Is voice communication within games cheating?

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Post by Den »

rofl Jazzie... Not this again...

Just a little question. It seems like many of you agree that mm3 should be ok. I can't say I care. BUT. Have you ever considered the fact that all the "OMG WALLHACK XIIT" demos you post here might be this legal mm3?
yeh sure, even when some1 changed the demo into a movie with a wh enabled, you still say the guy doesnt cheat..
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Post by blissard »

so the poll should be changed somewhat.. to add some limchasecam comments
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Post by Jazzie »

Sorry for going offtopic a bit, but I just felt I had to reply.

Den: No, I didn't say that he didn't cheat. But neither did I say that he did. That's the difference, you just can't tell.

Back ontopic for you guys.
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Post by Flunx »

blissard wrote:flunx, you know that in limchasecam 2 you can only spectate your teammates? so you don't know the position, health or ammo or anything of the enemy. so: mm3 with lcc2 = ok, mm3 with lcc0 = cheat

Flunx wrote:Even if limchase cam is on you still have more than 2 eyes. You can get lots of usefull info like where weapons and ammo are located around the map.

Read my posts!
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Post by blissard »

flunx, the only way to know that is by someone else looking at the dropped weaps. if that happens, i can't see what a big advantage it is. and there's no chance of knowing if the weap has any ammo or not. neither is it that hard finding a new weap if you've used up your own.
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Post by Blue Vex »

You dont need to see the enemies just to help your teammate through voice communication. There are so many other ways to help them. When youre dead you could just tell your teammate something like "my weapon with full ammo is located in the streets", and that by itself is fucked up imo.

Havent everyone JUST ONCE watched their teammate run around with 0 ammo in their sniper rifle, unknowingly about it themselves? With some sort of voice communication, all you need to do is tell him "hey, you have 0 ammo, silly".

Or if an enemy is camping inside the house in cloud, and you die to him, you can just tell your teammates "he is sitting in the right corner, and I gave him leg damage before I died".

There are so many endless advantages to voice communication programs. Tousands and tousands of situations where you can give your mates a brief word, giving them an advantage. Just something small like "the remaining player is very low on health" is enough.

And Clowneh, you can have the best computer in the world, or the worst computer in the world, but no matter which of them you have, you still cant use a microphone in AQ2 without using a program that doesnt come with AQ2.
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Post by Clown »

A free program, compared to a £300 graphics card... hmmm?
I don't give a shit.
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Post by Flunx »

I think Blue Vex post proves my point.

You see the big advantage now Blissard?
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Post by Blue Vex »

Thats a weak reply. After reading it I dont see why players should be allowed to use a program that doesnt come with the game.
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Post by Clown »

So why should we let rich people play the game? Should we handicap them just because they have a smoother aim and can press more than one button on the keyboard at the same time?
I don't give a shit.

Post by Blizzeh »

I used mm3 a couple of times, during my SC* period, it really was great fun to be able to speak to eachother during the game. A game that becomes too serious is not a game at all... don't turn a good game into work. It's not a cheat, it's simply something that improves the joy of a game. People calling it a cheat takes this game too serious, those people are prolly the types that get frustrated very easily. So lighten up, and try out teamspeak, rogerwilco etc yourself if you want to compete vs the top clans such as MI. They use it too, and they probably became more friends with eachother after using mm3.

C&C will be using it too, I will force Clowneh! :twisted:
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Post by blissard »

yay! i want to get v8 using it too, so we'll atleast have _some_ kinda teamplay.
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Post by Winball »

Bah,what is voice communication 4 if it's not for cheating? :P
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Post by blissard »

so you think voicecomm. with limchasecam 2 is more cheat than your "l33t scripts" winball?
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Post by Den »

I wonder why ppl gamecreators/consolecreators etc add voicecom to their games and consoles :) coz they like cheating! omg!
There's a chopper coming in 3 days and there's a katana on top of the cafe and that's all you need to know
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