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The Competion.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:28 pm
by n99
People you can contact me on this mail account:
[email protected]

This is the original piece on
(For overview reasons, posted the updates from below right here.)

This brings us to the following people competing:

- Alekchi (..)
- Flunx (rough, ..)
- Genie (skytown, skytown2, country, seen, santa, other, cemal, and more)
- NRGgizer (mxcity, mxdowntown, market, mxmines, rooftops)
- peep (slumcity,itmon, xpeep)
- Ringu (sunken3, ..)
- WizardExt (dive, roadtrip, storm, time, wizs)
- Zakath (Ferron, Rok, ..)

+ Requirement: put the words 'n99 2004 map-making competition' somewhere in the map.

+ The deadline is the 23rd of november.

+ Promo matches: quad. vs [e] AND iN vs -UR-

+ A movie will be made from the material of the demo's of these matches by arild.

-> Furthermore, altough it's still unclear how the actual deciding will take place you can sign up below if you want to be a part of it. That means being part of (one of) the panel(s) that do the actual reviewing. I'm quite selected about this, since this can ruin the whole show.
:: UPDATE ::

As you can see, the deadline has been moved by one day. The mapmakers will have to make sure I have the map before this date.

A panel will review the maps. This panel will consist of 8 people, Hawk and myself are the only two members so far. Each of the maps will get the important '4on4' tp treatment.

After the reviewing and the promo-matches have taken place, the maps will be made available to the general public, who will get a poll where they can vote.

Winner will be decided using the following method:

Panel Vote #1 20% + Panel Vote #2 10% + Panel Vote #3 5% + Clan A 5% + Clan B 5% + Clan X 5% + Clan Y 5% + User Vote #1-8% Remaining 45% divided by the percentage of the votes each map gets

People who don't understand this, which I can imagine, will get a clarification of this system in the next couple of days.

Note: For now, Clan iN's vote cannot be on Flunx, although this means Flunx actually has a disadvantage, but he says that is fine with him.

Panel will consist of eight people: (Myself), Blue Vex, Clowneh, ...

I will also try to get someone with ascii skills to make a decent 'template' for the map .nfo, which will be released along with the maps. The maps will eventually be downloadable one by one, using the normal methods, but for the event, I will put them in an archive along with the reviews (inside the aforementioned .nfo's) and a fly-trough demo. I do this because I don't want people only downloading the winner's map, but to have a look at all the created work.

So, like I said, someone with ascii skills?

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:42 pm
by Clown
I'll ask what I put in the comments:

Is there a theme or is it just random do what you(they) want?

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:42 pm
by ganjaman
ur crazy by givin them 100 euries but still the idea rox.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:46 pm
by Clown

Also, yeah, I'd rather see the 100 euros go toward development of a totally complete client :)

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:53 pm
by nufan
cool :)

hopefully we'll get 4 really great new maps now :)

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 4:28 pm
by n99
Clown wrote:I'll ask what I put in the comments:

Is there a theme or is it just random do what you(they) want?
First time around, no requirements whatsoever, I'm already thinking of themes for next year. :)

Anyway, I was approached shortly after the feature went online by alekchi who really wanted to participate. So if this is alright with the other people in the competition he will be the last I will allow to enter.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:04 am
by Nozaki
woohoo.. this sounds cool :)

btw. Flunx, how did you come out in the Q2 map making contest? or isn't it done yet?

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 3:57 am
by n99
Well, I'm still doubting how the winner will be decided. I haven't heard anything from the map-makers themselves after the launch of the feature item. They still have to tell me whether or not they're okay with alechki (or however u spell it) joining in.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 4:24 am
by Caracol
I think 25€ for each one and a very close hugh is enough :>.
I'm not in favor of prices, but it's a great iniciative n99. I like the way you focus to keep alive AQ2. Keep it going.


Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 5:21 am
by Flunx
Nozaki wrote:woohoo.. this sounds cool :)

btw. Flunx, how did you come out in the Q2 map making contest? or isn't it done yet?
It's not over yet. But I don't have any hopes of winning that competition. My map turned out sucky :)

And it's OK for me if more mappers joined the contest. I think the more mappers, the more fun it is :)

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 6:14 am
by n99
Caracol wrote:I think 25€ for each one and a very close hugh is enough :>.
I'm not in favor of prices, but it's a great iniciative n99. I like the way you focus to keep alive AQ2. Keep it going.

Heh, I do my best (modesty ;)). You should thank dear mister den for helping me decide not to quit almost a year ago now.

On the whole 'deciding of the winner' thingy, I think I will combine the panel/review thing with the user poll. After all, the reason for this initiative is to get as many people interested in the competition as possible. That means that if people actually have a say in the matter, they will be involved. I also determined the chance of the mapmakers trying to win by cheating is very small. Considering the amount of work you have to put in, doing it for the money is kind of pointless - two days of conventional work should net you alot more. The prestige of winning is an issue though, but I think that the people involved would like to be recognized as good mappers by a true mayority, not by fraudulenty messing with the votes. Where is the glory in that, eh?

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 11:04 am
by n99
Well no one responding to my earlier thingy must mean the other competitors are okay with more people involved. So apart from flunx, nrgizer, wizardext, ringu, and now, alekchi, there is now room for three more mappers. If you think you're good enough to compete, or know someone who does you can put your name down here, along with any projects have been involved in before. I will read these and decide during the weekend.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 11:37 am
by NRGizeR
I don't mind more mappers joining as long as you decide to give me the prize in the end 8)

No seriously, competition is welcome :)


Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 11:55 am
by Genie
Me wants to compete yes!!! :D

I've never had a change taking a part to a mapping contest. Now it seems that I may have few 1 week lasting holydays and I may could make a map during them. This competition thing is absolutely great. Im pretty sure we will see some very impressive new maps. And what comes to pricing the best price is to get your map played. And that includes also that it's playable.

Happy mapping everyone!

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 12:26 pm
by n99
'moved this to primary post'