that.


Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 1:29 am
by Titchy
thx emu, showed my point a bit,
and u can cover yourself vs the nades, at least a little..
just crouch and the damage will be lower.. and after you have thrown em, just pick up a kevlar of laser..

sovning, as I´ve wroten in a few other posts, nades on cw fine, public, hmm Ive tried a few servers where it was able, and the result wasnt that fun really.. am I the only one? :shocker:

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 1:53 am
by n99
Yeah let's call eachother morons, that has not been done before.


Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:04 am
by NRGizeR
n99 wrote:Yeah let's call eachother morons, that has not been done before.

:mrgreen: :hail:

Saying "most grenades are pure luck" isn't really cutting it either... I'm sorry but I'm not buying that as an argument for not using grenades in game. I mean ANYONE can get a lucky kill with any weapon that has one-hit-one-kill... i.e. all weapons in AQ2 :) you can rush with an m4 pointing at the sky and you can hit someone in the head with a single, you can throw a knife over a building an accidentally hit someone... I mean the list goes on and on. However! that is no reason to remove any of those weapons imo. That was the only thing I ment with my post. If you want to get picky, of course you can't compare the grenades to a primary weapon. If you want to do that (get picky that is), compare them to the knives then, should those be removed as well?

Btw... those "sad" and "moron" comments really doesn't help your case either...

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:44 am
by Kurupt
emu is a moron

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 5:02 am
by emu
thanx for hurting my feelings kurupt

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 5:06 am
by Kurupt
np u deserved it after saying my avatar is "ugleh"